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Katie Quesada has been speaking at a wide variety of conferences and events for over 10 years. She is deeply passionate about storytelling and walking with people to craft their stories in a concise and compelling way. Katie and her husband Danny live with their two daughters Gracie and Lane in Orange, CA. She and her family spent the last few years living in a 180sqft tiny house. She believes the best stories are told around the dinner table.
>>> Connect with Katie on IG @katiequesada
>>> Visit her website: www.katiequesada.com
>>> Connect with Betsy on IG @betsypake
Welcome to the Art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy pake. I’m an author, a speaker and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. All right. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the show today. I’m super excited because I have a really good friend of mine on the show today. And her name is Katie, Katie casada. And Katie is Katie is fascinating. You guys are gonna love this show. What she does is help people craft their story. She has been a speaker and has spoken at a million different conferences and events over the past decade. She’s super passionate about storytelling, and walking with people to craft their stories in a really concise and compelling way. I’ve hired Katie, I’ve worked with Katie, she’s amazing. And she lives in Orange, California, just outside LA, right. You’re outside LA. Yeah. And she’s got an awesome husband, Danny and two daughters who are so cute, Gracie and Elaine. So I also want to talk to you about the fact that you lived in 180 square foot tiny house at some point. So we’re going to talk about all the things today. So welcome, Katie to the show. Thanks, Betsy.
I’m so glad to be here. You have an amazing audience and community that you’ve built. And it’s a joy to be welcomed in. Yeah, I’m
so excited. So. So here’s what I love about you, Katie. Well, first of all, the first time I met you was in a speaking class that we took, right? And we both were looking to expand and change our speaking businesses. And to me, I was like she’s already has it all figured out. He already knows what’s going on. Right? But I found it so fascinating. Because one of the things that you said was, I decided that this was going to be my job, even though this didn’t really exist. Yeah. Can you tell everybody a little bit about what you do? And what didn’t really exist?
Yeah, totally. So I’m a storytelling coach. I help people in companies tell better stories, which is absolutely a job I made up. Yeah, so I was a part of a large organization five years ago now. And I knew it was time to go. It was getting toxic and things were going south. But a really small part of my job there was that I put on these large events for women. And so there was super fun hundreds and hundreds people came it was every other month. It was like full of energy and life. We’d fly and speakers I’d speak at then it was like, had great momentum. And then we brought in this woman named Dr. tema, Bryant Davis at Pepperdine University. She’s amazing. You should follow her on everything. And she spoke. And on a Friday night, I was sitting backstage and like that little chair behind the curtain. And she said on the stage, did you know that there’s a Barnes and Noble of untold stories here in this room. And I felt this like radical shaking in my body that I was never supposed to speak there. Again. I was never supposed to bring in a speaker and I was supposed to teach these people to tell their stories. So I just felt like, oh, no, am I putting myself out of a job as is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. No one’s going to come to these events anymore. And that what I’m going to ruin it. You know, that’s what I was feeling. Yeah, yeah, sure. But I knew I very, very strongly knew that that was right. I was like she is right. There are more interesting people in the room that have been on the stage. Right. And I knew that and so I was like, how do we do that? So the next event, I just said, it was like, last month, she said this, now we’re going to do this. And then so for the next two years, and when I was a part of that role, knowing I was like, I don’t know what’s gonna happen next. Behind the scenes, I would coach three women, an incredibly diverse panel of women usually like a 75 year old black woman, a 25 year old Latina girl, and like a teenybopper. White girl, right? So I use these three people, and I would meet with them before the event twice. And they would tell me most of their life story, which you know, takes like an hour and a half, and I would help them tell it in six minutes from the stage. So I did this over and over and over and over again. And then when I was in the crowd went insane. Like, I mean, it just brought me endless joy like to walk out and say like today presenting to you the speakers. It’s you. Yeah, and so then I always arrange it around a theme. So like activists or advocates or you know, whatever these things are so then these three people would have these these stories, then they’d come out and share their story of that thing. And then like, they were just incredible, and I got to listen these people’s stories. So then I was leaving that job and quitting because everything went south and I someone said, Aren’t you gonna miss leading these events? And I was like, Yeah, but I think I’m gonna miss coaching people. And they were like, oh, and I was like, I think I’m a storytelling coach. Yeah. said, if anybody needs a storytelling coach, you know, I’m $50 an hour, and that is not gonna work. This is not a sustainable business model. So simultaneously, I’m like having my second baby, my husband and I, in order for you to be able to quit my job and still live in Los Angeles at the time. Now we’re in Orange County, but we were in Los Angeles. We sold 90% of what we owned and moved into an RV in our friend’s backyard for two years to save for a down payment for this house. So certainly not all of that is happening. Yes. So our like life just up ends. And I knew which was really fun. It was a great competition for my husband I’d have was like, even if this goes south, it will be a good story.
Right? Yes. I want to ensure it’s not the kind
of person I want to be. And so we sold everything, which was like, you know, that is a whole Yes. That’s a whole other podcast is like going from to walk in closets to 20 hangers. Right? Yeah. And then you’re like, oh, wow, I have a cup. Yeah, a cup. You know, how many cups people have? It’s shocking.
It’s so funny. I was just thinking that the other day, I use the same mug every day. And I was like, Why do I have those 40 other mugs?
Exactly. I know. And we moved into a normal house. I’m like, wow, I think I need to purchase 20 glasses, but I’m not sure why. So we moved into a tiny house. And then I launched my business. And then I got some great wisdom along the way that was like, No, Katie, you you have a very unique skill set, and you have to charge money for it. And then I started working with companies and brands, and that really helped my business take off. And now that’s what I do full time. And my husband stays home with our kids. So amazing. Yeah, that’s the last three years of wildness.
Tell me what you think is so important about people telling their story.
I feel pretty strongly that we elevate the same three voices and we really need so we don’t need three really good storytellers. We need 3000 medium ones. Hmm. And I really believe that I like I think the way I see it is like Amazon reviews. So like, you know how you’re like, oh, there’s these three. You don’t want three perfectly crafted Amazon reviews. You want 7000 Amazon reviews, and you want some of them to be the women who wear the bathing suit who are the same size as you? Right? Yes. And I’m always so proud of those women like me, and you took a picture in this bathing Sarah. Yeah, posted it in the room is this doesn’t look right. Now, I am not going to buy that bathing suit. Because you’re right, that looks bad. But I think that we think that we need these like curated things, when really we need like a collective of stories. Like I think we literally need 3000 reviews on resiliency. Hmm, I think it’s like 3000 reviews on hope on, on survival on divorce on trauma, you know, like, so I think we just need more and more and more. And I think that we unfortunately, don’t tell our stories, because we’re like, Wait, like, I’m gonna make sure like, everything’s perfect. And I have the exact platform I need and then everything’s right. And I’m like, oh, no, I think we need like dinner table storytellers. Yeah, so it’s just a different philosophy that I like, I feel very strongly about because I think we tend to elevate the same voices. You know, one
of the things I noticed when working with you, is that I could tell like a story, like I could tell you something that happened in my life. And then to me, I was so seeing it through my own eyes. And so associated with it, I was like, I don’t know, like, I’m almost better, like on my show, I can talk about little things that happened and what the meaning of those is. But when I see something big, it was like, I don’t know. And you would be like, Oh, this is good, because this does this and this. So did you just develop that by listening to so many people’s stories? Or do you think that that was a skill that you were just born with? Like, we all have our gifts, you know, my gift is I make a really beautiful poached egg, by the way. Wow. Like,
that’s fine. I know. Can you can teach me if we’re
ever times I put it on Instagram? Because I feel like this should be celebrated. It’s my gift.
Yes. Not easy. And I don’t know. Yeah, that’s your next course. I’ll take it. Right. So I think it’s both and first of all, nobody can hear their own story clearly. So let me just give you that grace. Like nobody is like, Oh, let me You’re so close to it. It’s your thing. Yeah. It’s like yeah, you know, trying to assess like how your eyes look, you’re like, wait, these are my eyes. You know, your brain is like tripping out we’re so close to our own stories is very hard to dissect them in a way that is like, disassociated from ourselves. So that’s that’s normal and that’s how almost everyone feels is like an I don’t know laugh, you know, and like, oh, yeah, when like, it got bad and I’m not sure still. And that’s that’s okay. That’s a part of the process. Whereas me from the outside, I’m kind of just listening and feeling and like, Oh, what do I sense is compelling what stuck out to me what made me think? And then when I feel those things, as I’m paying attention, I just say like, that part is wildly Fascinating, right? I have pedals where like, I didn’t know
Yeah, and sometimes when you’re in it, you don’t know it’s fascinating because it seems normal to you. Exactly. Yeah. And I think that’s one of the things that stood out when we were working together too. Because you would say, Wait a second. Tell me more about that. And I would be like that that thing. Okay. Yeah, you
have a very well life. I know, Olympic weightlifter story of your daughter things you’ve experienced, like, you know, Iceland, like you live a life that is full of those things. But when you’re in them, yeah, it is. Yeah, you’re like, Well, I just did that. It’s fine.
Right? Yeah. That’s just how, yeah, that’s just part of the day. Yeah. Tell me about what can people do with their stories? So they, they find their story, or they work with you and they get clear. But what can they do with it outside of being a speaker? Because a lot of people don’t have the desire for that?
Yeah. I mean, first of all, I would go way back that the vast majority of people just don’t see themselves as storytellers. Hmm. Okay. So like the vast majority of regular everyday people like my Aunt Judy, like, she’s not she doesn’t like them. She’s like, I’m a storyteller. Yeah. But she has incredible stories that I need to hear. So it truly is like a core reality shift of like, oh, I have lived experiences that serve others. Yes, yeah. When I can get to that space, then it’s like, what are those stories? So I don’t believe that anyone has a story. And this is something that also is my own personal philosophy versus like branding, marketing, clickbait. And that’s where I have some rub with that. Like, I’m Katie coma, I had miscarriages, period. Right? I could make up my whole platform. Yeah, by and then some people are really successful in certain ways. And I totally support that. I just also believe, for the vast majority of people, we have to recognize that we’re a collection of evolving narratives. Yeah, yeah. So you have a bunch of stories, right? So there’s a bunch of stuff you’ve been through, you have a lot of things. So it’s not that you’re gonna have a story. I think it’s first seeing yourself as a storyteller. Second, recognizing there’s a lot of things that have happened in your life that really can help others. And then it’s honing and crafting those. And then after that, I think you kind of figure out a platform. So the work that I do is story mapping, which we’ve done together and I’m doing tonight in story school, one of my courses, like you’re gonna look back on your life, identify some key values and moments and then you at least know oh, here’s seven stories I have, that I have really overcome something that can help someone. Right then it you know, for some people that’s like, this, like my drug addiction, and in the next one is like that time I won $4. But hey, yeah, those are like meaningful, cool stories. Like as you’re we’re not asking what’s the most traumatic thing you’ve ever been through? We’re asking what have you learned?
You know, it’s so funny. Okay, so what you’re saying is that it doesn’t, you don’t need this big huge story to have an impact on somebody else. Because then I remember when I first started coaching, which now this is funny, and anybody listening that’s been listening for any amount of time, will also get a chuckle out of this, but I remember hearing Brendon Burchard talk, and he was talking, do you know who he is Brendon Burchard heard of him. He talks about how he was in this awful car accident. And when he got in the accident, then he was like, like, have I lived? Have I had an impact on people? Right, those three things. And I actually remember thinking, nothing bad’s happened to me. So I don’t have any I always tell it, which is so funny, because my mother was in a car accident, like I had the exact story to tell. But sometimes we see somebody else’s story. And we go, Oh, that’s so impactful. And we don’t realize that we have a whole bunch of stories of our own. And, and, you know, you tell me more about this, but I think it it can be when you’re when you’re a manager, right? Or we’re not in a team and you’re trying to, if I take what you do, and I shift it to what I do, is that our unconscious minds love metaphor. It loves stories. So anytime you think about the end result of how the story makes you feel cool, your unconscious mind is going to make that connection. So if you’re a manager or a team leader, or a parent or anything, yeah, knowing your stories so that you can pull those out and tell them at the right time.
That’d be so powerful.
Are you looking for a speaker for your next event? Are you part of an organization or a company that holds annual sales conferences or leadership events? I’d love to talk about the path to possibility and how to use your pain as fuel for your breakthrough. I leave guests feeling expanded, inspired and ready to break through personal barriers so that they can live big. Reach out to my team at support at Betsy pake.com or head to my website, Betsy pake.com for all the details.
That’s exactly what it is. And it really is that Oh, I can tell stories day in and day out to people that I lead and love and care about and that the story is, and this is what’s wild. Nobody has the choice to be a storyteller or not. Everyone is always telling stories. Yes. That’s how humans got here is like, Oh, if you touch the stove, your hand will be burned. Right? Yeah. Like we are all, all what you are telling stories right now about your spouse, about your kids about what you do for work about what how you grew up about the city you grew up in about how you feel about yourself about your body. We are all telling stories. So it’s it’s not whether or not you are it’s just if you decide to start paying attention to those, right, and
if you are intentional about us, right, which that’s where your power is, is being intentional about stuff.
Yeah. And I see a lot of the work I do is founded on this quote, that I found like the third month of starting my business when I was like googling what is storytelling, you know, and like, yeah, to research this, this weird topic. But I found this quote, and it’s this by this amazing author. And she says, Do you know what the root word of Restore is? It’s to restore something. And the root word of destroy is to de story, something, the only two things that were proven to help survivors of the Holocaust, we’re telling their story and hugging, touching and telling your story is proven to heal trauma. So she has this like, amazing, like, and I literally just didn’t know that the word restore means to restore something. I did not know that. Yeah, yeah. And so that was such an epiphany for me that like, oh, I have to choose to be a restorative storyteller. Hmm. Or I’m going to be a distortive storyteller. Like I’m going to tell destructive stories, which are things like gossip, useless information, like heartbreak, like speaking to somebody like their negative traits, you know, and yeah, I have to like, I mean, on like, the smallest scale as a parent, I realized, like, a couple months ago, my daughter had this really funny thing happened to her. And she and I was like, telling the story over and over again. And then in like, it was in front of her. And then one day, she said, Mom, I don’t want you to tell that story anymore. And I was like, Oh, this was not a restorative story. It was funny, right? It wasn’t. This is not like lifting her up. This isn’t making her you know, it was just like, it happened. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, that’s so true. Like, I the stories that I’m telling about my kids are shaping who my kids are becoming. Yes. That’s so cool that she said that to you, too. She’s and she’s a little storyteller.
Yeah, yeah. I love that. So um, yeah, I’m thinking of stories when I was young that my parents told and laughed, and I was just like, shut up, but I didn’t have to worry. Amazing. Yeah. I love it. I love that. Yeah,
she’s wildly articulate. And she’s five. And like, this morning, trying to get her ready for school, and she was not doing it. And I was like, You need to get ready right now. Like we are leaving, you know, like, it was one of those like, I had had too much coffee. And like, I also was late. And she was like moving so slow, and holding her stuffed animal. And I was like, Can you let me know why you’re choosing not to get ready for school right now. Like, we need to go. And she was like, I don’t know why I feel the way I do. But I feel like being still in quiet. I was like, Oh, I know. Like that. And I don’t know how I feel sometimes, too. I was like, I can’t even articulate that in the mornings. Like, no,
that’s so amazing. She’s well, yeah, that’s, that’s really cool. Yeah, they’re very cute. Okay, so. So tell people how you work with them. And like what they could do, because I know a lot of people are probably listening. And they’re like, I have a story to tell, like, I have something. And, you know, I have talked to so many people in my life that are like, I need to write my family’s story. Yes, right. Yes, I need to write my family story. And, you know, I, that is a thing that I’m like, how do you tell your family story? When you’re in your family story? Like when you’re part of it? I mean, it comes from your perspective. But can you speak to that, and then tell people how they could start that work with you?
Yeah. So stories don’t need to be like perfectly curated, designed, captured, prepared, ready, hired, like, and this is just, this is the thing that I fight against. So like for your family story, for example. I, like a year ago, felt super convicted that my grandma, her life decisions have like, created an incredible family system. And I don’t know her story. So like, I knew, like, you know, I hear my whole life growing up that my grandma’s 30 years sober like that. She’s like, incredible. She raised five kids in the 50s like just all these things that she’s overcome that like her five kids like each other, and we all live in the same city. And like, in she’s just like a badass old woman. Like yeah, she’s just rad and I was like, You know what, I I don’t know what made that happen. Like, I just know she got sober but I don’t know about before that and like, I don’t know about what happened. My grandpa died and like, so I just sat down with her. I just said to her grandma Could I ask you some questions? And can I bring my phone? And can I just record you? Huh? And she was like, Yeah, but I, I’m just like, but I don’t I don’t look great on camera. You know what I’m like, nobody cares. Like, this is not this. Nobody’s wondering. Um, so I went to her house on a Saturday morning and like, set up a tripod. And I was like, tell me about getting sober. Yeah, tell me about like, what? Oh my gosh, I was like, What do you why do you think that you and grandpa were married for seven years? And she said, deadpan, like, well, Katie, I liked him. That’s such a good
answer. Yes,
you’re gonna love someone that long. You’ve got to like them? Yes. And she’s like, Yeah, people are just loving each other. They do not like each other. It’s like, oh, Graham, you’re so smart. So like, it’s that like, that is how I collected my family stories. I have these, like, raw videos in my favorites folder of my grandma. So will I send that to a friend who’s a videographer one day? Probably? Will I endlessly happy forever that I have them? Yes, yes. Like in one day, hopefully, when she’s 100. My grandma passes away. Like, I have my family stories I have heard her telling them. And so I think that for a lot of people, they like get so caught up in the house that they don’t ever do the why. Yeah. And I’m like, just sit at your computer, send them emails, like there are apps and programs for this, like you can there’s
those books, I you know, my grandmother died when I was like, I don’t know, maybe 28 or something. And we were super close. And I had her fill out one of those books last Tell me about your life. And I read it almost every year around her birthday. Like it’s the best and, and big. Like Life was hard, then yeah, I mean, I will look back and just be like, Oh my God, my grandparents. Were in the pandemic. It was hard. But like life is hard back then. And like, overcame so many things. It’s inspirational. And then also, and maybe you felt like this. I came from that.
Exactly. Right. Exactly. Cool. And I think that that’s the connection that we’re missing is like, when you can collect your family stories. You’re actually collecting
yours. Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk about the very first time somebody starts to do a story with you. And you say, Okay, tell me your life story. And they immediately start crying. And I know that’s true, because I did it. And you were like, everybody does this. Why? Why is that? Because we’re getting a witness.
I don’t know. I
think you’re right, Betsy, I think I think it’s a witness. I think it’s like, I think we all have a wild desire to be super heard. And I think when someone’s actively listening, and that’s the only point I feeling like, I’m not trying to get anything from you. You know, I don’t wait like I’m not, you know, just like, oh my god, we just listen to this for a while. And like, even what’s amazing.
Yeah, you definitely seem interested, which
I am. I mean, this is that’s my superpower. If there’s nothing else my superpower is, I really do think people are super interesting, right? Because they are like, if you pay attention for a minute, people are wildly interesting. Yeah. So I think it’s that and then I think there are a lot of people who, who have lived stories they’ve never said out loud. So just that’s also the art of it is like, oh, yeah, I mean, everyone knows that my husband died, or everyone knows I got that degree. But here I am saying it to you. And then all of a sudden, it’s like real? Yeah, it’s almost like I’m restoring it as it’s happening. And it feels like so connected. So yeah, it’s just like a vulnerable act to say like, here’s what’s happened to me.
Yeah. And so have somebody see it and reflect it back. Yeah, super powerful. Yeah. And I think like, even if you go into it, even if you’re, if you’re listening, and you’re like, I really want to talk to Katie, and I want to do that process. But I don’t know why. Why would I do it? Just do it? Because it’s the process of doing it. You know, I talk all the time about how you can do things just because they’re joyful. And they don’t have to lead to anything. They don’t have to make you money they don’t like, yes, for the experience, right. And so I think this is one of those things to have somebody fully listen as you share your story and reflected back to you is, like super powerful.
And just the accountability that I mean, for a lot of my clients. Yeah, we only work together for four sessions. But at the end of the four sessions, they have written on a Word document three important stories for them. Right. Yeah. And that’s where it’s like, yeah, I mean, the stories that you’re telling, you’re shaping what you believe about yourself, it changes your own narratives, the stories you write down, you’re gonna remember, like, the way that you view a story is how you view what’s to come. I mean, there’s a lot of healing in our work in that that like, Oh, when I read a story that I overcame something, I now believe I can overcome things. Yes. Instead of writing a story, like I mean, I meet with clients and they’re like, Katie, I have a cancer story. I want to talk about cancer. Cancer is my thing. I talk to people from cancer, like I’m gonna be in the cancer space. I’m like, That’s great. What did you learn from cancer? Yeah, like, Oh, I think resiliency, and I’m like, Okay, you’re a resiliency speaker. Yes, yeah, that is the jump where they’re like, oh, it’s not the experience. It’s The value. So that’s why that’s the work I do is taking you from what did I experience to now? What do I hold? Yeah, you can get there. It’s like, Oh, wow. You know, because I can come into your story about resiliency now. But I couldn’t come into your cancer journey.
Right. Right. So it’s kind of opening. Yes, yes. Yes. As you’re sharing your story with people, they can step into that. And I think like when you’re listening when you watch a really great movie, and there’s the, you know, the hero’s journey, and you can associate with the hero, what they’re going through, and that’s because it’s like something like resiliency, that’s like a common thing that other people could feel, or that feeling of being very still in quiet right now.
Yes, exactly. Yeah. And I think it’s, I think women specifically tend to rush to the good part. Yeah. And like, oh, no, but it’s okay. I mean, it’s fine. Like, it was super hard, but like, It’s okay now, like, it’s so much better. And like, everything is doing so much better. And so that’s okay. But it was hard. But like, that’s okay. And I’m like, What did you just say? Like, yeah, that’s how we can have a real conversation where I can say, if you want to tell a good story, then you need to sit in the hard part
longer, right? Yes. I remember. Um, God years ago, I had talked, I had a speaking coach when I was first starting to speak. So probably like eight years ago, and she said, I told her the story about my mom really fast. And then, and she’s like, You are denying people the opportunity to feel something. Want to go with you, as you like, healed from that. Wow. So stop denying people. And I was like, oh, because I was like, and then and then it was fine. And then she was like, wait as I get no, that’s not how you tell them story. Yes, like so powerful and interesting. We do. I think you’re right, like we we rush past the hard parts, because we’ve been programmed and told we’re not supposed to talk about hard stuff.
Right. And the vast majority of people are not going to learn from your story from your victories. Yeah, yeah. Like we don’t really need a ton more of those stories where it’s like, I’m a millionaire who lost 100 pounds. Yeah. That’s not a story I’m looking to receive. I don’t need it. Like that’s not what currently is. My my met story needs like, right, I need to hear you’re like overcoming having young kids or like building your business from scratch or having a hard time with your family. Like, I need to hear these like nitty gritty stories. I don’t need that end result over and over and over again, right? Yes, totally.
Well, it’s kind of like the Instagram version of it. Right? We’re adults sick of that.
Like, can we skip to the good, good part? Like no, don’t just tell me the whole thing. Because yes,
yes, totally. All right. So tell people where they can find you where they can follow you on social media and all the things
Katie Kisara is my name qu es ADA like a Cydia Katie Cassata. And that’s my Instagram. That’s my website can excel.com at Katie casada getting us out on LinkedIn? I have a very clean life. It’s all just I know minds. All Betsy pake do? Yeah, that’s very helpful. So you can find me anywhere. My Instagram is mostly just like, you know, me and my kids and our life. And I talk about work sometimes. But it’s just all of it. So and your stories are fun. I prefer stories over post. Yeah, that’s for sure. Yeah, me too. Me too.
So you can work with people one on one, you also do a story. What is the thing that I’m doing? Story
School Story school. So for Thursday’s, I’m doing that for the month of April, which I’ll probably offer again in the fall. And then I have an ecourse called own your story. And that’s probably the easiest way to jump in. It’s on my website, you can find it. And it’s four sessions to telling better stories.
Okay, cool. So they can find that right on the website. You guys when I worked with Katie, one on one. And then before I went to Iceland, and then after I came home from Iceland, and then she was doing the story school, and so I messaged her, and I’m like, do I need that? She’s like, Well, we’ve already kind of done that. And I was like, Yeah, but I just like to buy everything you do. Like you’re just buying everything. So now I’m in school. Yeah. So good. All right. Well, thank you so much for coming on. It was so fun to have you and to talk with you.
I appreciate you. And I’m so honored and privileged to have received your story. So I’m thankful for you too.
Thank you. All right. Bye. Bye, everybody. Hey, thanks so much for listening to today’s show. And thank you for sharing the show with your friends. I love when you guys do that. I appreciate it so much. And thank you for leaving me a review on iTunes. I know that it matters because when I go to find a podcast, I always look to see what the reviews are. So it really means a lot to me that you take a minute to like figure out how to even make that happen. Now, if you want to find me find me on social media, I’m usually on Instagram, starting out on Tik Tok. It’s just my name. Betsy pake and that’s my website to Betsy pake.com. And you can find out all about the work that I do. having me speak for an event that you might be helping to plan or getting trained inside my alchemy Institute, but to make it really easy, if you want me just shoot me a DM she sent me a direct message on Instagram and I will be at your service Thanks again for listening and I will see you all next week