030: Creating success & a business you love: Interview with business coach Jim Palmer


Jim Palmer is a business coach who has created an incredible business (that allows him to only work 3 days a week and live on a boat!) but it wasn’t always simple.  Overcoming cancer and many obstacles starting a business while trying to provide for a family made him look at business in a new way. He shares his ideas, ways to find success and how to build a business you love.  You can find Jim at his website here.

Be sure to join in on the conversation at our free facebook group : www.TheArtofLivingBig.com and connect with Jim to learn more about his coaching business.

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today’s podcast is brought to you by the infinite soul project where you learn how to shift your energy and manifest the change you want in your life. We’re gonna dive into your brain and the scientific reasons why you get more of what you focus on and help you consciously create some miracles for yourself. You can find out more at infinite soul project.com My guest today is an entrepreneur, a dad, a husband, a cancer survivor and author, just an all around really great guy and he’s got some really good information to share. If you’ve ever wanted to start something new, or you have a desire to be an entrepreneur yourself. He’s a business coach and he’s going to share some of his tricks and tips for all his clients on the show today. Welcome to the art of living big My name is Betsy Pake entrepreneur, author and personal success coach. This is the show that brings you stories and small ideas to help you live a big life. I hope this once a week podcast will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to think differently about what could be possible for your life. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let’s go live big. Hey everybody, today I have with me Jim Palmer. Jim, thank you so much for being here.

It’s my honor, Betsy, thanks for having me on your program.

So I am, I’m a big fan of yours. And I’ve been reading one of your books, one of your many books, but tell everybody a little bit about you and what you do.

So I am a like you, I’m a business coach, and I help entrepreneurs and small business owners create their dream business. That’s kind of my brand. I’m the dream business coach, I run the dream Business Academy and and you know what that means to some people is slightly different. But I think a dream business has, for example, multiple streams of revenue, it’s fun to operate, it’s always firing on all cylinders, it becomes an asset for worryfree retirement. It provides you the lifestyle that you want to live and allows you to give back and make a difference in the lives of others. So if you’re going to go into business, you might as well go into a dream business is what I tell people.

Yeah, I want a dream business. That all sounds amazing. So I really like the idea of doing something that really brings you joy every day because I think so many people live their lives, like waiting for Thursday, Jr. You know, Thursday is Friday Jr. and then Friday and then the weekend. And then they start getting like heart palpitations on Sunday night thinking about going the next day. And that always just seems like kind of a sad way to live your journey.

It’s true. You know, when I see people on, for example, on Facebook, TGF I mean, I only know what day it is because I I do all my calls Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I’ve no business on Monday or Friday. So that’s how I’ve structured my my business and my life. Which by the way, for the first 10 years of my business, I probably work 30 years worth of hours to get to this point, right? So it’s not like oh, whatever. But you know, the thing is, you know, when you’re an entrepreneur, you no longer have your work life and your personal life, you have your life of what your business is a very big part of it. Like it Saturday, Sunday, it doesn’t matter if I’m sitting here or driving in the car or doing whatever walking in the woods with my dog and stuff and whatever. I might think about business, but it’s because I enjoy it. It’s not like Oh, crap. And Sunday night. It’s not Oh, crap. Well, for me, it’s like Tuesday night when all my calls get started again. But I’m like, man, I love what I do. Yeah. So there is a way to create a business that affords you to do that to live with joy. So you’re not you’re not working for the weekends and working for two weeks off a year. You know, just enjoy, enjoy every day, you know, I share with you before we went live Betsy, you know, I had cancer 15 years ago. And I really realized I was 41 at the time. And I thought well, I got another 40 or 50 years, hopefully. And for about three weeks, I had to live with the fact that I didn’t know what my life expectancy past the next five years would be. And you get real clear about what’s important and what your priorities are. You also get clear with, you know how short time can be. I know your audience can’t see this. But I’m going to show you because we’re seeing each other I keep this on my desk. It’s an hourglass. Yeah. And it’s always reminding me that the sand is running out. Yeah, right. And I tell people sooner or later The sand is gonna run out. I mean, that’s the only we all have in common one thing we will all die. Yeah, it used to be taxes, but not anymore. But we will all die. And you know the other way I like to say it is we’re all playing on the mainstage right now. And so this is not a dress rehearsal. And by the way, you don’t get a do over. So make every single day count every single day you get up and put your feet on the floor is a gift and a blessing. So play a big game.

It is funny I think a lot of for many people that what you experienced is common in that something big happens that may like shakes you and makes you go Wait a minute, like this is it this is my life and I’ve been playing too small,

right? Yeah. Mm hmm. You know, for me, so I think the year was somewhere around 2009 or so. I had created like three business At that point, I then wanted to start my coaching business. I think my first year I had five people in it that I had none. But I really wanted to grow a lot faster. And I started at like $97 a month. And I’m just a lot higher than that now. But yeah, I remember this mentor took me aside, this guy was I looked up to him, he had a multimillion dollar coaching business. And there were things that I was doing to market my business, but I hope it’s okay, I can say this and a lot of different ways I was being somewhat of a weenie because I was not doing that I should be doing Yeah, yeah, like speaking was off limits, like, you know, the old Seinfeld, I’d rather be in the box and delivering the eulogy that hated it. writing books and putting yourself out there for people to see how badly your command of the English language is. All of these different things. So this gentleman says to me, Jim, let me ask you a question. How is it that you want to grow a very successful and large coaching business, but you’re not willing to do some of the things that your peers and other people that you emulate? are doing? What makes you think you’re entitled to the same level of success? How does that work? Like, you know what I mean? And the way he asked it, you know, I felt I felt get myself get horribly embarrassed because he called me out on my crap, basically. Right, right, right. And I remember thinking, Betsy, that, you know, no more, no more, can I be hiding? No more, can I just because I’m an entrepreneur, and I own this dang business, no more, can I do things my way, I knew I’d be very successful. But I thought, Well, I’m not gonna do this video thing, but I’m going to go around, and I will still get there. But the truth of the matter is, there’s so many ways that you can grow a business faster, through the right branding, and positioning and marketing. But it also means you have to play a bigger game. If you want to attract, let’s say, if you want to attract two new clients this month, you can do that pretty easily. Most people can, you know, within their own brainpower figure out how to attract to new clients. But what if you want to attract 20? That isn’t tight, that really enables you? Or it requires you to have a whole different, big thinking mentality? No longer can you go to networking events and hope to meet, you know, 10 people get an appointment with five people, you know, having to sit down with two and to say, yes, not only that, you now have to be in front of 50 or 100 people, or maybe you have to be doing a radio show, like you and I are doing now and maybe have hundreds of people listen, you have to do things that put you out there in a bigger way, if you’re going to play a bigger game. And for a lot of people that’s uncomfortable.

I think it is I think anytime we’re doing something that’s unusual, right? And I always talk about starting small to live big, because when we do something that’s unusual, it’s a biological process, right? That our amygdala gets triggered, and we want to freeze. But I think that when we recognize that we’re doing that, when we have that moment where we go, you know, I wanted to do video for a long time. And all of a sudden, one day I was like, Oh my gosh, I’ve been saying this for like three months, why aren’t i doing it? And I was just scared. So like, once you do it once, then all of a sudden, you see how fun it is right? And then it’s just so much easier

if you had fun. If you had fun in the first time you did it? Well, because I was you know, but the thing is, I joke about this because I don’t know the exact stats. But I think really, for the first three months of my doing videos, I had three viewers, myself, my wife and my mouth. But literally when I put out a video today, easily 12 to 1500 people will watch it. But that happened over time. I’ve been doing videos for going on six years now. And they’ve evolved, I used to do like 10 minute videos and people stayed engaged. But now it’s like you got to do like a two minute video and be gone because their attention span is so short. But when I started doing videos, Betsy, you know, you and I kind of just met but we had a nice little chat before we went on the show here. And I’m just a very low key guy. I like to laugh, I like to have fun. I don’t take myself too seriously. But in my head when I started doing videos, especially if I wanted to present myself as a smart businessman, I thought I had to be very serious. I thought I had to you know, do the hedge and deliver some really good wisdom. And but that’s not it, the more authentic you are, the more you can kind of let your hair down and just beat yourself, you’ll end up attracting more people that like that part of you and you’ll repel people who would rather have you buttoned up. But you know, for you not to be a buttoned up person and present yourself that way is a total disconnect.

Yeah, yeah, it’s in congruent. And I think people can sense that, you know, if you’re not being who you really are. I asked somebody once, you know, we all have that little Gremlin in our head, you know what I mean? Like, I can’t do the video because I’m not good enough or it won’t be high enough production, you know, on my smartphone. It’s not a good production. But and I asked them and they said no, if you have a gremlin, then you need to reevaluate what you’re doing. And I thought, No, I think everybody has the Gremlin. I think maybe I just had to evaluate the way I was doing it. Like I had the Gremlin and I wasn’t comfortable. Partially because I was doing stuff that didn’t fit who I was. I was trying to be too buttoned up like you said and once You know, chilled out and authentic, I think it became much easier. But everybody has the Gremlin like everybody Gremlin,

I call it the inner voice. So but we’re talking about the same thing. It’s the voice that says, You’re too short, you’re too ugly, you’re too fat, you got a silly laugh, and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And that is a voice that you have to learn to conduct, I have never been able to silence it, and nor do I want to, because sometimes it it’ll call you out in your own crap if you let it. But it also if you listen to that voice, it really what it comes down to what I believe what holds a lot of people back is fear. Well, there’s a lot of different fears, which I write about, in my book, decide, but one of the fears is pretty perfectionism. And perfectionism is like a complete business killer. Because if you’re hoping that video or that podcast that interview that article, what you post on social media, if you hope all of that is perfect before you launch it, you’ll never do it, because there is no such thing as perfection. And, you know, my first book took 18 months to write, I wrote my last two books in 60 days. And the reason I did them in 60 days, I got better at writing. But I’m also very comfortable now knowing that when those books gets sold, there are going to be mistakes in there. Not because I’m sloppy, not because I don’t want to catch them. It’s because you just can’t catch them all. And so I’m going to give your readers some a tip here or strategy, actually, and it’s a little hard, but it gets better. With practice. You make a decision to choose to be judged on the quality of the in the value of the information and content you’re providing and not the imperfect way in which you provide it. So

yeah, I like that.

And I learned that let me tell you how I learned my very first book, The magic of newsletter marketing. Literally, I think I sold about three or 400 books in like the first few weeks. And I got an email from somebody who said Jim, just thought you’d want to know on page 137 that you have a dangling participle in paragraph three. Nice it’s kind of funny, because I have no clue to this day. What a dangling

gonna say I was gonna hit the Google after me right.

I’m going to tell you what my thought process so here I am Mike in the mat. This all happened in a matter of about six seconds first thought, holy crap. Oh my god, how did I get that catch that? He must think I’m a boob. Oh my god, what am I gonna do? I got all these books printed. This is way before print on demand. Yeah, probably at 1000 books printed. And and then. So I wrote him and then I calmed down a little bit. And I hit a reply. And I said, whatever, Stan. Hey, Stan, thanks for letting me know. I’m gonna have my editors. Take a look at that. We’ll fix it on the next printing. Just to sound professional. Right? Yeah. And I said, and then sup, maybe just add a comment and go, by the way, how did you like the book. And he wrote me back and said, I loved it. I learned how to write the content, I learned the type of articles to put in it. And here’s the thing. He got a lot of value out of it, even in its imperfect nature. Yeah, I never forgot that less less than Betsy. It’s like, okay, I never went to school for journalism or writing. I you know, I’m not an author per se. Most people that have books even say I’m not an author. Well, funny, because we have books, but we don’t think of ourselves as that, you know, professional JK Rowling type of writer. Yeah, but but by the same token, people don’t come to me looking for perfect English and perfect grammar, they come to me because I’m pretty good at marketing and business building. And they forgive some of my foe pause because I cut too many English classes in school, right? So you get comfortable knowing that you’re not perfect, as long as you share some really good information.

Yeah, I love that, you know, I my, my book just came out, start small lift big just a month ago or so. And I and I did a Kickstarter, you know, so that I could buy a bunch of books and share those with my friends and family that were already gonna buy them and give them some extra things. And I as I’m getting ready to like, order all those books. I all the sudden, I had this moment where I was like, everyone’s gonna read what I wrote. Like, yeah, you know, that like panicky moment. And then I was like, it’s, it isn’t me. Right? You know what I mean? It’s separate from me, it’s something I did. And if they like it, they like it. But it doesn’t mean they don’t like me, you know, and vice versa. So, but anyway, but yeah, I get that like, there is that like moment where you do feel judged, or like you’re, you’re putting yourself out there as a scary thing. Yeah. Now, you said something earlier about multiple streams of income. And I hear that more and more now with people talking about that. And I know for myself, I really like that having different ways that I can make money. But can you talk a little bit about that and where the value is there?

Well, I like to say is if you’ve got a core business that’s doing really well and cash flow is no longer an issue. You probably sleep pretty good at night. But if you want to sleep like a baby, you want multiple streams of revenue. So for example, a lot of different businesses will go through cycles or seasonal, whatever it looks like but if you’ve got different revenue streams, so when I started myself Second business was called no hassle newsletters, I still have it today. It’s kind of my flagship program. When I started that, and we grew to, you know, a couple hundred members, that was a nice revenue stream, and then people started asking me after I started doing books and speaking, well, where do we get imprinted? And so I had this little phrase in my head, my Gremlins said you could make a referral or you could create a revenue stream. So every time somebody asked me for something, or even if it was a recommendation, or I listened, and I said, how can how can I make a revenue stream out of that? Now, by the way, I’m going to pause real quick. So I want to tell another nugget here for your listeners. Most people that have a really, really high income do so by kind of cobbling together multiple sources of income not, it’s not one thing. So if no hassle newsletters at the time was my big revenue generator, I then launched concierge print mail on demand. So now I was able to print and mail some of the news. Now I don’t have any printing presses here. But I have a partnership with a printer and I take the I collect the money, I take the files, he prints and mails him and he charges me something less than I charge my customer. There’s a markup. The next thing I launched was no hassle. Social media. People asked me how I write so much content for social media. So I put a whole bunch of programs together went to the whole thing about that. Next thing people are asking me, well, you got all these writers on staff or newsletters with social media. I need an article on such and such, can you recommend one of them to me, I created custom article generators. So now people go to my website, and they order a 300 word article, they tell me the title the audience a couple of key words. And I have writers not something off the shelf, right, a fresh article. For a very, I’m think it’s like 30 bucks, and send it to people now. So if I I’m not going to tell you how much I make on that business, because it’s fairly small. But all these different businesses together add up into a nice income suit. I’m saying so yeah. And then of course, the books and my programs, my live events now my coaching program, all that adds up to create my income, my total income. But I have some programs. I started a program about four years ago, I got my daughter got me into Pinterest. It’s really small. I bet I bet I don’t make five grand a year on Pinterest. I do Pinterest graphics. In fact, it’s actually shrinking. I still promoted as a business because it keeps me out there. It’s part of my thing. Yeah. But overall, if I had to live on what I make from Pinterest, I’d be on food stamps. Yeah, yeah. But multiple streams of revenue all add up. Yeah, either to help to create a nice income and to help your branding and positioning. Yeah, as a serial entrepreneur.

And like that, because you found a need. And then you filled it instead of many times I see people they want to start a business and they go, this is what I love. So this is what I’m gonna do. But then nobody comes because they haven’t figured out if there’s really a need,

right? Yeah. So many people go run an 80 miles an hour with this great idea. They don’t stop to do any research to see if there’s actually a need for what they want to do. Yeah, what is wrong?

What would be an easy way to do that? Like, how would somebody Google?

Google what it is that you want to offer and see if you can see how many people are searching for it?

Oh, yeah.

Right. It tells a little blue number. How many people are searching for it? Yeah, that’s right. And then and then the other thing you can do is do it when you start typing in, let’s say you wanted to do, I’m gonna do something really obscure. I like to make quilted AF cans for big dogs. Like How weird is that? Right? Yeah, yeah. And I’m just great. But you know, and people love their pets and they start talking themselves. Like you see this on Shark Tank, people get so tied to their idea. And then here’s five you know, multimillionaire billionaire saying that’s not a good idea. Oh, yes, it is. I’m gonna make it by Damn. Yeah. So anyway, if I went in and typed into Google, quilted Afghans, quilted blankets for large dogs, whatever, you’ll probably see 232 people search for that in the last 10 years. Right. But if you were to type in custom landscaping, or or whatever, there’s, you know, different things. And if there’s a big enough amount of people searching for it, that means there’s a need. So that’s the easiest free way to do that.

Yeah. I love that. Yeah, that’s super smart. Some good, really good nuggets. So let’s say someone’s listening, and they have some ideas for a business. And they really, you know, they have the thing where they hate Sunday night and going to work. But they don’t understand like, what that would really cost them. What would somebody really need to be able to start something new, like a side hustle. And, and, and tell us weave into that if you can, sort of how you could help somebody with that? Because I know you. You do a lot of things. There’s a lot of there’s some awesome content on your website. I’ll make sure that we link to that in the show notes. But

okay, what would you say? So, first of all, it’s, it’s not easy. It’s never gonna take it’s never gonna happen as quickly as you want. I am the closest thing to the hard cold rain all over your parade truths. seekers say here that I can be, because it is hard.

Because people need to be realistic and I need to be realistic,

right? You know what? And people. So I’m dressing is about three weeks ago, Betsy I had somebody do, they were interested in my coaching program. So I always do like a pre call, you can’t just like join with a credit card. So I do a pre call. And this person says, How quickly can I be at six figures? I said, I don’t have the first clue. Right? And that’s honest, because I don’t know much about your program. I don’t know how much, but we will figure that out. And they go, Well, do you think I can at least be earning $10,000 in 90 days? And I said, I think so. But I can’t I can’t make that guarantee. Cuz I don’t know. Right? Right. So it is a journey. Now when I when I started my first business, I went 12 months without any income, I call it my revenue free year. But what I was doing, I was knocking and cold knocking on doors cold calling, going to networking events, doing everything I could. And I call that I planted a lot of seeds, right, so that first year in business, I was kind of tilling the soil, I planted a ton of seeds, I nurtured the seeds like water then, which means I kept calling and following up all these different things. And on the 12th month, I got a really big client and then literally over the next 90 days, I got client 234. In other words, all the seeds that I planted began to harvest. So it is going to take some time, it’s always going to be harder. If you if you interview some very successful people that will say if I knew how long it was going to take and how much blood sweat and tears and how many nights I’d be crying on Thursday, because I don’t have money to make payroll on Friday, I probably wouldn’t have done this. So that’s the hard cold reality of it now, how much would it take? I’ll give you an example of somebody who’s getting into a business and they’re going to do it for like, this is probably the least expensive business I can think of I have a coaching member has been with me six years and his wife is obviously knows me well in various women. She goes, end of last year, she goes, Jim, I want you to coach me. I said, What do you wanna do? She goes, I’m not sure. But she goes, I can do a lot of things. And you know me, so maybe you got an idea. So she actually didn’t have a big idea. Yeah, but she goes, she goes, here’s my parameters. I have almost no seed money. And I need to make money quickly. And what do I do? And I did an assessment on her skills, because it didn’t take me long because I known her for. She’s got amazing personality. She’s great on the phone and things like that I said, I know where there’s a need for whether it’s an entrepreneur or small business or big business, but big business probably won’t do this. There’s a need for somebody to take their customers and prospects off of email and automation and actually get back on the phone with them. Because there’s money on the table when you get in touch with people who’ve already said, I know I can trust you, because I’ve already bought at least once. And then you start nurturing that relationship. There’s money in there. The problem is, people don’t like to make those calls. People don’t want to hire somebody for those calls. Because they don’t you know, yeah, you don’t know what it’s gonna do. Yeah, it’s gonna sound wrong, but you don’t want somebody in, in another country, right with a hard accent that’s hard to understand making calls for you.

So represents you, you and your brand, right to be like you.

So I said, here’s the deal. Do you have a computer? Yes. Do you have a calculator? Yes. And you have a phone? Yes. Okay, you’re in business. We came up with an ever company quality follow up. And she does calls now, for I think she’s got at least three clients, I was there first. She’s actually been on the phone for the last 90 days with people that have bought my books and done different things. She’s been helping to fill the seats for my next event. Right. So I don’t have anybody on staff were kind of, you know, I got 13 assistant, but they’re busy. So I didn’t want to bring somebody on just for that. So I said, I’ll be your test case. And now I’ve introduced you to a couple other people. So the reason I told you that story is because she didn’t have to put on a lot of money. Yeah, she and what she did that was smart was she reached out to the connections she had being me, she had a connection with me. She said, This is what I want to do, will you help me and I said, Yes. And we got her going. And then I said, I said if and only if and not because I really, really like you. But if you do a good job for me, I will then refer you out. But we’re going to go sick, we’re gonna go 60 to 90 days, because I don’t I don’t refer a lot of people not because I’m stingy. Because if it goes bad, it looks bad on you to be really, really careful about who I refer. But I said, Maria, if you do a really good job, I’m gonna I’m gonna really recommend you to some friends of mine who I know can use your service. And I did that. So that’s one example of how you can start a business without a lot of money. The biggest thing you have to get comfortable doing is get the hell off email and start making phone calls. Or if you’re going to local business go meet people face to face.

Yeah, yeah, I think that’s totally true. And I’ve heard that from multiple people get on the phone. And I know it for me when I do that when I call people or I email out through my email list and I’ll say like, you know, reply back if you want to jump on the phone, and you can talk to me, give me some feedback. or whatever, or if somebody has a problem, I’ll say like, I’ll spend 15 minutes with you just jump on the phone with me. It energizes me because I’m so excited to get to talk and maybe help somebody help guide them a little bit. But also it gives me direction, right? Because then they’ll say, you know, you put that blog post out, and that didn’t do anything for me. But I really liked these other four or, you know, coming to you for this. I think that also helps clarify, you know, when we were saying, What is it people want go towards that instead of what you want to do? I like that.

Yeah. So you know what the difference between an entrepreneur and a small business owner is, a small business owner wants to make more money by selling more of what they have. Let’s say you’re a Jew, you have a jewelry store. And like a 1200 foot square store and a little shopping center. Sorry about my voice. But um, so you sell and you sell and you sell. Next thing, you know, you put another glass case, you put even more jewelry in it every eventually you max out, let’s say you’re doing a million dollars out of this jewelry store, and you want to go to a million to 1,000,003. But you can literally fit no more stuff in there. You can’t be open any more hours. A small business owner like that will think well, I’m sure you probably know the very next thing he’s going to do. He’s going to open a second location and start selling more jewelry. What I would ask that jeweler is what’s the average sales from a jeweler, that’s your size? Let’s say just for the sake of discussion, he goes, Well, the average person could do half a million or 750,000. So you’re actually doing more than that out of a 1200 square foot storage shed. Yeah. I think other people and I don’t know how many jewelers there are in the country, let’s say there’s 5000 I bet I bet most of those people that are kind of sucking wind are not doing what you’re doing would like to know how you’re doing that. So there’s an info product home training course, you can start a coaching program, you can be a speaker, you can bring people into a live event. So there’s a lot of things you can do. Like you can man, you can have people you could train and staff the store. And then maybe three days a week you’re out doing other things. There’s the multiple streams of revenue. So an on an entrepreneur is more interested in creating wealth and financial freedom than just selling more of what it is that they do.

Yeah. And freedom. Like that’s a big thing that I hear people talk about. Yeah, and it’s really I do this for freedom. I think that’s why I mean, I definitely feel like for me, I have, like I want to help people. And that sort of like fires me up, fills me up inside. But also, it’s the freedom to be able to go anywhere that I want or live anywhere that I want, right is that sort of

most people’s, most people start a business because they want to achieve financial freedom, like you can bust your hump working for them. Yeah, and then you know, maybe you’ll get a 3% raise each year, one of the number one ways that you can create wealth, if you’re going to be good at it is to start a small business, right? So people initially will start a business because they want to have a little bit more control over their life and destiny, so to speak, but to make more money, but then you get to a certain income level I’ve talked to a lot of people certainly happened for me where you like, okay, you know, what’s more important than just, and by the way, you never, you never say, Okay, I don’t want to earn any more. I’m not saying that. But I want to have a different lifestyle than busting my hump or 80 hours a week. Yeah. And that’s, you know, I realized that about three, four years ago, and I said, here’s what I’m gonna do. So I, and that’s, by the way, when we, when we started having grandkids, I really want to spend more time and they happen to be five hours away. So we I no longer do calls on Friday or Monday. So that allows us to travel and spend the weekend or then we got into boating, and now we can have, you know, a long weekend, every weekend. Because all of all of the available phone time for working with my clients and doing interviews, Betsy happens on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So literally from 830 to 530 or so it’s a long day, three days in a row. But after when I do my last call on Thursday, it’s kind of like yes.

Reminds me of college when I scheduled all my classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So I could ski on Monday and Friday. Right? Exactly,

yeah. And so time, freedom becomes really important. And by the way, it’s not like I sit around with my feet up in you know, in the wintertime if I’m not doing something fun. I’m probably at my desk at work that’s just

well as an entrepreneur, don’t you find that that’s something that I mean, if we went on a road trip over New Year’s and as we were driving, my husband said, let’s let’s brainstorm on some different things you could do get out a piece of paper like so we were working but yeah, just fun and good conversation. So

yeah, my first year in business just because but I never forget this. So we went to the beach. Then and I had melanoma so I’m under a UV umbrella, long shirt. But I’m reading. I remember my wife came up, she was in the water or the kids or whatever and said, What are you reading? Because up to that point, before I started my business, I was reading like a book a month like a CIA CIA spy novel or some kind of, you know, please drama thing. But then I’ve been reading business books for the last 15 years. So I’m reading this business book on vacation. And I said, Yeah, but I really like it. This is fun for me. I’m enjoying this. Yeah, you know what I mean? And that’s that’s the switch that gets flipped. Yeah, I totally I totally am jazzed up by business. And by the way, a lot of times when I’m thinking business, I’m thinking about my clients. Yeah, not just myself. And yeah. And you know, we we carry a pad or a pad next to my bed always on my desk. We got one like this in my car. And you know, because I don’t want to crash, I’ll say, I’ll just hand the pad over and say, here, write this down. Yeah. And so write down, because I’ll forget it easily in 10 minutes or one minute, you know? Yeah, we should, we won’t, but we do. Yeah. Oh, my gosh, it gets worse when you go.

Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. So much good stuff here today. Now, I want to make sure everybody knows they can jump into our free Facebook group. So you can find that Facebook group by going to SS lb community that stands for start small, live big community.com. And, Jim, you’re going to jump in there? and answer questions, or we’ll put some of your website and all that good stuff during the week that you are live. Okay. And I’m so grateful and excited. I want to make sure everybody heads to your website. I know, I have a lot of listeners that are on the edge, they’re trying to think of ways they could increase their income and start new businesses, you know, they work for the man and, you know, I’ve talked to them, one on one and, and I think the information here and the information on your website, could really help them to start to see and get clarity on that path.

So my website is get Jim palmer.com www dot get Jim palmer.com. And so my blogs there, you can find my books, my programs, everything kind of links off of there. Yeah. The other way is to connect with me on Facebook. Also pretty easy to find. Jim Palmer not not the old baseball player.

Yeah, that’s funny. I thought of that, too. Yeah,

this Jim Palmer dream business coach, you’ll find me. But let probably find at least five days a week, six days a week. And so here’s my social media strategy. I post something that’s educational, slash informative, always entrepreneurial in nature. I try and post something that’s funny, because we need to laugh more than we’re doing right now. Yeah. So and, and then, you know, maybe something slightly personal. I don’t mean a look at my surgery scar. I’m talking. We’re getting ready to move on our boat or something like that. Yeah. It’s important because I think people want to get to know you, other than just the business side. Yeah. And I think that’s a fine line people. You don’t have to share every my new detail. And for goodness sake, stop showing pictures of your peanut butter sandwich at lunch. But yeah, you know, people just want to get to know who you are. And then I think it’s an opportunity to share some of the wisdom that you have. Because if people this whole thing about when people first get to know you, they’re not gonna become a client until they achieve some level of trust and get to know you. Social media is one way to do that. Yeah, so is your blog. So your video, so is your podcast. So as being a guest on a podcast? These are all different ways. So if anybody wants to connect with me reach out,

okay, super. And we’ll link to all that inside the show notes too, to make it easy. So, thank you so much for your time. And thank you for being here today. It’s my pleasure, had a good time. Thanks for spending some time with us today. Remember to jump in on the online community at SS lB community.com. And, as always, here’s a little message from my husband.

That’s it.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.