026: How to rock the podcast from both sides of the mic: An interview with Jessica Rhodes - Betsy Pake

026: How to rock the podcast from both sides of the mic: An interview with Jessica Rhodes


Jessica Rhodes is an author, entrepreneur, wife and mom who teaches people how to rock both sides of the podcast. She wrote a new book, called Interview Connections and you can find it at www.interviewconnectionsbook.com.  Find her at her website right here.



This podcast is brought to you by the infinite soul project. It’s an empowerment program to help you understand how powerful you are, how far you can reach and how much you deserve. You can find out more at infinite soul projects calm. And today’s podcast I have a guest, who is a podcaster and author, a blogger of video maker extraordinaire. She’s going to talk to us about how to really get started on your own podcast and why being a guest on podcasts can really help your business if you are an entrepreneur, so listen and can’t wait to share this guest with you. Welcome to the art of living big in My name is Betsy Pake entrepreneur, author and personal success coach. This is the show that brings you stories and small ideas to help you live a big life. I hope this once a week podcast will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to think differently about what could be possible for your life. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let’s go live big. All right, I have with me today. Jessica Rhodes, Jessica, thanks for being on the show.

That’s the I’m really excited to be with you today. We’ve been like tweeting and a new version of my show. So it’s always fun to get on the mic with somebody who you kind of know online and then you get to talk to in like real life. Yeah, real Skype life.

It’s a yes, real escape. Like, it’s so fun, because I found you when I was really just starting to look into this whole podcast journey. And I’m gonna have you tell everybody sort of what you do. But you’re wait till everybody hears because it’s such good stuff you’ve got so tell everybody what you do. And then I’ll I’ll brag about how much I’ve learned from you.

Okay, cool. So I’m the founder and CEO of interview connections.com. And really, My story starts when I was four years ago, when I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but really, truly needed an income, like I couldn’t just leave my job and live on, you know, we couldn’t live on just one income. So I wanted to be a stay at home mom. So I actually started a virtual assistant business, my dad told me about how being a virtual assistant is a great way to you know, have your own schedule, have a home based business and really, you know, be a stay at home mom at the same time. So I started my business with my dad as a first client. And one of the things that I was doing for him was booking podcast interviews. So it’s getting him booked for interviews on podcast finding guests for his show, I started doing that for some other clients as well. And really at the same time was wanting to scale my business was wanting to grow more. And so I kind of went from being a virtual assistant where I would charge people you know, by the hour, I would say I’d work 12 hours a month for $300 a month, something like that to a business where people would pay a flat rate for how many bookings and then I started to grow out a team, I would hire guest Booker’s to help me fulfill the guest booking service. And then so that’s grown. So we booked over 400 interviews a month now I have about 10 Guest Booker’s in the business with one full time employee that oversees all the booking. And I’ve since had some time to start my own podcast as well, because I kind of started by being like behind the, you know, behind the scenes person, like I didn’t have my own podcast for a while. But I learned so much about it because I was working on all these other people’s podcasts. And I started getting interviewed on some shows. So I was getting experience in podcasting. But it took me a little while to actually start my own show. So now I actually have my own podcast and I, you know, obviously continue to run my business.

So a couple different things you said, I find really fascinating one is I love that you sort of broke the belief that we have that you have to go back to work, right. So yeah, he didn’t come it does. Going back to work isn’t your only option, especially now. Right? Don’t you feel like now? I mean, you could be before you used to have to hire a publicist and do all this stuff. But now you can really put yourself out there on YouTube or on a podcast. It’s really yeah, things.

Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, that’s exactly right. It was like just the first time where I started thinking like an entrepreneur. And I’ve, I’ve talked, you know, a bit over the years on, you know, maybe some different podcasts or in conversations around like starting a business. And I’ve talked, I’ve been in some different new moms groups locally. And the questions a lot. It’s like, Well, how do I start a business, I would love to start a business. And what I realized is that everyone wants to start a business, but they want to have work that is not them, you know, dropping their kids off in daycare and then go into a 40 hour a week, you know, job. Yeah, so it’s like, there are opportunities to have home base income. It’s not necessarily having a real like a job job where you’re, you know, working 40 hours a week, and it’s not necessarily starting your own Empire, like building your own business, but there’s opportunities to do something, you know, to do creative things. And so that’s what I’m really passionate about is showing, you know, women specifically and moms, that There’s there’s not an either or there’s not just two choices, you know, working or not working. There are ways where you can kind of create the lifestyle that you most want to have, you know, as a mom as a woman. So yeah, I’m, I’m passionate about this stuff for sure.

You just started to because sometimes we think well, until I know exactly what it is I want to do. But yeah, like, I’m gonna start, I’m going to be a VA, virtual assistant. But and then the other thing sort of grew from that it sounds like good doing this, you know, this, the podcast side of stuff probably wouldn’t have been something you recognized if you hadn’t started with the virtual assistant stuff.

Yeah, I mean, that’s the key. I definitely did not say I want to start a business of podcasting. How do I do that I was always, you know, my dad has always taught me this lesson of follow the money, which a lot of people feel like, Oh, don’t follow the money, like follow your passion. But really, if you want to make money, you kind of have to go and what that really means follow the money is go to where there is a need. That is, you know, if you see a need create a solution, if you see a problem in the marketplace, create a solution, it’s gonna be a lot easier. I mean, you could just say, I love to bake or I love to. So I’m going to create a business around that, you can do that it’s just a lot harder. If there’s not a need in the marketplace for what you want to do, it’s just going to be a lot more challenging to find the customers and the clients who will pay for what you want to be doing. So start with just where there is a need. And a great thing is when the need in the marketplace is also something that you really like doing. So at the time, when I started interview connections, I was a virtual assistant. And I was doing a variety of tasks. I was designing infographics I was doing, I was managing people’s Pinterest, Pinterest pages, like doing their Pinterest marketing. I did some client support work for my dad’s company and I was doing the podcast booking. So at a time when I wanted to scale my business and make more money and you know, have a little bit more time freedom not be just tied to how many hours I was working. I looked at all the tasks I was providing to all the services as provided to my clients. And my dad asked me some important questions. He said, Okay, well, what do you like doing the most out of all these tasks? Where is there a greatest need? And then, you know, where’s the where’s the biggest opportunity for growth and scalability. So the fact that the podcast booking was something I enjoyed the most, and there was a great need for it. I mean, that worked out really well. So those are some important questions to ask us. Not only what do I enjoy doing, but where is there also a need?

Yeah, I really like that. Because lots of times I’ll see people spinning their wheels. And and I’ve done that before with certain things. As I’ve built, my business was spinning your wheels, because it’s something you really like, but you’re also in business. So you have you can like other things, but you got to do the things that make you money. I love that advice that he gave.

Yeah. And there’s a big difference between you know, having a hobby and having a business, it’s totally fine to, you know, have a hobby that you make a little money from, but if you want to grow, I mean, I believe a business is something that, you know, you can go on vacation for a month, and it still runs. So there’s this example that I just thought of is there’s this little like, it’s like a little shack, it’s like a little store, it’s called kids corner and they sell you know, it’s like resale shop for little kids clothes and toys. And so the woman she actually just sold it to somebody else. But I remember talking to her and just kind of inquiring like about, you know, our business, everything. And she’s like, it’s just kind of having this business as my hobby. You know, it’s my hobby. That doesn’t cost me anything. Yeah, she makes a little bit of money. But it’s not like she’s not trying to scale and grow and like get more inventory. She’s like, she likes it. She buys the clothes, she sells the clothes, makes a little bit of money, but it’s not something that she’s looking to really scale. Yeah. So that’s okay to like, just know what you want. If you just if you want to have a hobby that you make a little bit of money from, like, you can have a podcast, where you monetize it, you get advertisers, but really, the advertising just covers the cost of production. That’s great, like, awesome. If it makes you happy, and you get a, you know, you make a couple extra bucks every month. Fantastic. But if you want to really grow like a six figure business, you know, maybe we want to talk about like, what services you should be providing.

Yeah, I really like that. So like, you could have a podcast and it could serve different needs, depending on what your goal is. Now, exactly. I want to get into a little bit about the you know, the podcast stuff that you have out there, but I want to tell everybody sort of how I found you. Which I maybe I found you originally on Twitter, but as somebody that was starting a podcast, I found you have a lot of videos out. Yeah, and those videos were or are they’re very, they’re real. You might be walking your kid in the park. But like you’re making it work and you’re getting some really awesome content and I’m not normally a huge fan of like videos, you know, like I’d rather read some everybody’s got their thing, right, so totally, but I was obsessed like I did like the marathon like I sat in my own field. For two days and just watched your video. They’re they’re just, they’re sure, and they’ve got a ton of really great info. So I’ll make sure to link in the show notes so people can find those videos. But there’s lots of different ways to get the information you provide. So you’ve got a podcast, it’s called roads to success. Yes. And then you also have your YouTube channel, and we’ll link to that. And then you’ve got a new book out. So tell us about that.

Yeah, well, first, I just I’ve got a comment on what you just said, because there’s a reason I do a podcast video, a weekly podcast, weekly videos and a blog. Because not everyone wants to listen to a podcast, not everyone wants to, to read and not everyone is going to be watching your videos. But it’s great to have all the content in different formats you’re going to is going to reach a much wider audience. And I’m just such a big fan of doing videos videos was one of the first things that I started doing in my marketing. I started them in April 2014, about six months before I actually started my own podcast, and I’ve been doing weekly videos ever since. And, yeah, I just think it’s a great way to connect with people. Because they feel like they know you. It’s like, you feel like you know, the actresses and actors that you see on TV because you see them on TV, and like that’s exactly how they are in real life. Right? Because you’re seeing them on video. So anyway, I just

it increases the trust factor, right. So if you’re trying to build a business, and I have so much fun doing videos, yeah. And and I try to leverage stuff. So sometimes I’ll do a Facebook video, and then I’ll download it and upload it to YouTube. So now to get to me, you know, in different ways,

yeah, my videos, I have a video podcast feed. So you can actually subscribe to my videos on the podcast app and get them in the podcast via my YouTube channel. I always upload them to Facebook, so people can watch them on Facebook. That’s probably where most people find them is like, I’ll get a couple hundred views on Facebook. And then like 10 downloads of them on iTunes. But yeah, you got to put them everywhere. But yeah, so the book, interview connections, how to rock the podcast from both sides of the mic. So I I wrote this book, because honestly, I was I had been creating so much content through my various channels by podcasts and video and blog. And I, I wanted to have everything kind of in one place. And it’s also just from a business standpoint to be an author is is such a huge credibility booster. Like anyone can write a blog, anyone can truly anyone can come up with a podcast. But to have a book, it’s like, it just like stands the test of time, you know, like it, it doesn’t go away. It doesn’t go out of style. It’s not like yeah, so well, it’s so much work.

That’s why not everybody does it. But the cool thing too, I think of like, if I give somebody a business card, it might be in the trash in the afternoon. But if I give somebody my book, like even if they don’t read it right off, it hangs around, they’re not gonna throw out a book.

Exactly. And, you know, I also recognize that not everyone is gonna read your book right away. In fact, I sold so I launched my book yesterday, so like 55 copies on the first day, and I’m pretty sure not everyone’s gonna actually read the book, like, they probably got it, they’re gonna, you know, they’re gonna get it’s gonna sit around for a while, but it’s going to be there for when they need it. And I’ll give you a perfect example. I was gifted Jamie sessile Turner’s book, and I’m drawing a blank on the title. And I’m like, looking over my bookshelf to see if I can find it. But anyway, it’s a book about management and like, not just managing a team, but like coaching your team members, and how to have check in meetings with your staff and things like that. And I got it. And I was like, I don’t read a lot because I have kids in my business. And I like to listen, I more likely going to listen to an audiobook, then read it. But I do have my bookshelf while my business and entrepreneur books. And I remember it was like a year and a half ago. It was a very rare opportunity where I had the house to myself. I was I was pregnant at the time. So my husband and my son were out of the house, and I had this evening to myself. And I was like, Oh, so my bookshelf and I just like kind of saw what books were on the shelf. I was like, are this Well, let me check this out. And I just tore through the whole book. And that one night and I was like, Oh my gosh, and it just I had needed the information in that book at that moment. Like I didn’t need it when she said it to me. But then at that moment, I was walking around my house, I saw the book, I’m growing my team and maybe I was like a staffing issue at the time. I read it and I was like, Oh my god, I got so much great tips. And then I reached out to her. I was like, I don’t know how I got your book. It’s on my bookshelf. No idea how it got there. I think he said it to me for some reason. But I’d like an interview on my podcast because I just love what I just read. It was so helpful to me. And so I booked it for an interview and so anyway, yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, sticks around. It’s not like I was like, Oh, let me just browse the web and see what blogs are. Yeah,

yeah. So So you’ve got your new book out. I started reading it. I got a electronic copy and I it’s great. It’s really easy to read and it’s fun to read, which makes a big difference when you’re reading something and it’s Sounds like someone’s very formal typing away. But instead it sounds like we’re having a conversation, which is just so much fun to read. So congratulations on that.

Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, my big lesson is to write like you’re in fifth grade. Yeah. But it’s just, you know, it’s copywriting. Like, yeah, the, you know, my goal is to get the content out to teach people and yeah, again, if they feel bored, if they feel like they’re, you know, studying something, it’s just dry. That’s boring. So yeah, I do. I write in a way that it’s going, I want to write in a way that feels like, I’m just talking to you because it’ll just be more enjoyable.

Yeah. And easier to write in a lot of ways to. Yes. So okay, so someone’s listening. And they’re like, Alright, I have ideas. I have thoughts I want to share with people. I can tell them where to find out the technical stuff to set up a podcast, but tell me what, you know, there’s, there’s the technical side, but then there’s the whole, like, What do I do? Do there’s different types of podcasts? You know, one, yeah, just talk and somewhere they interview people? And do you have thoughts or ideas to share about that?

Yes. Oh, man, I think it’s so important to have the right format. And there’s no longer a, you know, there never was, but there has been, you know, experts teaching at different points, like, Oh, this is the best format or like, interviews are the best, or you got to do a solo show, you really have to look at your own business and your own personality to see what the format that will be best for you is, and a couple weeks ago, I was actually guest on a podcast. And like I usually do, and I, I’d like go and find the podcast and like listen to, you know, at least a few minutes of it just to get a sense of what the show is. And it was a newer podcast that I’ve been booked on, which I don’t care. I’m not like a snob about new podcasts or old podcasts. But yeah, I it was, I guess I was one of their first guests. Like they started with like, a bunch of CO hosted episodes, and I guess they started booking guests. And I’m listening, I press play on one of their co hosted episodes, like without a guest. And I was like, Oh my god, this is so bad. Like, I’m, I again, I have a really, really, like, I’m super easy to book, I don’t really have like, oh, it has to be this level standard. Like I understand everyone starts with where they are with whatever skill level they’re at, but it was like, so boring. I was like, Oh, boy, this is gonna be a I gotta bring my a game to this one. Um, but I was so pleasantly surprised because those two posts when they were with a guest, me, were talking about a topic that they were genuinely curious about, like, they really were curious about, like, how do I find guests? And like, how do I request a guest and right, and we rocked it like it was awesome. And I realized those two, they need guests, they are too boring alone. Right away, they have a guest on talking about a topic that they are interested in. They’re great interviewers, because one thing, they’re genuinely curious and interested in the topic that the guest has, right. So I think that’s the key is like, you know, knowing what you’re interested in On the flip side, there have been people that are amazing podcasters. And they’re amazing solo, like they just can riff and monologue. And the listener feels like they’re really in the room with them. And when you hear them with a guest, they’re like asking questions and like, awesome, and then they go to the next question. Yeah. Okay. interviews are not really for them.

Yeah, yeah. It’s funny, I do interviews because I just love meeting people and getting to pick their brain on stuff. And then just recently, I started doing like, on Mondays doing like a solo round, which is usually like under 10 minutes. But I have found that’s really fun, too. So it is interesting. I think even as you get going, you kind of get your groove. And you know, to try different things is what makes podcasting really fun, too.

Yeah, it’s the other thing about different formats is it can really challenge you as a podcaster to adapt. So just because interviews might come more naturally to you, doesn’t mean you can’t do so absurd. So I did interviews for a year and a half before I did a solo episode. So year and a half in around 100 episodes. I’m like, Alright, I got to change things up a little bit. So I start doing solo episodes, and it honestly felt like I was a brand new podcaster like talking into a microphone when you’re not like on Skype with someone and you’re just delivering your episode. Yeah, it’s like, it’s really hard to be super engaging when it’s just you. So it’s a whole new challenge. But that after, you know, a couple episodes, a couple takes sometimes you I’ve done some episodes where I’m like, I can’t do that. I just do it again. And that’s it is honestly, it is a challenge and I think it makes you better.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And it makes you weed out the crap. Like when you listen to it, and you go, Wait a minute, there’s like a bunch of stuff that doesn’t really matter. Like it would be better if I just got to the point, you know, and yes, I find that for my own. I’ll listen to the soul around and I go, Oh, I didn’t have to go out on that tangent about

the beach. I know, I know, I have learned that there’s a, I have to find a balance between scripting out what I’m going to say. And also just having an outline because I will just, you know, riff and like, go off on little tangents. But if I don’t have a really detailed outline of what I need to talk about it, I go off into different like rabbit holes, and it’s just, it’s not good. So, yeah, you have to know like what your style is. But, you know, I just saw recently, Betsy, I went to Chicago and I saw a live taping of Wait, wait, don’t tell me, which is this like huge radio show? Thank you going for like, almost 30 years. And seeing it live was so interesting, because you’re seeing about a two hour show. But when they played on the radio, it’s only about 15 minutes, the editing that goes into making an amazing radio show is just incredible. Like, my co host, was with me, and we were just geeking out about like the editing that they do. So they’ll actually they’re up on stage. And Peter Segal, the host will say something. And then between segments, he goes, Okay, guys, it’s gonna look a little weird, but I have to just go back and do a couple takes. And he would fix the littlest errors that he made, like with how he said something, or just how he started a sentence. And so that, I mean, just as a podcaster, that taught me that, wow, if you want a really good show, just take your craft really seriously. So you know, not, I don’t necessarily think you always have to edit out every, um, and on, like, every imperfection. But I mean, there’s something to be said for that. Yeah, it’s hard.

Yeah, it’s hard to listen, if you’re listening to somebody that does, uh, you know, we try to fill in that blank space with something.

And also just like tightening up a show, too. So I mean, what I noticed with watching a two hour show, wait, wait, don’t tell me live. And knowing that only 15 minutes is making it on to the air that says that there is a lot that there. That is entertaining, if you’re sitting in the audience, everything was funny and entertaining, but to have it be entertaining to audio only listeners, people that are in their car, downloading the podcast or listening on their phone. Two hours is too long. So they have to cut out a lot of the jokes that went on too long. And so and my husband actually listened to one episode on a Saturday, and then when he listened to this second airing, they had done additional editing. So they actually are the editors heard it and they did they fixed it up even more. So you know, a lot of times with podcasting, we’re talking about like, how to market our show and how to grow audience and the thing that I’m going to try to, you know, use my megaphone to get out there is like, just look at what you can do to make your show, as best as it can be like do more editing, focus on your communication skills, how you’re speaking, what are your crutch words really work on those. So I

encourage my crutch words like I do this a lot. I say, Oh, I love that.

Yeah, exactly. I say awesome. Like so much. Awesome. Awesome.

I really do love that. But I gotta come up with another way to say that. I love that.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Okay, so I want to start a podcast I need to determine. So we’ve talked about that I’d figure out if I’m going to be doing it solo, or if I’m going to be interviewing people. And if I am interviewing people, and that’s really where your business comes in. But how I find people like I determine a topic. And then I go to Twitter, and I try to find somebody that way. Or if there’s somebody that’s known a couple times i’ve i’ve read books that had a huge impact on me. And I’ve reached out to the authors, and they were kind enough to come on the show. So what are your other tips and and tell us a little bit about the service that you do. So people can kind of understand, especially if they are working another job of service like you have could be really super helpful.

Yeah, well, first of all, I mean, those two tips that you just gave are really, really great. I think it’s amazing to know, to approach the show by saying these are the topics I want to talk about and who is the best guests that can help me teach that topic. That’s really the shift that I made with my podcast to is I’ll say, Alright, I want to do an episode about how to get on the biggest shows because everyone wants to know and so I looked and saw who was the best guest that can help me teach that. So I think that’s a great strategy. Yeah. And then as far as where to find them, I mean, definitely authors. But before I go into the different places to find guests, I think that it’s important to know what the goal is for your show. So you know, and that’ll teach you the kinds of guests that you want so some people really want to bring in the biggest experts people have written books on it that people have that businesses around it, but depending on what your show is you might be better find a guests that are like normal people. So our client Jennifer has a show called go solo live and she interviews women who have done solo travel and so for her she’s like I really don’t care and in some ways, like prefers that the gas does not have a whole like brand and business that they’re trying to promote. Like, I just want to interview women who have done solo travel like that is what she wants. She says it’s very important that her guests are relatable. That listeners can feel like they can relate to the guests

that are super cool. And I just want to point out that there, you can niche down to anything. Right? And so any idea you have, it’s not too small. Because really, I would think like, how do you find those people? But that’s super cool. I need to look at that.

Yeah, it’s really cool. And I will just say that if you are a woman, like kind of midlife, like I would say anywhere from 30s to 50s. If you have done solo travel, please reach out to me. I can pick you up. Good. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. So and it could be like, Yeah, she says it could be, you know, luxury, travel or adventure. There’s another podcast, that’s a really good example of, you know, booking interesting guests. It’s called the together show. And the host, Eric Newton, interviews, couples that are in a relationship. And again, it’s not he has interviewed some people who you know, are relationship therapist or marriage counselors. But really, as a listener of his podcast, the ones that I enjoy the most are the people that I can most relate to. So the couples that I feel like, have some similarities between you know them in my relationship, because I can relate to it, which means I can get more out of it. Yeah, when I’m hearing like an expert, I mean, you can definitely learn something from those style of interviews. But if they’re not relatable, sometimes it feels a little bit out there. So I mean, my point here is just knowing what you want your listeners to get out of the show. Are you trying to teach something, then yeah, look at experts. But if you’re trying to, I don’t know, I would say we have more of a personal impact with stories and guidance, then look at cassada more relatable. And so a couple of the resources online that are great for finding gas, I mean, you named a couple, just looking at who’s written books on the topic, going to Amazon, going to Twitter, seeing who’s talking about it, googling, seeing who has blogs and podcasts about the topic. That’s how I got booked on a show once because the guy, cJ ripka, he had all these people asking him about being on podcast, and he found my website was like, Oh, my God, this chick, she’s like blogging about it, podcasting about it, she’s the one I got to have on the show. So you know, you know, just looking at seeing who’s blogging, podcasting, and doing videos about your topic, that’s a really great way to find guests. And there’s some cool resources like radio guest list calm is a site where you can sign up and get emails with people that want to be guest podcast, guests calm, and that are services, like a high end option where you can have my team, you can have a guest book or on my team that handpicks guests that you want to interview. So with our client, Jennifer, for example, she’ll tell her Booker, I want to interview people, women who have done solo travel, they’re kind of in this age range. And this is the kind of story I want. And so we find people, and we go to our personal networks, you know, asking for recommendations, asking around looking on social media, like one of the guests was somebody that I’m Facebook friends with that I knew, like 10 years ago, and I saw her post that she just went on a trip by herself. And I was like, Hey, remember me. We’re just like Uber connectors. So that’s how our service works. You tell us what kinds of guests you want, we find them for you.

And now if your thing if you’re listening to this, and you’re like, I want to do a business, but I don’t want to do a podcast, being a guest on podcasts is really a great way to share your message to

Yeah, being a guest on podcast is a great way to get in front of your target audience because people that listen to podcasts are pretty engaged with the content that they’re consuming. And they’re also they’re hearing you so they’re building you’re building trust with your target audience a lot faster than if you were to write a blog or just like, you know, advertise what you’re selling. You can provide, you know, you can build trust them because you’re making that personal connection. So I think it’s Yeah, it’s definitely a great way to get in front of podcast listeners, if you’re not ready to start your own show.

Yeah, yeah. So any other tips that you can think of? So I want to start a podcast. And now I know, I got to figure out what my reason is, what my format is. How to get my guests.

Yeah, and I mean, one thing

I noticed a lot is that podcast sort of drop off like they may have like seven episodes, and then you like you never see him again. Yeah,

yeah, totally. I mean, yeah, that’s definitely I was gonna say something like about that, too, is like a, just start. And don’t worry about being perfect. Yeah, so that’s a really like analysis paralysis, oh, I don’t want to launch till I’m perfect. And I’ve kept everything in place. And I’ve got 20 episodes recorded. And like, don’t worry about this whole big launch plan. new and noteworthy if you’re not really into like iTunes, and podcasting yet, and this might be a little bit far off. But if you’ve looked into podcasting, and you hear people talking about like being high up in the rankings, and like getting ton of ratings and reviews, it’s kind of a mystery, and it’s a little unknown. What kind of effect ratings and reviews has on your show, and also how to be high in the rankings is also kind of a mystery. iTunes has not really updated their rankings for new and noteworthy and what’s hot in quite some time. So my biggest recommendation is to Don’t waste your time and energy focusing on that stuff and really just focusing on getting your show out making it the best it can be. And then Also stick with it. The best podcasters are ones that keep going. So a lot of people quit either by seven episodes or 20 episodes. If you make it past 20, you’re probably good to go,

Oh, I’m in the clear,

you’re in the clear.

This has been really, really interesting. I appreciate your time. Now, I always tell everyone that’s listening, you can jump into our free online Facebook community. And you can find that by going to SS lB community.com. That stands for start small, live big community.com. And Jessica, you’re going to be in there sharing some stuff and answering questions. Add me. Cool. All right, great. So if you’re thinking about starting a podcast, you want to get more information, ask more questions of Jessica, be sure to jump into the Facebook group. And Jessica, thank you so much for being on and sharing your wisdom with us. This was really great and really fun to get to talk to you.

Thank you so much for having me, Betsy.

Thanks for spending some time with us today. Remember to jump in on the online community at SS lB community.com. And, as always, here’s a little message from my husband.

That’s it.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.