105: The Power of Water


On today’s show, I talk about water and why I decided to drink spring water at home. Is some water more full of vitality and energy than others? Does drinking clean spring water positively impact all areas of life?  And is there a clue as to how what we say to ourselves changes the content of our body, which is 70-90% water.

This episode is great for anyone who is interested in health, learning new strategies to have more energy and vitality or anyone who likes to think differently about the everyday things in their lives!

Thanks for listening and sharing with your friends!


Welcome to the art of living day. I’m your host, Betsy Pake. And this podcast is designed to share interviews and new ideas to help you redefine what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live Big E everybody. Welcome to the show. So today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about water, I get messages, sometimes on Instagram. That’s where I am most of the time. And I post things to my stories. And that’s when people direct messaged me and asked me questions. And that’s where I get the questions for a lot of the q&a episodes. But somebody asked me about my water maybe a month ago, and so I have been meaning to do something to explain to you about how I what I do with my water. So okay, let me explain. So I have a water delivery, I get water delivered to my house. So I live in outside Atlanta, Georgia. So my tap water is fine. It’s not sulfur water, it doesn’t taste funky or anything like that. But maybe a year ago, I saw a documentary on water, and it just changed the way I think about what I was putting in my body. Now, I generally have always drank a lot of water. But lots of times I would put flavorings in it, you know, like those little droplet things you can put in which I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with that. But I was doing that a lot, because my tap water wasn’t especially like clean tasting like something about it was like a little off. And when I watched this documentary, I was

like, Oh, you know what, maybe I’m just sensing that the

water itself is a little off. So not the taste of the water, but the water itself. And I’m going to explain to you what I mean. So, you know, when we were cavemen or when we were just starting to settle, where did we settle, we put our towns right near water sources, right. But now we don’t have to do that, because we have plumbing and we can be in cities. And we can be far and far away from a water source. And we could just have the water piped to us. And come we just flip open the tap and the water comes out, right. And if you think about that, what is actually happening to the water. So the water is probably in like a closed circuit system for most cities. So the water comes out of your tap, you drink it, you go to the bathroom, it goes into the sewer system, it’s treated, it comes back through. And then you’re basically drinking it again, which that’s I’m not, there’s not an issue necessarily with that, although, as I say it that way, it sounds pretty gross. But it’s being treated like there’s, you know, no contaminants in it, but it’s coming back to you in that way. So it’s this closed loop system, which That in itself isn’t necessarily bad because all water is in a closed loop system. If you think about it, our Earth is got rivers and

lakes and streams

and all of that funnels into the ocean, which gets evaporated and goes into the sky. And then it comes down and it comes down as rain and refills and replenishes those lakes and streams. And we drink that. So it’s a closed loop system in a way anyway. So. But what I want to think about is when it’s happening in nature, what’s really what’s really happening now, when you go to hike, have you ever gone hiking, and you go into the mountains, and you watch the water coming down on a stream, or if there’s a waterfall, a natural waterfall, you’ll notice that there’s not the turns, and the angles that you might see in the plumbing in your house. So if you’ve ever gone underneath your house, or if you’ve been in the basement, and maybe you’ve got the pipes, and they are straight angles, right? So they’re 90 degree angles, but if you’re out in nature, and you’re watching the river in the streams, is there any time where it is a straight angle like that? No, it’s not. It’s all circular or move, okay, constant movement, lots of flow, right? So nothing that’s like kind of getting stagnant or having to stop and turn to go through a corner. And then if you go back to our water systems, so many of us are taking medication and birth control pills or hormones of some sort. And all of this is going through this system into the sewer system being cleaned out and being re entered into our water supply. But all of those hormones and chemicals aren’t necessarily being taken out 100% so it doesn’t all get filtered through. So Alright, so we’ve got the Straight Angle thing. We’ve got the what you don’t see in nature, and then we’ve got all of this stuff in terms of what we’re putting in our body and what we’re letting out and that’s going back into the system.

But what we might not actually realize because

you’re thinking well, it’s just water like I get if there’s hormones in it, or I get a really in the end, it’s just water. What’s the big deal? And here’s what I think many of us don’t really realize and I didn’t realize is that water actually has a memory. So water isn’t just this like, fluid thing that we need to be able to survive, it actually has a whole lot more a life of its own to it. So I want to explain to you what I mean by that. So let’s understand what water really is. So water is a dipole. So one end is charged more than the other, which allows the molecules to cluster together. And so you may have like a group of cluster, like, if you think of water, and you see like a droplet of water, and then another little droplet of water, if you kind of spray some on your table, for example, that’s how I imagine it. So they are clustering together in little groups, right. So these little groups store memory, they, they they hold a memory, in the 1960s. In Germany, there was a closed laboratory that was doing some experiments, and a lab assistant accidentally dropped a vacuum seal ampoule of poison into a beaker of distilled water. And they were like sort of embarrassed, I guess that they had done that. So they didn’t say anything, they kind of pushed the beaker to the side and just left it in there. Three days later, somebody found it. And they just took it out, because the little thing of poison was sealed, so nothing leaked out. And so they just had the beaker of the distilled water, they just took it out. And then they just moved on with their experiment. Well, some of that water was given to them mice that they were experimenting on. And all of the mice that received that water died, they tested the water chemically, it was exactly the way water is supposed to be it was clean. So the water had received some sort of information from the ampule of poison that was inserted in it for three days. And so it adopted some of the properties of what was in it. Okay, so water has this memory, and it makes an imprint on whatever it comes in contact with. So if that’s true, then think about the memory of the water that’s coming through your tap, right? So it has been in this closed loop system probably over and over, it’s going through pipes that are unnatural formation, it’s moving through at a probably really rapid pace, it’s not getting exposed to all the things in nature that it would typically be exposed to. So it makes an impact on what you’re actually putting in your body. So if you could think about what is the water that I’m putting in, if putting an ampere of poison impacts? What the memory of that water has, what is the memory of the water that’s coming through my tap? Okay. Okay, so now we got that, right, we understand that maybe it doesn’t, you know, goes through these unnatural shapes. And but how does that really affect me? Well, it affects you because not only the memory of the water, but also the structures within the water. So if we take a water droplet, and we freeze it, take it right out of the tap and freeze it and look at the crystals that are formed, the crystals that are formed from tap water will be much more like plain looking, I don’t know how to explain it if you haven’t seen pictures, but you could probably Google it. But if you take a mod a little bit of water from spring water, and you put that you freeze that and look at that, then it’s a beautiful crystal, if you could think of like a snowflake like it’s a beautiful crystal that’s formed. And with that, we know that the life energy in it is different. So the molecule structure of the actual water is different from tap water than you would see in spring water or natural water that’s coming out of the mountains. Okay. So what they’ve done is they’ve looked at this and they’ve looked at different places on the in the world, like, you may have heard like Okinawa, Japan, the people there on that island live for a long, long time. I remember reading a book about the Okinawans when I was in college, and they live well into their hundreds. Now, what they’re saying is that the water that they drink, where they get their water is from this vast area of the ocean, that is by a coral reef and the coral reefs live for hundreds and hundreds of years. And so the water has been impacted with this longevity, right. So if the water has a memory, it has a memory of longevity, and that’s what the people are drinking. Now, I know that might seem like just a little bit far fetched. But in 2005, there was some Russian biophysicists. And they actually went to this area in Venezuela that has a water source that is untouched by humans. So it was like this, they had to travel for like three days and climb up all these mountains and get to

all these very remote places. So where these water sources were untouched by humans until they got there, I guess. Then they sampled some of the water and they brought it back they wrapped it in foil. So that Nothing about the energetic component of it would change, they brought it back to Russia. And they went to the labs, and they studied it.

And they measured the energy of

what was in the water.

Now the water was compared to ordinary drinking water. And what they found was they used something called the kirlian effect, where you could test the energy. And the energy from that water was 40,000 times more active than water that comes out of a tap. So if you could think of what you’re taking into your body, like, you know, you want to take in vegetables instead of chocolate cake, right? So you know, if, logically, if you had to eat only one thing, you’d be better off eating vegetables, then you would be eating, like sweets and junk food, right? And you know that because inherently you just kind of know, well, that’s because of the energy and the nourishment, the energy that you’re getting from it, right? And so the water from that is not five times more, not 20,000 times 40,000 times more active. Okay. So with all that said, What is where does that kind of leave us? And where does it comes back to the question of why do you have this water thing in your house? Like, why

do you do that?

So the reason that I do that is because as I was learning all this, I discovered some some additional research that was done by a guy named Dr. emoto. And what he did was he actually took water and he was studying it. And you may have heard of this before, but he was studying the way water those water crystals would form, because remember, that’s going to give me an idea of the vitality of the water. So he would study the water crystals. He studied tap water, he studied spring water, he studied distilled water, and what he was, and one of the experiments that he did was he took three beakers with some water and a little bit of rice and the first beaker, he said, Thank you to every day. And the second beaker, he said, You’re an idiot. And the third beaker of rice he just ignored. And so after one month, the thank you beaker rice had started to ferment and it had sort of a pleasant smell to it. The You’re an idiot had turned black, and it was just rotten. And the ignore one had become like moldy and gross and

like truly rotten. And so what

he found was that was that water imprints, whatever it is that is around it. So it’s imprinting what its surroundings are what it’s hearing. And now if you think about you, how much of your body is water, like 70 to 90%, depending on how old you are. So if water is hearing what you’re saying, if it’s imprinting, by what it’s what’s around it, then and the vitality is changed based on this, what are you saying to yourself every single day? Like what do you what are you surrounding yourself with? Are you surrounding yourself with people that are positive and saying happy things? Are you in an environment that is really negative? Or? Like, are you saying awful things to yourself? So first, I want you to think about that. And then second back to why I have the real question, which is why I have this water thing in my house is because I decided that I wanted to test it. I wanted to get a water machine in my house. And I have spring water that is brought to my home. Now I live north of Atlanta, so I don’t live too far from the Georgia mountains. And there’s a company that will deliver the mountain Georgia mountain water to me. So I get a delivery every other Friday of these big bottles of water that I I drink from Okay, so what I actually found when doing this myself, was that not only did I drink way more water because it tastes a lot different. It tastes better. But and and so I think that really helped me. But I also found it was helping me make better choices. You know, and I’ve talked on a previous episode about how I decided to do whole 30 back in February. At that time, I had been drinking the spring water. I don’t know maybe six months or so. Maybe not quite that long. But it I believe that people would say to me, why isn’t hole 30 hard? Like you always hear people starting holding like,

Oh, I mean

even the little map they give you for whole 30 is like it talks about every single day about this is going to be a struggle, you’re going to be struggling with it. I didn’t have any of that like truly, like I didn’t have any of that and I have often wondered Is it because of the water because I was already imprinting myself with really this really good high energy, what feels good kind of nourishment for my body, right? Because what we take in affects everything. It affects how we think it affects how our body operates and performs at effects how much energy we have and what we want to do. So

I wondered, like, is this in my head

a little bit, it does taste better. I mean, that’s I felt like that was, you know, that was easy enough. When I got it My family was like, that seems really silly, especially my husband cuz he’s very, very practical. And he’s super smart. And he just, you know, very practice, he has to be scientific, you know. So even though I was sharing some of the science with him, but now I find he always drinks out of that. He says, it just tastes better. So okay, cool. But then I was like, Is there something in it that would net like, is nature forcing me to want the water? Now, not only that, because it tastes better. But is there something in it that I’m searching for? Now I’ll put down and I’ve tested this with my animals, where I’ll put down tap water, and I’ll put down the spring water at the last little bit of the spring water I can’t get it doesn’t come up through the machine. So there’s always a little bit left. And so at the end of the week, when I dump out the last little bit, I’ll put it in a bowl for them and they run to it. They’re like, ooh, the spring water, it’s like spring water day. And so I think that there’s something to that, that they inherently know that that feels better to them that it tastes better that it’s, it’s, there’s something to that, you know, we watch our animals for, and check into nature, right for lots of truth. So, you know, try it for yourself and see, one of the things with your tap water is that it has chlorine in it right? Well, chlorine replaces oxygen in the water in the molecules. That’s how it works. And so if you’ve got a glass of water full of chlorine, it has less oxygen, what’s the energy source of our lives is oxygen, right? So the natural burning, it’s called is in the water is actually water and oxygen. So it’s got to have oxygen in order to have to provide you the energy that you need. So think about that. I don’t know if that makes you think a little bit differently. You can Google all of this stuff and find the studies that I’m talking about Dr. modos, and many of the other there’s some great documentaries out there about water, but

what I would encourage you to do is just try it for yourself.

See if you like the spring water a little bit better. I bet near you. There’s lots of places that deliver. Try it and see because you know what?

You deserve to live a big life. See you guys next week.

Thanks so much for listening. Remember, you can find me all over social media at Betsy Pake and, as always, here’s a little message from my husband.

That’s it.


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.