Please confirm your call by filling out this brief form Thanks for taking a minute now to confirm your call by filling out this form. This helps us prepare and be better able to serve you during our time together.First Name *Last NameConfirm Email Address *Confirm Best Phone to Reach You *Did you watch the full masterclass? *yes I watchedNo, I need toWe want to be sure you aren't coming to the call without knowing if it's the right step for you.Can you share a little about what your biggest struggle is right now in your situation? *Are you experiencing physical abuse? *NoYes, currently or with this partner in the pastAre you currently investigating divorce? *No, I'm not looking into getting divorcedIt's on my mind and I've thought about the cost of divorce but haven't taken steps forwardI've investigating the cost to hire an attorneyI've hired someone to dissolve the marriageWe aren't legally marriedWhat have you done up to this point to get help? *What's happening that now is the time to finally make this change in your life? *Creating change requires you to be open and coachable. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being I'm not willing to do anything different and 10 being I am DONE being stuck in indecision, where do you find yourself? *12345678910If I think I can help you, and invite you into my program, are you able to make an investment in yourself? *An investment in program that solves my problem would be worth itI am not in a position to get help right now and will need to stay where I amIs there anything else you want us to know?Submit your information & I'm looking forward to talking soon!