363: Hello again, snakes & getting older!


In todays episode, Betsy is back on the show and has updates on living, dreaming and getting older.



Welcome to the Art of Living Big podcast. My name is Betsy Peik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big.


Hello, fellow adventurers. It feels so funny to be back. It feels like. How does it feel? It feels sort of like when you haven’t seen a friend in a long time and you pull into the coffee shop and you’re like, oh, my gosh, that’s what it feels like. And also a little nervous. I’m a little nervous. Hi. Hi.


Welcome. Hi, everybody. Any new folks that are listening? Hello and welcome. I have been doing this show for seven years and I took a short hiatus. I don’t know, maybe like seven weeks or so. If it was seven weeks, that would be kind of cool because I’ve been doing this for seven years, but I’m so excited to be back and I’m so grateful for the time. I have to tell you, the first couple of weeks, I was like, this feels like such a release, like such a relief to not have to be thinking and coming up with stuff and really fitting the recording into my schedule because it had gotten really busy and so just having that space. But then the longer time went on, the more I was like, oh, I really want to come back.


I really want to connect with everybody and share some thoughts and things that are going on. So I have so many things to tell you and some magical, wild things to tell you, too. So if you’ve never been here before on the show or you’ve just listened to a few episodes, we’re a little sciency and a little believe in the magic of the spirit. So a little touch of both to kind of bring some balance into this experience. So, as I always say, take what works for you, discard the rest. I am on the journey with you and I am learning along the way. And so, so many of the stories and things that I bring to the show are really things that I have been learning, things that I’Ve been experiencing. All right, so let’s kind of dive in here.


I’m getting settled in my new house, so if you’ve been here for a little bit, you know, I bought a new old house, like almost a hundred year old house back in May. I moved in in June, and there was a million things to fix and do and I feel like I’m finally getting a little settled. Do you guys know who she did? I should look. Let me look. Hang on. Okay, so she’s a film producer, and she has made a lot of movies that you’ve loved, like the holiday father of the Bride. Okay, so when you think about that, you probably have the father of the bride like house in your mind, right? Or if you watched the holiday, did you guys ever watch that? It’s like one of my favorite Christmas movies, the Holiday. You remember the interiors of the houses.


So the holiday, they switch houses, right? It’s Cameron Diaz and whatever her name is. Sorry, but the point is the interiors. So as I have been putting my house together and I’m nowhere close, but I’m keeping Nancy Meyer’s aesthetic in. It’s actually. I kind of feel like maybe it’s starting to work. I’m typically not a super great decorator, but I do my best. So Google Nancy Meyer’s aesthetic and you’ll see what I mean. But with the holidays doing all that layering and different textures and highs and lows, and it’s actually coming out and looks really, really pretty.


So it’s been a really fun season to be in the new house, the new old house, and getting to set it up and decorate it. If you’re here because you have been following along with my reels recently or just kind of recently found me because of my program navigate, I’ll tell you that this past weekend, my ex husband. So I am married, and I’ve been married almost eleven years. My ex husband, I got divorced when my daughter was four and she’s about to turn 22. So he was bringing her out on Saturday or Sunday to look for an apartment. And they were looking all in, like, the area near my house, which was great. Is great. And so they stopped by.


So my ex husband hadn’t been to my new house because there was no reason to. Since my daughter’s grown, it’s not like he’s picking her up on the weekends or anything. And he was so excited to come in and he was like, this is so cool. It’s so charming. It’s got a lot of little quirky things and nooks and crannies. Because it’s an old house. The reason I tell you that is because he’s my ex husband. He gave me a big hug, happy holidays.


Walked all around the house, checked everything out. I think he opened the refrigerator, said hi to my husband, gave me a big hug goodbye. And I’m so grateful for that. I’m grateful for that. Setting up my life in a way that that could be my experience with him instead of conflict or feeling weird about it. I was actually so excited that he liked the house odly. I was like, oh, yeah, I’m so glad he liked it. It made me really happy.


So, anyway, little story about the holidays in my house. Okay, so here’s another big thing that’s been happening, like, the last four months or so. I am going to tell you something, and you have to decide for you if this is right. So I’m not a doctor, and I’m not making any kind of medical advice to you, but I realized I was having a lot of weird symptoms. I was talking to a girlfriend, and I was saying, like, I have weird things that I don’t have. I’m talking about perimenopause. Okay? So I’m 52, so I’m like, I have weird things. I know.


Absolutely. I had weight gain from perimenopause, and I think I had felt kind of low. And I think that I was starting to feel like I’m kind of low. Like, my mood is low and almost, I’m going to say, like, a sense of apathy about things. It really made it hard to get excited about work or even doing things with friends. I just didn’t care. And I was finding myself trying so hard to conserve my energy because I felt like it was such a limited resource. So if friends would reach out and say, hey, let’s jump on a zoom and say, hi, I would be like, I can’t.


I just felt like I didn’t have anything else to give, and I was so exhausted. And maybe 2018, 2019. I had went through a period of. A lot of exhaustion, which, looking back now, I know that was my perimenopause, like, kind of kicking in. And, I mean, I couldn’t figure it out. Every day at, like, 02:00 I’d have to sleep. I was so tired, and I was trying to figure it out. I got health coaching.


I did all the things. Okay, all right, so fast forward. Recently, I’m talking to a girlfriend, and I’m like, I have these weird things. One of those things is my ears were itching, like my ear canal. I know that’s weird. I’d wake up in the middle of the night, and I felt like my ear was wet. I had just taken a shower, and I do not have night sweats. I don’t have any of that stuff.


The normal stuff that you would think about with perimenopause. I don’t have. So it just never occurred to me that this was, like, a big thing in my life, right? My cycle is pretty regular. I mean, off and on right now, but in the beginning when all this was going on, so I was talking to a girlfriend, and I was like, I’m having this weird things, like my ears, which is a strange thing to tell, but I was having a friend conversation, and then she was asking me, what about this? What about this? I was like, yeah, what about this? Oh, my God. What about this? Yes. And she was like, those are all perimenopause symptoms. Like, obviously, you know, you’re in perimenopause. You’re 52.


And I was like, I think that I knew that perimenopause happened, and I think I knew that I was at the age, but I don’t know that I thought it was happening to me. I know this sounds strange, but maybe this is you, too, right? And so there are so many signs that you don’t even notice, like, things you don’t even realize are perimenopause. So your ears doing that is actually a low estrogen thing. Waking up in the middle of the night. I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked about waking up in the middle of the night. I wake up at, like, 03:00 a.m. And people have messaged me and told me all kinds of hacks, and I’ve done things that I think have helped a little bit. One of those things was, like, taking magnesium and vitamin D in the morning.


I was really trying. Anyway, my girlfriend’s like, yeah, it’s perimenopause. Get some hormone replacement therapy. Now, I remember years ago, that was a really controversial thing. Like, there was a lot of data on it that wasn’t safe. Anyway, what I found for me was that a lot of that data, don’t, please. I love you so much, but don’t message me and tell me not to take it. I have done my own research, and I’ve talked to my doctor.


So do your own research. Talk to your doctor. And if it doesn’t align, don’t do it. But I will tell you that it changed my life. It changed my life. I’ve been taking it now for, like, four months. I have not felt this much energy in years and years. I feel so good all day long.


My ears don’t itch. I sleep like a baby. I mean, I sleep all night long. Low estrogen will wake you up. And I am feeling so great, and honestly, within, like, two days, I felt great. I went to a place online, and this isn’t an ad, I don’t get anything, but I went to a place online that I took a test. They asked me a bunch of questions. I got to meet with a doctor, and then they prescribed it, and they just mail it to me.


So if that is you, if that sounds familiar, go check that out. Because I feel like that is my PSA that I want to tell every woman that I talk to. Like, have you looked at this? Because so many of our internal processes run on hormones, right? And having our hormones in a balance that works for us. And so if you’re wondering if you’re having weird things happen but you’re not having the traditional things, I’m using air quotes, like, traditional things like night sweats, like, I don’t have hot flashes. I don’t have any of that. I’m not losing my hair, but I had other weird things. So look that up. Look that up.


Okay. All right. So now here’s the part. That’s the woo woo part of my show, what I have to share with you. So I have really, over the last couple of months, I mean, I think a huge part of it is taking the HRT, right? And there’s lots of new science on that. So if you are thinking in your head, check out the new science on that. And I say new. Within the last 1015 years, I had a lot of things happen this year.


And if you’ve been here a while, you know, I had my nose surgery in March because I couldn’t breathe through my nose. So I had a really bad deviated septum, and I had that fixed. And that kind of set off a series of issues with my teeth. I have cracked a lot of my teeth from clenching, and I have a mouth guard. But when I was healing from my nose surgery, I couldn’t wear the mouth guard, and I cracked a bunch of my teeth. So I had that, and I was dealing with all that. And then we were getting ready to move into our new house, and we had a huge flood in our apartment, if you remember that. And then we got here, and the roof didn’t have any support beams.


The crawl space only had two support beams. Like, we had to do a lot of structural work to our house. It’s a really old house. And then when we got into the house, the carpet was disgusting. You didn’t know it smelled so bad. So we had to replace all the carpeting before we could really move in and get settled. We ended up having to replace, like an entire bathroom. It was like one thing after another.


You know how it is when you buy an old house, especially. So one thing after another after another, and it was taking a lot of my energy. So it’s right around this time that I started finding the HRT, but I’m like, oh, my God, this is so overwhelming. I’m trying to work. I’m trying to basically be a general contractor for my house and I’m exhausted and what is going on. And I spent a lot of time really trying to decide what I wanted. And after I started getting the HRT and I started feeling better, I really dove in. Like, what do I really want? How do I really want to impact the world? And I’ve been doing this work for a decade and kind of doing it in the same way and having the show and having a lot of the things in the same way, but I was feeling so different.


It was almost like trying to put on a pair of jeans that didn’t fit anymore and you were trying to jam yourself in them and get them buttoned, but you were just like, these are not my style. And I was really contemplating some big things and asking a lot my spirit guides, like, can you please help me? I would sit and I would just say to my unconscious mind, show me what I’m not seeing over and over again. And I would ask my spirit guides to guide me. What is it that I’m supposed to see that I’m not noticing? And I hired a couple coaches because I believe so deeply in coaching. And I ended up landing in a coaching program with a coach that I had used back in 2019. His program just aligned with what I wanted and I decided to go back. It was a huge investment, but I knew that when I figured out this thing that I kept asking spirit to guide me with, when I knew what it was, how I was supposed to move forward, I knew I was going to hire him, his company to help me make it happen. And so I hired a couple of coaches to help me get a lot of that clarity.


So many times we can’t see through our own stuff. It’s blind to us, right? That’s why it’s so helpful to have a mentor or a coach. Okay, so I’m getting to the story here. So I got a lot of clarity and kind of went through my own process. Like, what have I gone through and what have made the biggest impacts in my life? What are the biggest shifts that I’ve had? And for me, that big, huge shift was that leaving my husband and coming back. My goal was never like, I want to get divorced. My goal was I can’t live like this. And so that process of leaving, having that time to explore and heal some things in me and have experiences, I had several people that reached out when I posted about this and said, two years ago, I left my husband.


That was one a reel that I did. And so many people were like, oh, my God, I didn’t know. And I was like, you don’t listen to my show. I talked about it, right? So if you guys have been here a while, you remember that I was talking about it, that I had left and it might have been just like little mentions of it, but it was nothing that I ever wanted to hide. The goal wasn’t that I was leaving my husband. The goal was that I was finding what brought me joy. The goal was that I was healing the things in me that were creating the reality that I had. The goal was that I was getting in touch with a next level of me and it was one that didn’t align with who he was.


And so how do I want to move forward in my life separate from my relationship, but in my life? So that experience was so impactful. So as I was kind of going through that, I was like, that was such a big, huge shift. And I know what I did. Right? I know what I did. And so as I was talking through it with the coach and we put together the program that I call navigate, which is the navigate method, which is this methodology of going through this process, right? Okay. So I get this clarity. I have the clarity. I know what I’m going to do.


I hire my coach because I knew that was going to be my next step right before I decided to hire them. Like, I sent an email and said, I really want to work with you guys again. And I talked to one of their coaches and we talked through it. She sent me a link to sign up and I clicked on the link and I hovered, right? I canceled out. I went back the next day. I was like, I am not going to click this link until I know that I am fully, fully aligned, until I know that I’m ready, right? And so one night I had a dream. And it was one of those dreams that was so clear, so much clarity, and it felt real. Very real.


In fact, I would argue that it was real. And I’ve had many of these dreams over the years since my mom and grandma had passed. When I was in college, I kind of started to have these and it’s not very many a year, a couple a year. So when they happen, it always feels kind of special. But this particular dream, I had been really going through some changes in my personal life and friendships and things happening. And I had this dream that this man was standing there, and he was a really big guy, like a football player big. His face was round and kind. Kind, but almost no expression.


And he was talking to me. But I noticed his mouth wasn’t moving. It was like we were just telepathy talking back and forth. And he took my hand and moved me away from where I was. And he said to me. And again, telepathy, telepathic. He said, did you know that was there? And I looked down, and I had, like, a kangaroo pouch almost on my body, and there was a snake head sticking out straight up. And I said, yes.


I looked down. I said, yes, and looked back at him, and he said, I’m going to get it out. And he reached down and kind of had his arm curved, his arm reaching down. And then it was like he stopped. And he said, there’s more. So he pulled almost, if it was like a figure eight. So he went down the first circle. Do you know what I’m saying? Pulled his hand out, went down deeper, and pulled the whole thing out.


And what I noticed was that it was this gelatinous snake. It was not dead, the snake, but almost. And it was bumpy, like a brain on the side that was facing outward of the pouch and flat against my body. He pulled it out like a jello mold. Right. Pulled it out, and he said, it’s a boa constrictor. And I said telepathically. I knew it was a boa, but I didn’t know it was constricting, okay.


And then it was gone, and he was gone. And I woke up, and I felt so different. But here’s the thing. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It’s like, all I thought about, you know, this whole thing going around recently with, like, what’s your Roman empire? That the snake, a gelatinous snake. That’s my Roman empire. A boa constrictor that I knew was a boa, but I didn’t know it was constricting. Like, how weird.


And so it’s all I thought about. I noticed I felt so light and things that I would have been thinking about changes in my life, I really didn’t think about at all, which was so strange. I felt really focused. I knew exactly what I wanted. I felt this huge release. And again, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every morning, that’s the first thing that was on my mind when I’d go to bed. I’d think about it.


I would ask, please come back. Please come back. Please come back. Like that guy. It was so calming, like a sense of peace I’ve only rarely felt. Only a few times in my dreams. I told my friend Trish from episode 208. She was like, it’s one of your guides.


We have specialty guides. I guess he was the gelatinous snake remover guide. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And then I got to the point where I was like, was it real? So now I’m like, two weeks in, was it real? I don’t know if that was real. Maybe that wasn’t real. It felt real. And then I was on our neighborhood Facebook page. Okay, so our little neighborhood.


And I don’t live in a subdivision. I live in Atlanta. So I live in the east part of Atlanta. East Atlanta. So if you look at Atlanta, I’m just to the east of downtown. I’m in Atlanta. Okay, so it’s all old, old houses, because it’s not subdivisions. It’s not new houses.


It’s old houses. Okay. So inside this little Facebook group for my little area, and every area has its own little, you know, like Brooklyn and Queens, and you know what I’m saying? So, Atlanta. I’m in Kirkwood. So I’m in the Kirkwood page, and someone posts a photo of this giant boa constrictor in their backyard and says, whose boa constrictor is this? Oh, my God. And everybody was like, oh, my God. There’s a boa constrictor in Atlanta. Like, what? Where’d that come from? And I was like, that was my sign.


That was me telling me, yes, it was real. It absolutely was real. And why would we think it wouldn’t be? Just because it’s not something that we can see. Look, it’s the holidays. We believe in Santa for so long. We believe in Jesus. Many people do. Many people believe in God.


I think Santa is a good warm up to that. But we believe in something that we can’t see. We believe in hope. We believe in faith. It’s an important muscle to have to believe things that we don’t see. And it was such an important lesson for me because the places that I’m going, the things that I want, the impact that I really want to have, I have to believe. I have to believe it even if I don’t see it right now. And when I do.


That is when it will become real. So I hope that you’re happy I’m back. I’m happy I’m back. Thank you for listening. Thank you. If you’re new here, I love you so much. I’m going to try to come back every week, but we’re going to kind of see how it goes. I’ve really focused on building something and helping a lot, a lot of people, and it’s working and I’m just staying in that space.


So thank you. Thank you for being here. I love you so much. If you share the show and you put it on Instagram, please tag me. I want to connect with you and appreciate you being here. All right, I’ll see you next week.


Hey, thanks so much for listening to today’s show, and thank you for sharing.


The show with your friends. I love when you guys do that.


I appreciate it so much. And thank you for leaving me a review on iTunes. I know that it matters because when I go to find a podcast, I always look to see what the reviews are. So it really means a lot to me that you take a minute to figure out how to even make that happen. Now, if you want to find me, find me on social media. I’m usually on Instagram starting out on TikTok. It’s just my name, Betsype. And that’s my website, too, betsype.com.


And you can find out all about the work that I do, having me speak for an event that you might be helping to plan or getting trained inside my alchemy institute. But to make it really easy, if you want me, just shoot me a DM. Shoot me a direct message on Instagram.


And I will be at your service.


Thanks again for listening, and I will.


See you all next week.


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.