Learn NLP - Betsy Pake

An expert at transmutation, a practitioner capable of mystical transformation at the highest levels. A problem-solver; a life changer; an unlimited creator.

The Alchemy Institute®

Where world class coaches master the tools to launch or elevate their coaching business.

You don't need a certification to be a coach...

And we think that’s tragic.

Unfortunately, the market is flooded with unqualified individuals posing as experts. Clients often discover their coach’s lack of training only after they’ve invested money and experienced disappointing results.

However, coaches equipped with transformative tools that target the subconscious level set themselves apart. 

These are the coaches who establish thriving businesses, garner glowing referrals, and solidify their reputations as leaders in their field.


Don’t let your hard work in building a coaching business be in vain. Ensure you have the essential tools to drive profound, lasting change.


Why not set yourself up for success?

What if...

What if you could learn the skills to replace your day job in the next 16 weeks?

We've got you covered...

At The Alchemy Institute we provide invaluable training in six modalities and teach you how to create life long impact with everyone you coach.

Our clients take what they learn and apply it in corporate settings, doing group coaching, one-on-one coaching, speaking, workshops and more.

We offer this training in a on-demand environment with group support to help you learn at your own pace with guidance and mentorship along the way.

Welcome to The Alchemy Institute® with Betsy Pake​​

Who is this for?

This is for current & aspiring
coaches who:

Why is The Alchemy Institute different?

We don’t just teach you the tools…. we train you to be an expert.

With our program it’s not just theory without an substance, we’ve been in the trenches and we’re coaches too.


As a coach, Betsy knows the nuances that make the difference when working with clients. She has real world experience to share and has used her training to build a thriving coaching business, world class podcast and facilitates workshops and keynotes for non-profits and corporations all over the country.

We walk the walk.

Most training programs are led by trainers and they have NEVER built a thriving coaching practice of their own.

Inside The Alchemy Institute, you’ll be led by people who walk the walk.
We know this work, we do the work on ourselves and we are coaches who work with clients every day.

Listen, we know what makes the difference between those who make it and those you don’t. We give you that edge.

What We Do

We show you the way. FULL STOP.

Here's what to expect inside
The Alchemy Institute

We designed this program to provide you with a streamlined experience with these benefits:

  1. Immediate access to our curriculum online that brings you on a journey of personal transformation as you learn. (I guarantee that by the end, you’ll have transformed in the best ways possible from the person you were when you started.) You access this on-demand on a computer or on our app anytime. You keep lifetime access to the material after you graduate so you can review anything later on.
  2. Live and on-demand; we’ll fit your timeline and how you learn.
  3. Hard copies of manuals that you can use like a “cookbook” for success coaching, Hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming instruction.
  4. Access to a team that wants you to succeed and will step up to help with (just about) anything you need to be a success. YOUR success is OUR business and we want a world full of thriving coaches who have come through our program.
  5. Access to on-demand coursework (with lifetime access!) in 6 modalities, including  Success Coaching, Hypnotherapy, EFT, TIME Techniques, Neuro-linguistic programing and Deep Streaming Facilitation.
  6. Access to Q & A and mindset calls with trends, new ideas and mindset work to make you the best of the best.
  7. Private Facebook group for camaraderie, questions and celebrations. We believe there is power in the network and being part of a group who is striving for more while forging their own path.
  8. An up-level library of coursework to work on your own personal blocks with lifetime access.
  9. After you complete the prework on your own time, we meet live on zoom to complete your NLP certification over 5 days together.
  10. Breakout sessions so you understand how to do the processes and have someone to practice with so you hone your skills.

  The program is a business expense and a tax deduction making this a no-brainer.


Is The Alchemy Institute right for you?

This program is for a very specific individual and not everyone will be accepted. In order to be considered you must:

Have work ethic and high standards for yourself and others. You’re ready to put in the effort to be the very best:  This experience will change you personally in the best of ways…. but only if you show up and take part in the program. If you’re not sure if you’re ready to do the work, put in the time, practice the tools, look internally at yourself and be open to expansion, come back to us when you are ready to do those things.

Be in control of your time and your schedule:  you must be flexible in your schedule or have a private coaching or therapy practice now so that you can stay on top of the schedule and be prepared to interact and get help when you need it. If you work for someone else but can create the time, this program IS for you.

Be ready to leave what you know behind:  We know you already have some skills. You may even have some other training or certifications in other modalities. If you’re not ready to learn this material with fresh eyes and be open to seeing this work without the filters you have, we’re not a good fit. (We’d love for you to integrate what you already know later, just leave it outside the door while you learn THIS work)

Be coachable and open to learning something new:  If you’ve got a habit of complaining or making excuses, this program won’t work for you and we don’t want to take your money. If you’re ready to let old ideas go and want to grow, you’re in the right spot.

Be resourceful.  The path in life will always include obstacles and you’ll rarely find someone who can go 16 weeks without any life happening…. you’ve got to be ready to press forward, drop excuses, ask for help, dig deep, find the resource you need to keep going. This is WORTH IT. We know it is, and you’ve got to know it is too or we’re not a good fit.

Be a 10 on a scale of 1-5:  The coaches who come through The Alchemy Institute are awesome. That’s who we like to work with! So if you’re a 10 on the awesome scale (or you’re ready to be!) you’re in the right spot.


If any of these sound like you, you should apply to join The Alchemy Institute.


We only accept the best and so our students are not just "typical" coaches. They are outstanding.

Are you ready to become a world class coach? Then I need you to consider this...

Due to the high demand for our program, we’re prioritizing bookings from individuals who are currently prepared to invest the necessary time, energy, and financial resources to become a world class coach. Please consider whether you’re ready to fully commit to this experience before moving forward.

What does it mean to be prepared to invest the time, energy and financial resources?

*Are you in for massive success? We are.


 When we reserve a seat for you in The Alchemy Institute it signifies our undying commitment to make you shine. And all we ask is for you to mirror that dedication. 


Our reputation is built on success — your success.

A Mention on Tuition: Noticed we’re playing coy about the cost? That’s intentional. Until we sit down and discuss your needs (if you’re a fit, book that call!), it’s premature to discuss numbers. But here’s a clear message for you: If you’re scouting the market for a low-cost, shortcut solution, this isn’t the place

Crafting dreams demands more than mere pennies and half-hearted efforts. Sometimes, it requires going the extra mile, perhaps borrowing  or leveraging business credit — a commitment synonymous with any budding entrepreneur. During our one-hour chat, our focus will be on CLARITY, not pushing a program. We pledge to extend an invitation to the institute only if we’re doubly sure it aligns with your goals and can deliver an exceptional ROI. That’s a promise.

Ready to skyrocket your business and multiply your income and success?  If you said yes, it’s time now to book that call.

Apply here to book your time with Betsy or one of her team members to discuss your acceptance into The Alchemy Institute.

Feeling the Timing’s Off? Not sure if you’re ready?
No worries — and kudos for your honesty!  Part of being a great coach is being able to listen in to yourself. If you think there is work to do on yourself. Get started there, join us over at The Art of Living Big Podcast and we’ll see you soon!



What if I’m not accepted into the program after our call?
Our call’s mission is crystal-clear understanding — for both of us. If we feel it’s not the ideal match, we’ll candidly share that insight. But no worries!  We’ll guide you toward other valuable recommendations, resources, or tasks that might be more suitable for your journey.


What’s the price tag on the program?

As of this moment? A resounding zero. Just as Spotify wouldn’t curate your end of year playlist without first tuning into your most listened to hits, we can’t possibly discuss the program’s investment without a deep dive into your goals and experience.  Our prime objective is to grant you clarity, not merely to pitch a sale. We’ll delve into all intricacies if and only if we mutually conclude that it’s the right move. I will promise it’s far less than a Phd and lands within the mid four figure range. (Like we said… it’s a no brainer)


I’m totally feeling cash-strapped? Can This Still Be For me?

If you’re grappling with how to pay your rent, perhaps diving into building your coaching business might not be your immediate calling. Embarking on a business venture demands not just monetary investment, but also your time, passion, and relentless energy. Pause and reflect – is this truly your moment? Are you brimming with resourcefulness? If you’ve said no in the past out of fear, or said yes but never really put in the effort to be successful, are you resolved to redefine that narrative?


I‘ve been a therapist but I’ve been thinking about becoming a coach. Is this right for me?

If  you want skills so you can coach, work with clients in other states (or other countries) and want to have new tools that can be used in your therapy practice as well (without all the paperwork), this is a great option for you.


I am not in the US, am I a good fit for this program?

Because the meat of the content is online, on-demand, it can work for you. We  have clients all over the world from Spain to Australia, the US and more.


Can I write this off on my taxes?

Yes, this is a business expense and can be written off on your taxes as such. We provide you with a receipt for your tax professional when you enroll.

Book your call now

The Alchemy Institute ® 2023