I'm so glad you are here!
I’m Betsy
*Ocean obsessed
*Probably hanging out with my dog
*Possibility Seeker
*Deep thinker
I Believe...
You are whole already.
Many times when people come to work with me they feel “broken”. I don’t believe that’s true! I see you as whole already and I want you to see what I see.
You should spend time...
with people deeply rooted in your success. People who make you feel alive and unafraid to share who you are becoming as well as who you already are.
Rules for life:
Read good books and drink good coffee. (sometimes decaf!)
I’m the coach that focuses on subconscious change so
shifting can be easy!
I want to show you how all your past experiences were exactly what you needed to grow into where you are meant to be. That when you stop resisting these experiences and instead USE THEM, is when you can create what you’ve been craving.
It's time to experience
how incredibly powerful you are
It's time to connect
with the highest version of you
It’s time to use your story
to create your incredible future
When you do all that it will lead to...
More confidence
More clarity
More joy
My work is my love letter
and rally cry to everyone out there who wants to live their "Big Life" but just hasn't known how.
Meet Betsy
“You should know, Betsy and The Navigate Method is the real deal!”
Betsy helps women make big decisions about whether to stay or leave their marriage.
Host of the popular podcast The Art of Living Big and recently named as one of the top 50 women public speakers, Betsy uses her methodology of “Mirror: Mend or Move” to empower women to create relationships & a life they love.
You can find her on Instagram @betsypake.
My superpower is being able to identify patterns that are holding you back and link these together to help you create swift change. (I also make a beautiful poached egg!)
Things I've written.....
Become a nutrition ninja
This book was written in 2015 when I had just sold my CrossFit Gym, South Hall CrossFit, and was working exclusively with athletes and nutrition coaching. I was a competitive weightlifter and in the book I share the methods I used to make weight and compete, winning a bronze medal, in the Pan American Masters Olympic Style Weightlifting competition.
Start small live big
We all have our own “big life” within us, but sometimes, everyday life takes over. Even if we’ve made changes in the past, we tend to slip back into what we know. How do you make changes in your relationships, your career, your health, or even your finances when life is already moving so fast? Start Small Live Big gives you the framework for identifying which changes will have the biggest impact, how to make those changes happen, and the key to staying on track long term.