I can't wait to meet you! In the meantime, I’d love to introduce you to some of my incredible clients!


as they share about creating lives they love (these clients from our The Rise program)....

"Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with an inappropriate relationship my husband had with another woman.
Through our work together I now know that I was carrying a lot of bitterness and not showing up as my true self.  I now know that I control who I am and what I want in my life and marriage. I have also learned how to regulate my emotions and understand why I am triggered by certain things. My husband can either step up to meet me or we can go our separate ways.   My favorite thing about the program was doing a deep dive into exactly who I am and what I want in life. Over the years, I think we lose who we really are while we are working and raising our children. As a newly retired, empty nester, I was feeling rather lost about who I was.  It has been great to remember my "true" self and start reconnecting with her. Fortunately, my husband has really stepped up to meet me where I am now. If you are thinking about doing this program, it is so much more than you think it will be.  Betsy's podcasts are called The Art of Living Big and that is what you will learn how to do.  We all want to have happy, fulfilling lives and we deserve to create the life we want.  I started this program to decide what I wanted to do in my marriage but learned immensely more than just that.  It is a big commitment of time and resources but I think you will find it more than worth it."
Debra A.
" Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with how to move forward and make a decision in my marriage.
Through our work together I now have a toolbox full of tools to get me through this and feel like I have done absolutely EVERYTHING i can to support my decision. 🌟 My favorite thing about the program was the nervous system work, the group calls and the amazing curriculum. 🌟 I felt supported on all of the group calls, and even in the community chat. 🌟 If I could tell someone who was looking into the program something I would tell them It's 100 percent the next right step to gain clarity and confidence in your decision. Having this specific support has felt sooo good, and feels like a weight has been lifted.  I really am sooo grateful for you Betsy. I may still have a ways to go... but im so much closer now."
"I will never forget what Betsy said during my first group, you have to do the work.
Oh boy, at that time I had no idea what she meant and felt I was doing the work, I was going through the curriculum, watching the videos and participating in group. I was sitting with what I was hearing and things resonated but I wasn't working through the worksheets. I would read them and decide I didn't have time to dedicate to them and would circle back. I can't remember what it was that caused things to click, but I started to do the worksheets, made the time and have learned so much about myself, healed things that I didn't realize were there. I have gained understanding, compassion, acceptance of the most important person, ME. I have learned new skills in communication. I have found courage. I am showing up for myself.  I am applying things that I have learned to every aspect of my life. Although I do not know how my marriage will go from this point forward, I feel confident that I have been able to communicate with my husband about my needs, desires and dreams. I do know what I want and what I will not tolerate and have communicated it. Now it is time to see if he can meet me where I am. I have discovered that I have a map of my life and within that map, many directions that I could go. I am open and accepting to any of them.  I will keep going down one path and if that doesn't work, I will try another route. I have learned that I can change my mind at any time. How freeing is that? Not just knowing or telling myself that I have control over my own life, feeling it!"
"Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with how to sort through a tangle of feelings about whether to stay with my spouse or not as we approach the second half of our lives.
Through our work in the Navigate Method, I now know how to trust myself and move forward and feel empowered. My favorite thing about the program was hearing from other program participants and Betsy in a safe space during our weekly group sessions. I felt supported when others shared feelings similar to mine and we discussed strategies for dealing with specific issues that had come up during the week. I have started to see differences on how I handle situations and how others treat me, including my spouse. If I could tell someone who was looking into the program something, I would tell them that this will impact more areas of their life than just their relationship with their spouse, and to do it sooner rather than later."
"I saw the Navigate ad on my social media for a long while and each it came up, I would read through it and think...my goodness it's like she's describing my EXACT situation.
I remember the final time I saw it and clicked to go to the next step, I finally felt hopeful instead of lost. I have grown from this program and I am still experiencing major shifts in the way I experience life and my marriage. I never thought that MY willingness to participate in Navigate would have a noticeable impact on my husband too. This is the first time I have invested in myself in hopes to elevate my thought process and it has been rewarding in so many ways. I feel stronger and more prepared to communicate and 'navigate' what is ahead for us in our marriage. I have also enjoyed getting to meet and discuss my individual situation with other women who have made me feel seen, understood, and empowered. Thank you!"
"Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with how to deal with the deep unhappiness I felt in my marriage. Knowing what the "right thing" to do was haunting me every day.
Through our work together I now know that it's not about "right" and "wrong", only a choice that comes from an authentic place within me.  The confidence I now have in trusting myself, no matter what, is something that will help me not just in my marriage but in all aspects of my life moving forward. My favorite thing about the program was connecting with the other women in the group.  They are all so awesome, and it was so meaningful to be in cohort with people who I related to on such a deep level.  It's very eye opening to see how women's stories converge in this way. I felt supported when I am speaking with Betsy in our weekly calls.  Her listening skills are awe-inspiring, and she truly has a gift for making people feel heard and cared for.  It has honestly inspired me to work on my own listening skills.  If I could tell someone who was looking into the Navigate Method I would tell them that this program is a fast-track to trusting yourself and revealing important things about yourself that will help you in all aspects of your life.  Also, if you feel totally alone about how you feel about your marriage, this program will show you how deeply understood and loved you are by so many others going through something similar.  Yes, it is a large investment, but the ways in which you can return to the curriculum and connect with others in the community after the program is over are truly wonderful.  It's a precious gift you can give yourself."
"So many years of unhappiness and such a cycle of trying, of wanting to give up, of fear of taking the big steps and of uncertainty of those steps.
How do I know it’s really the right one?  I was so alone in this, I was not sharing with anyone (except my husband) this incredible pain.  I could not do this/be here any longer so I joined the Navigation group, out of desperation really.  Here I hoped to find an answer, the answer FINALLY.  But I have realized that there is not AN answer or THE answer - I am uncovering MY answer.  The growth from the investment in myself and the support from Betsy and the other ladies in the group and their stories have made this journey of mine - incredible, hard, enlightening, joyful, painful (you get it) and the best decision I have made around this marriage in over 10 years.  Thank you Betsy! Than you ladies!"
"I was looking for clarity in my life and in my thoughts. I took a chance with Betsy and it has really been beneficial.
She was able to put a face on things that I was struggling with and made them understandable.  She and her team have a knack for making you feel understood and helping you to understand yourself. The best thing is you find out you are not alone, there is a group of women who are experiencing similar things and we can support each other and learn from each other how to find the path to the life you want. It’s not easy and I have more work to do, but she’s given me the tools I need to follow through and keep growing the life I deserve to live."
"The navigate method has been the biggest self discovery for me and been really eye opening.
I’ve done other smaller programs, but nothing was as insightful and significant as this!"
Audra P.
"I’ve just really noticed my husband showing up differently and I think he’s responding to how I’m being different as well.
It’s been very encouraging and I just think this program is so good and the more work you put into it, the more benefit you get. "
Client in week 5
"When I joined The Navigate Method I was seeking guidance to end a 37 year relationship. What I found instead was a program that shifted my entire perspective.
It changed my desperation into hope and inspiration. I was given the wisdom, tools and the insight to want to be the best version of myself. The coaching, curriculum, videos and other tools that helped me succeed are something I will refer to forever. It wasn't always easy, but It was definitely worth it. My favorite part was the group of beautifully honest, intelligent and compassionate women I took this journey with. We laughed, we cried and we supported each other through it all. They inspired me and I found so much wisdom and growth as they shared their journeys. To anyone struggling to make a decision to stay or leave a relationship, this course will not only bring you clarity but also guide you on a path that will help you to continue to nurture yourself and help you grow as an individual as well. A heartfelt thank you to Betsy, Ashlie and the entire Navigate Team. I'm so glad I found you."
"The group sessions were really beneficial to me mentally, just to hear how others were experiencing their struggles and knowing I wasn’t alone was so great.
I feel like I’m ending this in such a good place. I wish I had done this program years ago! Thank you for giving me hope. I was really in a low point months ago and Im feeling so much different. Every week I started to feel shifts and started to understand how I want to live my life and it feels so much more intentional now."
Karen M.
"I gave myself permission to be what I always wanted to be through this program.
Navigate completely shifted my relationship!"
Lacey B.

"If you are considering this program, you should know that this is
the real deal</span

The Navigate program is aptly named. The process of making hard decisions is never linear, it is full of twists and turns, and when you’re trying to make a decision that may change the course of your life you need to be as sure as you can that you are making the decision that is right for you. The Navigate program helped me to build my roadmap and navigate tough decisions around the relationship with my husband.

I had been looking for a way to get unstuck in my relationship for a very long time. I had been feeling frustrated, sad and very alone for five years or more.  I had tried everything I could to make things change, to bring things back to the way they used to be. Books, counseling, silence, arguing, cajoling, enticing. I left; I came back. I tried all the things. I loved my husband with all my heart and could not imagine a life without him in it. I yearned for times past.  As the algorithm gods would have it Betsy kept popping into my Facebook feed. I decided to reach out and connect with Betsy.  I was skeptical.  I was cynical. I was jaded and very tired. But I was also out of ideas so, what the heck, let’s go!

I tiptoed cautiously into the Navigate program. What I discovered was without a doubt life changing. I found that that I was not alone. I felt heard and seen for the first time in years. Betsy listens with care and compassion.  She is gentle and respectful in her guidance, but she also cuts to the chase and challenges your thinking.  She is experienced, knowledgeable and personable. She is real and down to earth.  She has her own lived experience and brings this to her practice.  She also has a vast amount of intellectual knowledge and understanding. Through the shared experience of other women and Betsy’s skillful guidance and coaching I was able to identify why I was so stuck. In understanding that I began to shift my thinking and then my direction. I finally got the clarity that had been eluding me for years.

The process of deciding is not linear of course, but with the support of weekly group sessions and check-ins with a mindset coach every month or so, I always felt connected.  I was not adrift anymore.  I had a focus and a community of women who understood exactly what I was experiencing.  A collective of individuals guided by a woman who gets it and who wants to help make others’ lives better.  Navigate support doesn’t end when the program is completed.  The alumni group allows for ongoing connection and advice.  It is wonderful to see how supportive the group is of each other.  How through our growth we have gained perspective and clarity.  Betsy champions each and every one of us and I am so grateful for her wisdom.

If you are considering this program, you should know that this is the real deal.  Betsy provides a comprehensive framework of learning and practice to follow at your own pace. The program is ten weeks but it’s impact and legacy will be with you for far longer than that.  If you’re looking to make a change in your relationship then the Navigate program gives you the opportunity to explore possibilities in a safe, respectful, confidential way with a practitioner who knows her stuff.  I can’t speak highly enough of Betsy. I’m so glad took the step to reach out. One of the best decisions I have made.”

– carol

"The navigate program and Betsy as a coach helped me get my life back.
Mentally I had so much negative talk in my head , I couldn’t find a way out. Betsy’s language and understanding of what we are going through and the method of connecting with ourselves helped bring me into a much better state of mind so I continue living a fulfilled life with my husband . This is a constant practice and Betsy so gracefully continues to help those of us who have finished the program on a monthly bases ! Betsy is upfront and honest with her own personal struggles as well as having a group of women talking together where we all call relate to each others struggles , is all very helpful. "

"Most important for me was that the steps she laid out fit into an integrated plan that made me feel like I'd really be able to measure my success.

Betsy’s Instagram message really resonated with me and I was pleasantly surprised that she offered a free one hour consultation. No brainer – I had to take up that offer. First off, she was asking me questions, not trying to give me a sales pitch. One star! Next she described her five shifts and every one made total sense to me. Most important for me was that the steps she laid out fit into an integrated plan that made me feel like I’d really be able to measure my success. Second star! I remember there being a long pause at the end when I thought the sales job was coming next. I couldn’t wait for her to give me the details for next steps – I had to ask. Betsy’s description of the NAVIGATE Program, the online material, weekly group group sessions, the lifetime access to the materials and most especially her passion and demeanor was a homerun for me (yes, baseball family reference intended.)


By the way, I’m a top down person so it takes me a while to whittle my thoughts down to sound bites so humor me as I present my ideas as they are streaming. Last comment only covered the getting to the decision to join NAVIGATE. And what follows here is an aside. I’ll get to more testimonial words in yet another comment. I started the program in January 2024 and the 10 weeks went by faster than I wanted. I got a bit stuck on the material early on so it took a couple of weeks to complete session one. 

The group sessions were phenomenal for me. Third star! Betsy is extremely skilled at sifting through the “noise” in our stories and leading us to a root (or a rut) and offering suggestions to reframe a problem. Whether addressing me directly or not, her insight was always spot-on! She always led with great kindness and empathy and she always asked if we were willing to accept input in that group setting or not. Her respect for us gave us greater respect for her and each other. Group time was truly a safe space to share our vulnerabilities. An amazing phenomena for me was finding my own story in everyone else’s. Granted, we are all experiencing the same “do I stay or do I go” process but our lifelines are very different. And because Betsy has her own personal experience it might be easier for her to encourage us to follow a path that worked for her. But no, Betsy has a real gift to offer a different perspective without judgement or critique. And she can follow up with concrete examples and recommended actions. Fourth star!! I’ve spent plenty of time with “talk therapists” and that’s not what I wanted. NAVIGATE offered a personally tested process by an incredibly skilled practitioner with over-sized empathy for her clients to achieve their confidence in the process of making probably the toughest decision of their lives. NAVIGATE is a total game changer! Stepping into the future as Louise 2.0 was not easy but I got there. And like most decisions in life, there are still setbacks. The Alumni group monthly sessions, continued access to the program materials, Betsy’s podcast, and a host of new friends made through the group form a wide net of support and encouragement to get back on my own path when I get stuck. I love Betsy and I Iove what the NAVIGATE program has done for me.

Definitely 5 out of 5 stars!!”

– louise williams

"Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with my marriage, but through the coursework and coaching I now realize I was struggling with a lot more internally.
Through our work together I now am able to recognize things about myself, communicate my needs, and ultimately show up for myself. As a result, I feel empowered and unapologetically responsible for myself. If you haven't felt this before I highly recommend it! My favorite thing about the program was the group atmosphere. At first, I had apprehensions about being exposed in front of a group- previous "counseling" had always been 1:1. The group platform has been nothing less than magical relating to other women and drawing into myself. Betsy is a wealth of information, but more importantly has an abundant heart. She has done the homework and we can all benefit in so many ways from what she has so beautifully put together in the Navigate method. The work is up to you.... but she will bring you in front of yourself in the most tender, loving, practical way if you stay the course.“
"I have had years of counseling and therapy, and have never experienced so much growth and clarity.
Betsy Pake’s Navigate Method literally teaches you how to find yourself. The Method uses lessons, sessions with the coaches, journaling, neuro drills, group sessions and other methodologies that you tailor to your needs. You are supported and guided as you work toward clarity on what you want, identify triggers, move beyond childhood issues that may be limiting you, and examine what’s working for you and what’s not. The Method has helped me move out of a rut and make decisions and choices for a healthier and happier me. I have had years of counseling and therapy, and have never experienced so much growth and clarity - and all in just a couple months. I have a couple of weeks left of The Method, and I am already so very happy with the results. Well worth the investment."
Kristie b.
"Betsy is truly a gift and I feel so blessed to have gotten to know her and work with her.
I’m a functional wellness coach and met Betsy through the world of online coaches. I was immediately drawn to her & knew she was someone I needed to follow & get to know and I’m so glad I followed that instinct. Betsy is so incredibly knowledgable and yet so down to earth & real at the same time. Like all of us, I’ve been through some difficult things in my life including my own health issues, losing my best friend to cancer, multiple miscarriages and then giving birth to micro-preemie triplets & leaving my career to stay home & care for them with very little help or support. And after I started my coaching business there was still some “stuff” getting in the way & keeping me stuck. Betsy gently & lovingly helped me identify & remove some pretty big blocks that were holding me back from being the person & coach I want to be and in growing the business and life that I want to have. I’m so grateful for her! If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life, reach out & talk with Betsy. She’s amazing, the work she does is life-changing & she will feel like the incredibly wise, incredibly intuitive, supportive friend & guide you’ve always needed."
Heather P.
"If you’re reading this, you just might be walking the path I’ve been on for years…the seeker’s path, the quest for self-betterment, the search for a way out of a life that feels stagnant and short on hope.
If that’s true for you, congratulations! Your search ends here. You are in the very best hands with Betsy. What a relief, right?! You can finally shelve the self-help books, ditch the planners that promised to change your life, and rip up that elaborate plan for totally restructuring your life in the next 30 days. We both know how empty and pointless that stuff left us feeling after the initial shine wore off, anyway. Instead, get ready to meet yourself. Get ready to become more fully you. Embark on a journey that lets you come at your same old problems from an entirely different angle, in a way that doesn’t even feel like work. I can’t explain to you what Betsy does, but I can wholeheartedly tell you that it’s the best kind of magic. I can’t begin to describe what has happened in my life in the few short weeks we’ve been working together, but it has been utterly amazing. There have been dramatic shifts in my business, finances, family life, and of course, within me. I have been stuck in some of my problematic areas for years, and in the last two weeks I’ve been able to experience freedom and hope as those issues have crumbled and drifted away. What I thought was impossible has become my new reality! Betsy is a warm, funny and deeply gifted guide and I am so grateful to her for the massive and beautiful changes she has sparked in me. I cannot speak highly enough of her and her work. Thinking about working with her? Do it! Jump in! Your future self is thanking you already."
Karen H.
"I found Betsy through her podcast. She has such a positive, magnetic personality.
I had some stuff that I wanted to work through to feel un-stuck and I felt like she was someone would be really fun and knowledgeable to help me work through it. I am happy to report that Betsy helped me wiggle free and I now have direction and a sense of purpose rather than feeling like I am wandering aimlessly. I had so many amazing insights while working with Betsy. Our sessions were like spending time with your best friend but having it be solely focused on you. Betsy is so gifted with so many amazing tools. I highly recommend working with her if you are ready to move into that next phase in your life!"
Erin O.
"I can’t explain the transition I’ve gone through during my work with Betsy.
I heard her on a podcast, followed her podcast, followed her Facebook group, watched a few fb lives and knew that I needed to work with her. My goal to establish a business platform and launch myself from there was hijacked by a weekly uncovering of deeper issues that were blocking my success. Without hesitation, Betsy would help me understand what was happening and through my own tears, I could see the reality on the other side of the confusion. Betsy’s connection with the brain and understanding of the subconscious is a treasure trove of insight that everyone should be aware of. Now as I’m working through things, I understand what’s happening, how to shift my thinking and how to retrain my brain to work with me. I came away with far more than I every expected because I took responsibility for my experiences. I bought a transitional investment in me that will benefit my future success."
Brenda S.
"Working with Betsy has definitely changed my perspective and outlook on my life and the future.
Her ability to zero in on the issue and guide you through a process of healing, has not only been energizing but also a relief. She is a very good listener, which is difficult to be and connected the dots for me in a way that I couldn’t see. Lastly, I never felt like just another client. If you are looking for a coach that is accessible whenever you need that extra input, Betsy is that coach."
Laura T.
"Betsy has given me the tools I need to follow through and keep growing the life I deserve to live.
I was looking for clarity in my life and in my thoughts. I took a chance with Betsy and it has really been beneficial. She was able to put a face on things that I was struggling with and made them understandable. She has a knack for making you feel understood and helping you to understand yourself. The best thing is you find out you are not alone, there is a group of women who are experiencing similar things and we can support each other and learn from each other how to find the path to the life you want. It’s not easy and I have more work to do, but she’s given me the tools I need to follow through and keep growing the life I deserve to live."
Paulette H.
"Someone finally SEES ME!
I want to say something brilliantly impactful (to match your brilliant impact in my day to day thoughts) and I can’t find the words. I spend most of our meetings gobsmacked that after 50+ years of searching someone finally SEES ME!"
Dawn M.
"Betsy is a wealth of information, but more importantly has an abundant heart.
Before joining the Navigate Method, I was struggling with my marriage, but through the coursework and coaching I now realize I was struggling with a lot more internally. Through our work together I now am able to recognize things about myself, communicate my needs, and ultimately show up for myself. As a result, I feel empowered and unapologetically responsible for myself. If you haven't felt this before I highly recommend it;) My favorite thing about the program was the group atmosphere. At first, I had apprehensions about being exposed in front of a group- previous "counseling" had always been 1:1. The group platform has been nothing less than magical relating to other women and drawing into myself. Betsy is a wealth of information, but more importantly has an abundant heart. She has done the homework and we can all benefit in so many ways from what she has so beautifully put together in the Navigate method. The work is up to you.... but she will bring you in front of yourself in the most tender, loving, practical way if you stay the course. "
"Words can not express how grateful I am for the time I have spent with Betsy.
I’ve been a listener of her podcast and set up a breakthrough call to gain clarity and right away knew she was someone I needed to work with. The shifts I have made in such a short amount of time has been incredible. She is the best listener, the kindest soul and she somehow knows what I need to do and how to get me to the action. This takes particular skill and she has it. During the program I’ve achieved goals I’ve been wanting and thinking about for years and in such a short time she was able to clear things up that had been a problem for a long time. Working with Betsy has been life changing. It gives me so much hope and so much direction for the future!"
"I have known Betsy online for years through her podcast and community.
I was doing the personal work to make my dreams a reality- reading the personal development books, filling my mind and ears with positive messages, diving into therapy, and taking action. Yet there was something missing- I felt stuck and so confused. If I was doing all this work why wasn’t I seeing results? Enter Betsy. I joined The Rise after our call because she was able to pinpoint what was missing in 30 minutes time. Her intuition mixed with expertise was just what I needed. It was a big commitment yet I saw it as an investment in my future self. I’ve never regretted the decision. In 2 months of working with Betsy, I was able to bust through blocks, heal stories and wounds, create more momentum and action than I had in years, and KNOW in my soul where I was headed. Betsy is the perfect blend of science, spirit, intuition, and relatability that has allowed me to not only move closer to my dreams but to know that they’re achievable. With my whole heart, thank you Betsy."
Cindy H.
"I first started listening to Betsy’s podcast, The Art of Living Big.
She was helpful, intelligent, and down to earth. She was not preachy at all and that was a huge plus for me! After listening to her free training, I was invited to schedule a call with Betsy. I soon realized that I wanted to have more contact with her and learn from her. Betsy has so much knowledge and is continually learning to better help her clients. She is also extremely generous with her time and talents. She is so encouraging and genuinely wants the best life for everyone. She provides a new way of looking at your circumstances, helps you figure out your blocks and how to push through them, and then come out on the other side with the life of your dreams. You just have to believe in yourself, Betsy, and the process."
Lori A.