03 How To Overcome Grief: Interview with Chelsea Dinsmore


Today’s guest is Chelsea Dinsmore. Chelsea is the Chief Inspiration Officer over at Live Your Legend, a company designed to change the world by helping people find work they love. Chelsea worked with her husband, Scott Dinsmore as they helped form the Live Your Legend community all over the world. You may have seen Scott’s TED talk, if not you can see it here.

But today, Chelsea shares with us her thoughts on carrying on after an incredible loss. Wait until listen to her story, hear her passion and get inspired by her resilience and the message she has for everyone.  Chelsea Lives Big.

Remember to join us in the After Show and continue the conversation at www.TheArtofLivingBig.com and hear more of what Chelsea has to share. 

Thanks for spending some time with me, now let’s go Live Big.

Music by BenSounds .com



Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.