033 Penny Pinchin’ Mom Shares Everyday Money Advice


On todays show, Tracie, The Penny Pinchin’ Mom, shares financial advice for real life. She talks about what she and her husband did to pay off A TON of debt in a very short period of time, while she was a stay at home mom. 

Her down to earth advice and easy process turn ‘budgeting’ from a dirty word to something that sounds doable and fun.

You can find out more about Tracie at her website here: http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/





Welcome to The Art of Living big. My name is Betsy Pake entrepreneur, author and personal success coach. This is the show that brings you stories and small ideas to help you live a big life. I hope this once a week podcast will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to think differently about what could be possible for your life. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let’s go live big. All right, I have with me today, Tracy phobes. Hey, Tracy. Hi there. How are ya? I am Awesome. Thanks for coming on the show today.

Well, thanks for having me.

So tell everybody about you. And I’m excited to get into this topic and start breaking it down. So tell everybody about you and what you do.

Okay. Again, my name is Tracy fobes. And about, oh, gosh, nine years ago, my husband and I realized that we were tired of living paycheck to paycheck, the debt was taking over our lives. And to be blunt, it just sucked. And so we both sat down and kind of put our noses to the grindstone and decided, you know what, we are going to get out of debt. We are going to do this. And so through a lot of hard work, dedication, and, you know, the small victories along the way we actually did it. And it took us about 27 months, but we paid off $37,000 in debt on just his it was just his income. I was a stay at home mom. Okay, yeah. So during that process, what ended up happening was, you know, okay, you’re trying to pay off debt. Yeah, you only have so much disposable income after the bills are paid. So I thought, well, what can I do to make more money? So I started researching how to save at the grocery store, how could I cut back on our budget? And through that, I had a friend who said, well, you’re learning this do a blog. Can you share this with us? So you can help all of us save money, too. And what’s so funny is I didn’t know what a blog was. I had to actually Google what is a blog? Because I was clueless. Yeah. And so I’m like, Okay, fine. I’ll make one for my friends. That was how it started. And as they say, the rest is history.

Wow, that’s incredible. I, so I’m really excited to unpack this because that’s a ton of money to pay off.

Yes, it is. It really is. It was a challenge. And you know, a lot of tears, yeah. bloods, blood, sweat, so to speak. But we did it just a lot of person. A person. persevering, I guess is the word I’m looking

for. Yeah, yeah. And so really, in doing that, and in accomplishing that goal, I’m sure you learn tons of stuff. So I’m excited to sort of get into it. Tell me though, like, as you’re doing this, you’re a stay at home, mom. So how do you have two kids? Is that right?

Yes. At that point, we had two children. We now have three, when we began getting out of debt. She was a blip on the radar. Yeah, actually, she was we found out we were that she was coming along about two months after we started the whole process. So you know what that’s like when there’s a new baby in the mix that kind of throws the finances a little haywire because you’re going to have, you know, more diapers in the house to feed all of that. So

well, even just doing that all well. You’ve got two little kids. Yeah. Because that’s a stress

in itself. Really? Yeah, it really is. And our son was about nine months old at that time, and our oldest had just turned three. So yeah, we were definitely struggling. Like I know, so many people are. So our stories are not unique. We’re like everybody else.

Yeah. I mean, I think that in I think I hear that over and over and over again, you know, living paycheck to paycheck. And even people that aren’t living paycheck to paycheck. I know, they look at their money and go, like, where does it go? or What

happened? Absolutely. And that was asked to and, you know, it was kind of funny, the one you know, you make all these make all these little changes, you know, you do your budget, you know, that’s the first thing you have to do is your budget. But for us even more, so was the budget from the budget was that cash? And it’s so funny, because I kept hearing these people use cash caches better. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? I spend so much more money when I use cash. Well, I went ahead and I listened to these experts and thought, Okay, I’m going to try it. Worst case, it fails miserably, and I go back to what I was doing before. And the funny thing is, I started using cash and seriously dropped my spending it like bottomed out. It was almost like I was scared to hand over my cash, you know, is like that seven year old who had worked hard at the lemonade stand and had the money to go buy that, that bought that package of candy, but actually handing the money over for the candy hurts. So that’s kind of what got us go was changing our mindset, and how we looked at money and how we handled it

yet, you know, that’s so interesting to me because, well, I’m gonna tell you my little story. And then I want to get into the budget stuff. But that’s so interesting to me because I have recently started using cash. And I just, I just felt like I had a moment like a couple weeks ago where I and I do a lot of like, we’re all sitting meditation, or I’ll ask the universe, like, What am I supposed to do with this? And I got really angry at the universe. And I was like, Where’s my money? Where’s my money at universe? And I heard a little voice that said, Why would I give you more money when you don’t even know where the money you have go?

Ah, so enlightening. Yeah. And I said, Shut up.

I came right in my office, and I made like a spreadsheet, I download it I, you know, signed up for QuickBooks. I mean, like, I was like, okay, that’s a good point. And I realized that I was spending a little bit here and a little bit there. And when you swipe the debit card, it seems so like not real money.

It is it is and you know, and the thing is, people say well, I still budget, you know, and I use my credit cards and my debit card, because it’s just easier. And I don’t overspend.

It is easier,

but it is easier. But the thing is, you may not think you’re overspending, or you’re saying I’m overspending by $5, okay, if you go to the store every week, and spend just five extra dollars, you do that math, and you know, for 52 weeks of the year, that’s an extra hundred bucks, just and one little tiny amount, just $5 and you’ve overspent by 100. And

you’re doing that over and over and over and over. All week long. Yes. So yeah. So it’s fascinating because I went to the coffee shop with my daughter the other day, and I pulled out my money. And I want to get I want to get into the budget. And I want to get into like the envelope system, the cash envelope system. And I use clips, little binder clips, because I don’t have envelopes. Because I felt like that would feel different to me for some reason. So I got these binder clips. And when I had to pay the side, I was like, Oh my god, I can’t believe we’re paying that much for coffee. Oh, I do it all the time with this with the debit card, right? Yeah, it really did feel different. And I was annoyed. I was like, I’m just gonna have a glass of water.

Exactly. Exactly. You start when you use that cash. It’s like everything all of a sudden has a real value. Yeah, you know that that money that you worked hard? And you think about it in Okay, what do I make an hour? You know, so if someone’s making $15 an hour, and they’re going and getting that $5 cup of coffee, it’s like, okay, it was that worth right. 20 minutes of work today, I allow me to have Yeah, a cup of coffee. And so you start giving these quantitative values to things and your cash really helps kind of bring it all together. And it’s just almost a moment of clarity. Like you said, when you had that $5 and you’re like, gosh, I can’t believe I’m gonna pay five bucks for coffee. This is so ridiculous. Yeah. So it just comes in with this whole, like, it’s this mindset shift. And that’s so key to all of it. You know, anything in life, if you can’t change your attitude of the way you look at it, you’re going to fail, that just doesn’t matter what you’re doing. And the same is true with your money, you have to first change your attitude, and then start putting all of the processes into place.

Well, and I think when we’re broke as a joke, like, we want to ignore money, and I realized that I was doing that to some extent, like I was disregarding, I wasn’t giving it the proper respect that it deserved. And it was funny because I got my little binder clips. And you know, my daughter, and I got in the car, and I was like, I got my Mad Money. And I was like, my Mama, I thought it was like, seriously, Betsy, money’s dirty. And I thought, huh, oh, you know, that’s a mindset thing right there like money dirty. I probably told her that, which is why you don’t want it. You know, like, yeah, it’s so much mental stuff around it.

Absolutely. Absolutely. So, yeah, it’s just, it’s so funny, because it’s like, the minute we started thinking about money differently. Everything else came into play. And it just all of the stars started aligning, and everything started clicking for us. So it was, it was amazing. So let’s talk

about budget, because I think it’s a good place to start. So if somebody’s listening, and they’re like, how do I even get started on a budget? Like what do I do? And what about if you’re behind already? You know, I’ve had people say that to me, like I’m already behind. How do I budget if I’m not even caught up?

Okay, well, the first thing you have to do, don’t look at where you are right now. Just don’t disturb me for a second. I’m going to say it’s okay to bury your head in the sand so to speak. Yeah. So if you have a budget, the best way to do a budget is what we call a zero budget. And what that means is that you accounting for every penny that comes into your home. Every bit of income that you make that money needs to be given a job. That job is for your groceries, the job is your mortgage, the job is your utilities. So every penny gets the job. And when you do that, in your budget, you’ll start with your income at the top, and you’ll list all of your expenses and you’ll get every cent that job it has to do. When you get to the bottom of your budget, you will take the total of your income less your expenses. If the difference is negative. That means you have over employed your money, so to speak. So you have to you have to do some layoffs. Yep, you have to cut back. And so you have to cut back your expenses. And sometimes that hurts but seeing it you realize, okay, I am overspending. Now on the flip side of that if you get to the end, and you deduct your expenses from your income, and it’s a positive number, that means that you have unemployed money, you need to figure out where it needs to go to work. And it could be debt, it could be savings, it could be investments, it could be retirement. So make sure every penny that you make is given full employment. And that’s how you can make your budget work.

I like that a lot. And that actually shifts the energy of it to by like having your money working for you. Yes,

exactly. You work hard for your money. So when it comes in instead of your money, telling you what it wants to do kind of think of as a parent, you don’t want your child telling you what they want to do. You are the parent, you’re going to tell them what they have to do. Your money is no different. When your money comes in, instead of it saying I want to go here and I want to go there. You’re saying no, I am telling you all what you’re going to do. And that instantly puts control in your hands. You’ve taken back control of your finances. And nobody’s going to tell you that my money wants to do what it wants. I’m telling my money where to go. Hmm,

yeah, I really like that. Alright, so now I’ve got a budget and I think you have on your website. Do you have a downloadable budget?

Absolutely, don’t you? Yes, I absolutely do. Give everybody your

email. I’m sorry, not your email, your website address and I’ll put it in the show notes too. But give everyone it’s a penny pinching Mom, calm. So Pynchon without a G

Yeah. So anything? Yeah, Mom, I like it. Okay, so now I got a budget, I know where all my money is being employed. Tell me about the envelope system. How does this work?

Okay, so then, once you have that budget, you’ll look at those categories where you know that you will you spend, or maybe you might overspend. So some of the most common ones I tell people to look at are your groceries, clothing, haircuts, and dining out, that’s kind of where to start. As you get more into using the envelopes, you’ll find more categories you want to use cash for. But let’s simplify it and just start with those four. So what you’re going to do is look at your budget, every pay day, and you’re going to say, Okay, I have budgeted $300, for groceries for this week. And so you’ll go to the bank, and you’ll get $300. And you’ll put it in that envelope. Every time you go to the store, you’re going to make a note of how much you spent and keep a running total on your envelope. So you’ll have a total that says 300. If you go to the store and you spend 75, you’re going to deduct that, and see Oh, I only have $225 to spend until my next pay day. So when you have that envelope, and you’re getting all that cash, you know that money has to stretch your budget over that whole two week period or one week period, or whatever your pay period happens to be. So you just start tracking your spending. And it really makes you more accountable because you can see those totals and you see what you’re spending at the store. And then come the end of that pay period. Let’s say you’re gonna get paid on Friday and it’s Wednesday, you’ve got $10 left in groceries, you’re going to really think about, Okay, I need milk, I need bread. I need some apples and I really would love to grab this bag of chips. Okay, I have $10 which items Am I going to buy now and which ones will have to wait till payday? So you give it a lot of thought again and not that swiping of the credit card and overspending again. So that’s basically the premise behind using cash. And that’s kind of how I tell people to get started with that is just start small

and a lot of people Yeah, I like to start small. So a lot of people actually use envelopes right like they take get there. They get paid. They go to the bank, they get cash out and they do it the right amounts into their envelope.

Absolutely, absolutely. I we do and it’s so funny. Actually. started using the envelopes, you know, in what, 2000 988 I can’t remember what years that’s when I started doing it. I started using the envelopes. And if somebody were to go to the store with me today, they will notice me pull envelopes out of my wallet. I am not kidding you. I still use them all these years later.

Yeah, yeah, it was that impactful.

It’s worked for you. Yeah, yeah. And we actually have another one on this on the site there is. In our resource library, we have a template you can download, and actually print out your own envelope, cut it, tape it and use it yourself. So

I really like that. So like, what I was saying earlier was I use little binder clips, and I right on the edge of the binder clips what it is, so if it’s, you know, my grocery money or my Mad Money, or whatever, my own allowance, you know, but I’ve been just shoving a post it note under the clip so that I write down so that I know.

And that was so great about the method is it doesn’t have to be an actual envelope. It can be a binder clip, it could be whatever you want. Because there’s never one size fits all for everyone. You know, so I’m, I’m of the belief that you know what, find your system and own it. That’s basically what I say.

Right? Yeah. So don’t be afraid to make some mistakes as you go along. Yeah, it’s part. Yes, absolutely. So what about because, okay, so I’m gonna say something and you might not like it. So you tell me. So, okay, when I go when I go get gas, like I don’t overspend? I’m just guessing. I don’t want to walk in with my cash. Okay. Oh, gosh,

100% agree with you. That is the one category I tell people, please do not get cash for your fuel. Okay, because you’re not going to go out and go, Oh, you know what, I’m bored. I want to go fill my tank up with gas. No, you’re not going to do that. Right? Yeah, yes,

fuel is one of those categories that it’s a must have. But it’s also something that you don’t overspend in, and it’s not a control issue, right? Your cash envelopes should be more of those categories that you might need to have a little more self control, where you may have more temptation to spend more than you should. So keep swiping for the fuel, because that’s what I do,

right? Cuz I’m thinking like, I’m not like, I have had a bad day, I’m gonna go fill up my tank.

Today exactly, except that people say, Well, I need to get it for fuel. And I’m like, Why? Why do you have to use? I’m like, I don’t want to have to walk in and pre pay.

Yeah. Well, I feel like it increases the risk of me like, spending other money. You know what I mean? Cuz I’m like, in

a candy bar, double thing, okay. You don’t need to spend the money. And let’s face it, who really needs to eat some of her sister? Right?

It could help lots of areas. Yeah. All right. So now I’ve got my budget, and I got my cash, and I’m starting to roll. So what do I how do I how do I go to from spending through, you know, paying down $35,000 in debt that you did? Like, that’s incredible. So in a very short amount of time? I mean, seven months is really nothing in the grand scheme of things.

No, it’s not. So what we did is, we took a list of all of our debts. And, you know, I’m going to tell you guys how I did it. Experts are going to say other things that you know, what we do,

which expert, you just, you know, there’s

there’s other experts who are going to disagree with it, let’s put it that way. Right. But I say is you take a list of your debts, and you list them from the least amount you owe to the greatest amount you owe, do not worry about those interest rates. And you focus on first paying off that smallest debt. Once that debt is paid off, then you start paying it off on the next one. And the reason I’m saying that you don’t look at those interest rates is we are creatures of we need gratification, we need to see that what we’re doing is working many times when you list your your balances due by interest rate versus balance, sometimes those higher balances have higher interest rates, and it may take you longer to have those successes, right, you can actually see you’re making progress, you’re going to be more willing to continue, you’re going to feel like I can do this. So we took any extra money in our budget. And when we cut back, we didn’t have we did not eat out for like a year and a half. I’m not kidding you. Like we just decided to help. So we said okay, let’s take the money we normally would spend dining out and let’s add that to that payment on that smallest bill. So if the payment was originally $15 a month, okay, all of a sudden now we’re paying $115 a month on that bill. And before you know it that that small amount it’s gone. Then what we would do say okay, now we have an extra hundred and 15 a month because we don’t have that debt. Add that hundred and 15 to the next one, which was 25. So now we’re spending $140 a month on that addition that next card and continuing that same process over and over. And a lot of people call that the snowball method where you start with a small payment. And every time you pay off a debt, roll that payment into what you’re paying on the other one. And that bat, that payment amount continues to get larger and larger, to where we were paying off for many danis. The last one, I can’t remember what our payment was. But we were making almost double payments every month on paying off our minivan just by following that process.

Wow. Yeah, that’s incredible. Yeah, so it really does a little bit starts to add up. So as you pay off one thing, and I totally get the mental aspect of having the smallest debt first, because then you’re like, yeah, I’m, uh, yeah, I’m successful.

Yeah, absolutely. But that’s what we would do is we got that each one up and got paid off. Because we weren’t dining out. I said, that was our thing. We were willing to sacrifice, right? We would actually go to dinner. Oh, we got that one paid off. Okay. Now, this month, we’re going to go ahead and go out to dinner. So we would still take some of our money and celebrate and reward ourselves for our hard work. Yeah. And because I

do think that’s important. Like, if you totally stopped living while you’re trying to like, it’s, that’s not.

It’s like a diet, you know, it’s like, okay, I can never have chocolate again. And what do you want? It’s like everything chocolate that you can think of, because you’ve told yourself, you can’t have it. But if you said, Okay, I can have chocolate, if I lose five pounds, and I could have a candy bar. Okay, great. You can work those five pounds. You did? Okay, I get one candy bar. That’s not going to undo your hard work one little candy bar, but you’re like, Okay, good. I had my Saturday, I got a little cheat. And then again,

you know what’s funny, as you’re saying that I’m thinking like, after you’ve lost five or 10 pounds, you don’t even want the candy bar. And I bet that’s how it starts to feel with the debt. Like after you’ve paid off at chunky like, I want to keep going.

Exactly, you know. So it’s like, and that’s kind of what we got into it was so exciting. And so thrilling to see those balances diminish, that we became almost like hyper focused, we, yeah, we started selling stuff, you know, to come up with money to pay off of our debt. We had a rod sail. I mean, just we started thinking, what else can we do? Because this is fun and exciting. And we want to keep going?

Well, I think, to so many times, we think like I don’t, there’s no way I can get out of this. But when you change your mindset to like there is a way that it is a possibility. You start to see places that you do have resources. Dead like with the with a yard sale, you know, like you have resources, you have stuff you’re not even using throw some stuff on eBay or snack

clay Yeah, exactly. You know, like you said that, but there’s a will there’s a way, you know, and if you want to make it happen, you can do it. You just have to have the right mindset, and then be willing to put in the hard work. You know, that’s the other part of it. You know, people want everything to be easy. I’m sorry, this is not an easy process. But let me tell you what, there’s nothing like it. When you get on the other side. You know, for us to go to the mailbox. There’s no bills waiting for us other than our utilities. It’s just it’s great. Yeah,

yeah, that’s amazing. Did you pay off your mortgage, too? Or

are you sure that we’re working on our mortgage, but we’ve made a lot of progress on it. And now we’re throwing a lot of money at the mortgage. We actually kind of put a little sidestep on that, because we have three kids that we want to help pay to go to college. Right. Yeah. We started building that up. And we also started building up some of our retirement. Yeah, because I wanted to make sure that we were taking care of ourselves, because you know, we don’t know what funds will be there for either source. So we take that responsibility on our own shoulders. And so we’ve done that. And now that we feel like we’re getting to that point, now we’re coming back around. Again, it’s been like several years that we worked on that other focus. And so now we’re thinking, Okay, now let’s start working on the mortgage because our mortgage never bothered us. We didn’t really look at it as debt. Yeah, it’s okay. I own a house. We did paying rent. So it’s not that not that big of a deal, so to speak. Yeah.

Yeah. No, I get the I get the difference. consumer debt is certainly different. Yes. And exactly. Yeah. I do a little thing. Oh, go ahead.

No, it’s most exciting to have all of this is once we got done, we started saving money. And we went about a month ago and just got rid of that minivan. We paid off and we paid cash for a brand new car.

Oh my god. Crazy, right? Yeah, that’s such a good feeling. Yes. What do you get for the car? Oh,

actually, I got a used car. But it was a bit enclave. Yeah. But their route to sat down and he’s like, are you finding it to go like, nope, but I pulled out the checkbook. And I wrote a check for like $21,000 or whatever it was.

And was the guy like, Holy moly, right. Like he was totally shocked. But

what’s really funny is that his wife actually follows my website. I was Yeah, so he was like, Oh, yeah, this makes sense. So yeah, but he was like, that’s awesome.

Like, yeah, cool.

So it was it was a Great feeling and that’s the kind of thing you get to do when you don’t have debt.

Yeah. And like for me, I think one of the big things like when without having debt, like, if there’s something that happens, something that comes up that I want to support you, then I have the money to be able to support or give.

Oh, yeah, we actually took our kids on a child’s dream vacation, which we all know is Disney World. Yeah, yeah, we take our kids last year, we went for 10 days to Florida, and paid for every bit of it in cash.

Yeah, that’s, that’s awesome. The bad? Yeah,

yeah, absolutely.

So here’s a little thing I started doing because for me, I was really trying to shift my mindset as an entrepreneur, you know, your money comes in, in different ways than it does when you have it, right when I had a full time job. And so for me, that was a little bit of a challenge. Because even, even if I was getting the same amount, it was coming in all different times. And so, you know, it’s easier to blow, you know, 45 bucks, when you get it, then if you get, you know, $7,000 all at once, you know, like, exactly when it’s all little pieces. And so I started doing something I called the ties into the bank of Betsy, which when I get my cash out, I get some that I clip it. And it’s just for the Bank of Betsy, like, I don’t do anything with it, I don’t spend it. But for me to have cash, changes my mindset where I could go around and look at anything and go, I could buy that I could buy that. I could buy that I don’t need to but I could and knowing that I could change is sort of my mindset as an entrepreneur, but also changes my mindset and how I view money. I’m not, I don’t hate it because I have it.

Right? Exactly. You know, and that’s the problem we get into is, you know, people that continue to borrow money to buy more things, it’s because they don’t have money, and they feel they’re missing out. And then once you have money, you realize that you know what, it’s not my money that’s making me happy, it’s experiences and the people in my life, and you don’t have a desire to go and buy new things. During this process of us this, we woke up one morning, and we had an old, like 36 inch tube TV. And we got struck by lightning and our TV was fried. Now the average person probably would have gotten in the car driven to electronics store and bought the newest flat screen and call it a day. Oh no, we went to our basement got out an old like 21 inch tube television that was blurry as I’ll get out and use that for the next two years. Right? Because we were like, We don’t need a TV. It’s a want. It’s not a need. You know, it’s not like that TV is going to make our lives better. Right.

So that was your level of commitment to Yeah, like you’re willing to do anything. And you know, I think that spending or overspending or using debt is the same thing as overeating. Or, like, it’s, there’s something else that’s happening. And until you’re using that to fill the void. You know, sometimes I’ll go out with my daughter who’s 15. And you know, teenagers want everything right. And I always think like, Do you really? Is that really what you want? Or is there something else you need? You know, like, do you need to go? I mean, this sounds silly, but I’ll say like, do you need to go home and cuddle? Like do you not cuddle? Because like, you really don’t need like this seventh blush or lipstick? Yeah, like, exactly. Like, let’s spend some time together. Because maybe you’re feeling like you need to fill a void, but I can fill it, you know? So like, yes. But yeah, it’s interesting how how money is, like such a trigger for people to where they don’t want to talk about it or think about it, especially if it’s causing them trouble.

Absolutely, you know, it’s just that bury your head in the sand mentality that if I ignore it, it’s going to go away. And unfortunately, it’s just going to continue to get worse. And you know that that that is on your shoulders, it’s going to get heavier and heavier to where it’s going to be crushing. And you’re not going to be able to move. So until you are willing to stand up and knock it off your back and say, Okay, I’m taking care of this, then it’s just not going to change. And, you know, it’s just, you know, you have to want it more than anything. Yeah, you know, I know, I had a family member of mine who wanted to do that. And so when she started to go through it, you know, one thing that she was being told was, you know, you really have to scale back on your dining out. You know, if you’re in debt like this, you have to figure out is that a want or a need? Well, it’s just a want. She was not willing to give up dining out. So she stopped and she didn’t even do the plan. But that was her choice. And that’s those types of decisions that can hold you back to something so small and which seems so miniscule, such as just being able to go out to dinner. It can totally derail your plan in a heartbeat.

Do you think that it’s the kind of thing where you could like using her for an example, could you say well, I usually eat out five times a month, and I’m a Getting it out once like that when that they’ll be moving in the right direction. Right.

And that’s what and that’s what we tried to tell her. But it was still, it was overwhelming to her. Yeah, she did. He was like, she could not wrap her head around the fact that if I want to go out to dinner three nights a week, I can’t do that, you know, being told, okay, we’ll just go out like once a month, or once every pay period, you got paid twice a month. So yeah, well, I just couldn’t do that. And

I think too, like, because that makes you feel like you’re, you’re losing something. But yeah, you can shift your mindset to you’re actually gaining this freedom.

Exactly. Yeah. So I really hope that you know, she turns it around, and she wants to do it, no one can make her, you know, she has to come up with that realization on her own. And I think one day she will, yeah, she’s just not ready. So if you’re not ready, you can’t do it. It’s like a diet. If you’re not ready to commit, you’re going to fail.

Yeah, nobody else can make you do it. It’s got to be something that you’re ready to. And I think just a lot of people are resistant to it, because it’s scary. And you know, can and I also like it can be hard, but it could be fun to like, I think if you modify stuff, and yeah, make things a game like that just makes it so much better. What about if somebody’s listening and like, I don’t want to take anything away, like, Your other option, really, is to get a part time job just to pay off your debt, right? Like exact going the other direction,

right? If you’re not willing to give anything up, then you have to add to it. So part time job. actually put together a post last week about 75 ways you can make money at home. I love that. Yeah. So you have to kind of think outside the box, like one of them was, you know, invest in those bounce houses and rent them for birthday parties, just for an example. Yeah. But you know, you just have to find a way to bring in more income. So yeah, if you can’t give it up, then you have to look the other way and see, well, what can I do? How can I? Yeah, I can add more money to our our income stream and actually tackle this debt.

This has been so interesting. Thank you so much for spending time with me.

Yeah, thanks for having me. This was a lot of fun.

I love you little Penny pinching Mama. So I want to invite everybody to jump into our Facebook group, and you’re going to be in there right to share.

I am I even have a really cool free thing that I’m going to share with all the people in your group. And if you want to do this plan, I can help you do it

for free. Give us a hint, give us a hint.

Okay, it’s a it’s going to be a five day course. You sign up, and I’m going to send you the lessons, I have a big course I sell. I’m going to give you five lessons completely free. And folks, these are actually directly from the course itself. I didn’t make up something new. I literally went to the course got the lesson and I put it into an email. So I’m not scaling back and not trying to cut corners and truly telling you what you need to know. So yeah, you can sign up for free and you’ll get an email in your inbox every single morning and help you change your attitude. Create a budget, come up with a debt plan everything you need to know.

Oh, I love that. I’m gonna do it too.

Yeah. Yeah, I hope you do. Alright, let’s jump into that Facebook group. You can find it at SS lB community.com. That stands for start small live big community.com. And that’ll bring you right to our Facebook group where Penny pinching mama will be and we will be there to welcome you and welcome you to your debt free life.

I hope we can do that. I’d love to hear some success stories. Awesome. Well,

thanks so much for joining me today. Thanks for having me, Betsy. Thanks for spending some time with us today. Remember to jump in on that online community at SS lB community.com. And, as always, here’s a little message from my husband.

That’s it.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.