083: Transform your mindset workshop


In this episode, I share with you a workshop I did this past week on your conscious brain and unconscious brain. We dive into how your unconscious (or subconscious or ‘fast thinking’ brain) gets programmed. 

In the episode, we dive into our regular patterns and how that fast thinking brain actually has a direct effect on if we are able to make changes, hit our goals and see things in a new way….. OR if we are TOTALLY unable to see things differently. 

Listen in to hear what I mean!  This episode is great for anyone who is struggling with change or wants to create something new in their life this year and wants to better understand the science of their brain to have the best chance to do that.  You can watch the video, instead of listen in on youtube.  

If you’d like to see the demonstration I talk about, head to the youtube video and go to 17:14! 

If you’d like to know more about The Infinite Soul Project and the special Masterclass, you can find all the details right here! Enrollment ends February 4th!


Welcome to the art of living day. I’m your host, Betsy Pake, and this podcast is designed to share interviews and new ideas to help you redefine what could be possible for your life.

Now, let’s go live big.

Hey, everybody, welcome to the show. Before we get started, I wanted to talk to you about

this month’s book for the live Big

Book Club.

And also recap last month.

So last month, we read the Four Agreements. And if you go to my webpage, if you go to Betsy Pake calm right on the front, it’ll say, podcast book club, if you click there, it’ll give you the information on each book. And for last month’s book, I had some questions or, you know, sort of like topics that we could discuss around. And I invited people to leave me a voicemail through the website, or to shoot me a message, something I could talk about on the podcast. But here’s what happened. A lot of people read the book, and a lot of people really loved it. And I got a lot of really great messages. Only one person told me, they would actually jump on the podcast with me, and we were not able to coordinate schedules. And I get that, because if you’re not used to having your voice out there, like you might not want it out there. But I think everybody had really good experience with it, and good feedback. And so here’s how I want to proceed with the book club. If it’s okay with you. If you have thoughts and you want to discuss

the book,

go to my website, click on podcast book club, and click on last month’s book club. And from there, there’ll be a comment section. And let’s do it that way. Let’s start a discussion.

And then

I can talk about the discussion in future episodes when we go through future books. So I hope that works for everybody. So if you want to leave your feedback about what you thought about last month’s book, please go there, leave your thoughts, I’m going to be in there talking back and forth as well. And hopefully we can create some good dialogue in that comment section. Now for February, we have a new book, and it is Gabby Bernstein’s judgment, detox. This is her latest book. And remember, if you’re not a reader, or you don’t have time to read, I totally get it, you can get that book for free on Audible. If you go to audible trial.com, backslash live big. And then you can download that book for free, if you’re not an already an audible user. So hopefully, that will help. I hope you guys like that book. I’m super excited about it. I got it on Audible. And I’ll probably buy the hardcover too. And I’m excited to read through that one. It’s it sounds like a really good one. All right. So on to today’s show, today’s show, we are going to do a little something different. I did a workshop this week online. And I’m going to try to do these every week, you can go to my website and just get on the email list. And you’ll get notified of when those happen. But it was a really interesting group and dynamic. And we had some great questions afterwards.

But in

that workshop, I talked about the brain and how it really works with creating the world that you see, and a little bit about cognitive illusions. So I want to share that workshop the audio with you. Because so much of it was really just audio, I want to share that with you on today’s episode. Now there is one point where I talk about a visual, and I’m going to put that visual in the show notes so that you can see it. And I hope that you like this, I hope that it kind of spurs your thought process. to think a little bit differently. We’re gonna be talking about national mindset training. This is really meant to kind of give you a new way to look at every single day as you go along. There’s going to be some things that maybe you’ve never heard before, and maybe a few ideas that you have, but hopefully you will hear them in a new way today. So in the workshop, today, we’re going to cover how your brain works, and why you actually see the world that you do, and why you might see the world differently than like your friends or even people that you love. I’m going to talk about some ways to leverage some tools that can help propel you if you’re kind of stuck in a rut or you just want something new in your life. And this as we were just talking about the moons This is the perfect time to do it. Just a time for newness and to have changes in your life. And I’m going to share with you sort of a special format that I go about to make big goals a lot more manageable. And I know if you’ve been on anything that I’ve done before, you’re like Oh, she’s gonna go over the chase framework. I’m not, I’m not it’s something new. So and then there’s going to be an option for you if you want to learn more. All right, so if you’re here you probably know who I am. I’m Betsy Pake. I’m an NLP coach. NLP stands for neuro linguistic programming. Really basically that is neuro which is your brain linguistic which is your words and programming which is really learning the language of your mind. And I’m a author and I podcast host of The Art of Living big, I’m a mom, I’m a wife, I am a conscious seeking being many things. But if you’re here, you probably know me. But what I’m really all about is making your life work on a whole new level. And I hope that what we covered tonight will really help you make that shift. Now, I want to tell you a little story. This is my daughter all of this pictures from about four years ago. And if you listen to my podcast, you know this little story, but my daughter had my old cell phone, you see, that’s like an iPhone five that she has there. And she was in seventh grade, she was at school, and she dropped her phone and didn’t realize it, and somebody else picked it up. And she thought she knew who had it, but they didn’t give it back to her. And they didn’t admit that they had it. So we had no proof. But I became obsessed, like, I couldn’t stop thinking about this phone. And then you know how it has like a tracker on it. So I started like email or texting it. So I knew that the kid that had it was getting my text messages, I could see he was reading them. So I swiped the phone clean. And I just started pinging it and following it and we got in my car. I know this is not the wisest thing to do. But I knew the kid I knew who it was right.

So got in the car,

we drove to the apartment complex where he lived. And there was a huge, like, you know, like a field but like brush and a little like river kind of thing behind the apartment buildings. But it was put up, there was a huge fence in between and part of the fence was like a chain link fence. And part of it was this huge stone fence like high high high, like I mean, I’m not very tall, but it was much higher than me. And I could hear the phone, I knew where it was, but I had to get over the fence there was like this huge block right to so that I could get to what I needed to do. And so at the time, I owned a CrossFit gym, and I was like I’m gonna scale this wall. And I mean, I had my fingers in the grooves I was, I got my first muscle up, I think and I got over the wall. And I was so like, excited. But when I got to the top and looked down, it was actually way, way further down than it was on the way up. And like there was no way I could have jumped, I would have broken my leg. And so all of a sudden, I saw my daughter walking towards the phone, like on the other side. And I was like, Well, how did you get there? What are you doing? And she said, like four feet down, there’s a opening in the fence, there’s like a doorway. And I was like, Oh my gosh, so I had to jump down. And it was that moment where I was like, you know, am I not seeing something in other places in my life, that could be way easier. Like if I just turn around and look at it a different way. Or you know, if you’re in your home, and there’s a fly and the fly is like right up against the window and you can hear it. And you know, it’s about to die, and it’s doing everything it can and putting all of its struggling all of its energy into getting out the window, and you keep opening the door being like the animal lover, I’ll open the door, and I can’t figure out why the fly won’t just turn around. And it could be so much easier for him, there could be such a better way. And so maybe there’s an easier way for you to. And so that’s what I hope we touch on I hope that it spurs something in you tonight that makes you say, wait a minute. There isn’t a simpler way if I could just not keep banging up against that window. So are you struggling right now you can’t seem to figure out what would make this shift. Or maybe you have something that like there’s nothing huge struggle, but you just like to improve things in your life. Well, then you’re in the right place. So that’s some good news for the night, you’re in the right place, we’re gonna really get into it tonight. Now, one thing that I know from working with people one on one is that anytime that there is a struggle, anytime there’s something that’s not going right, it is almost always like 99.9% of the time because of a belief that they have. And so if you think about like people that win the lottery, you know how the statistics on people that win the lottery, and then they lose all the money, right? They continue to have the same patterns over and over and over again. And we’re going to talk about that. And it’s not because they they got money, but they don’t keep it because of their belief systems about money. So I believe that there are clues to this in the words that you use. So when you’re talking when you’re saying things when the expressions that you’re using, I think it’s all clues into how how you’re really thinking and what your belief systems are. All right, I’m going to stop sharing for just a second because I want to make sure I’m I want to see if I can see the chat. Because I want to

make sure Okay, cool. So

no questions. Everybody can hear me. Okay. Right. I’m going to assume Yes. Since there is nothing funky in the chat. Yes. Okay, cool. All right, perfect. We go back.


So these clues, I think are in our words. So the things you say are really a window into what you actually believe. I think I’m able to see the chat and I am. Okay, cool. We figured that out. See, that’s a is an awesome day. Okay. Oh, enjoys here. Yay, hi, joy. All right. So the things that you say are actually a window into what you what you believe. Now, I want to share with you a concept about our thinking systems in our brains, we have two thinking systems. There’s a really great book called Thinking Fast and Slow by Michael Kahneman. And basically what he describes in this is that we have two brains, we have a fast thinking brain, and we have a slow thinking brain. Now, our slow thinking brain is really the thing that you think of as like your conscious brain. So it’s your planning brain, it’s your thinking brain, it’s like, really who you think you are. So as you are sitting here, right now watching this, you know, making decisions about what you like, and what you don’t like all of those things that is actually going to be that conscious brain, that slow thinking brain. Now, we also have a fast thinking brain. And the fast thinking brain is pretty awesome. It is the the search and fetch, and I’m going to explain that it is the automatic rich, reptilian brain. So it’s, it is the thing that’s helping you breathe right now. So you’re not thinking about how you have to breathe or not breathe. It is actually the thing that have you ever driven to work? Let me know if you’ve ever driven to work. And then you’ve got to work and you’ve been like, Oh, my God, I don’t remember driving, right? Is that ever happened to you? So that is actually that fast thinking brain? Yeah, right. So it’s the fast thinking brain, it is the thing that just works automatically without you having to do any work or think about it at all. But what you might not realize about your fast thinking brain, although that sounds really great. And breathing without thinking about it is pretty efficient, and nice to have. But what you might not really realize is there’s actually a voting system. So there’s actually a voting system happening in your brain every single time, you have a thought you make a decision, you get an image in your head, you have a memory, anything that happens, your brain is having a huge voting system, behind the scenes. And it happens just like that, just like in an instant. So they’re fast thinking brain is actually using all of your past experiences, to help decide what to bring forward. And I’m going to explain what I mean by this. So here’s an example. I want you to just listen to what I’m going to say. And then I want you to tell me what you’re thinking when I say it. Okay, and approached the bank. So what’s the image that comes up in your mind? Write it in the chat, let me know. If you had an image and approach the bank, what is it mean? What am I saying? And I think this whole concept is why we can think so differently from people and walks up to the bank. Yeah. So you’re thinking like a woman walking up into a building? Yes, exactly. Right. So a woman walking up a bank robber was you first. Okay, that’s super interesting. Yeah. Okay. So what some of you might have thought of that of a woman walking up to an ATM or walking up to a building. But the thing that I’ve found been working with people, and I share this same sentence, and they live near the water, what they have as an image is a woman coming up in a boat coming on to the shore. So yeah, so a woman walking into a huge stone bank, right? So

it depends, right? So it there was a voting system that just went on in your brain that came up with the thing. And some of you just said, a woman walking into a bank, like just what you said and walks into the bank. Because that was the only possibility for you. That was the only thing that made sense. And I’m going to tell you why that is. Now I want you to just do one more thing just to get an image in your head right now of a lion. All right, so some of you thought of this. And if you I’m going to just guess like if you’re a mom of little kids, you thought of this. Now, neither. Nobody’s right or wrong. Like it all is just a story. It’s all just like, what is what’s coming up in your brain What is your brain sees as the most important now think about your fast thinking brain. It’s your reptilian brain. is the thing that’s really what is its number one goal is to keep you alive. And so it has to come up with an image that you have taught it. So I want you to notice a couple things about and as well as about the lion. So that came to you as a whole image. So if you thought about a woman walking up to a bank that it didn’t like pixelate in, right, it didn’t like drop down in a weird way. You didn’t get like slices of it, you didn’t see the woman and then see a bank, or you didn’t see like the lions paws, and then the lions face like it just came to you as a whole image. And those images weren’t combined. So, you know, you didn’t see a woman with an ATM in our boat, pulling up to the shore. And you didn’t see like a lion doing something weird, like you just saw the lion, right? You didn’t struggle with it. You didn’t go oh, my God, like, I’m not sure does is it this image or this, that you just got an image in your head, it just happens automatically. And so now the difference between your fast and your slow thinking brain is that there can’t be any contradiction. So if you think about this, from like, an evolutionary perspective, and I walk through a field, and there is a tiger in that field that wants to kill me, if I’m walking through that field, and I hear a sound, and then I see the tiger, every time I hear that sound, my fast thinking brain is gonna bring up an image of a tiger for me. And if you think of that, from an evolutionary perspective, it’s to keep me alive. So think about your life right now, think about something that’s happening now. And you have someone in your office that drives you crazy, and they wear squeaky shoes. And then you meet someone else that has squeaky shoes, and you just can’t figure out why they drive you crazy. Well, think of it from an evolutionary perspective, it is your fast thinking brain working really fast to try to help protect you. So it’s always on. So this thing never shuts off. That’s not coming, keep breathing. So it’s not, it’s not shutting off. And it’s actually really helpful. Now, if you think about the fast thinking brain is going to respond to every single thought that you have all of them. So it’s going to respond to the thought that you have that says, I feel really good today. I’m an athlete, I make good choices. It’s also going to respond to the thought that you have that says, I’m worthless, I can’t do this job. Nobody respects me. It’s thinking, and it’s listening to all of that. And it’s putting it into its system to decide where it’s going to go in the voting system. And that’s how come if you are thinking some negative things, I’m going to keep going with this. But if you’re thinking things, and you’re in a meeting, and you’re you think, Oh, I could say this, I have something to say I have something to add, but I’m not going to because your voting system goes, Ah, no, no, no. Remember, you’re really stupid. You told us that this morning when you were brushing your teeth. So my fast thinking brain is responding to all my thoughts. But here’s the thing is that it’s it’s not always correct. So now I think you’re probably like, what, what do you mean, it’s not always correct? Like it is my fast thinking brain? It’s my reptilian brain. I need it. Of course, it’s always correct, right? So wait a minute, if my fast thinking brain is showing me things that represent things in my world,

then, and it’s not always correct, then could that be that my reality isn’t real? Could it be that what I think is happening right now around me? And what I think my situations are and what I think my predicaments are or my problems or how I see disagreements, what if that’s not totally real? Now, I’m going to explain what I mean. It’s one of your highwall wasn’t real, right? You didn’t have to scale the wall. It’s not even real. There’s a doorway for feet down. What your brain does is it actually adds and deletes and changes things to try to help you. And that’s right, what I just said it changes things to try to help you you’ve probably heard that like your brain deletes things, right? You’ve probably heard that you’re receiving 4 billion pieces of information every single second. So look around you right now. I bet you that you have something around you. That’s red, right? But you didn’t notice it when I was talking and I said 4 billion pieces, because that wasn’t in your focus. You weren’t paying attention to that. But now you look around you’re like yeah, there’s lots of stuff. Your brain was simply deleting all of that. Yes, billion with a B There’s a lot of pieces of information. Do you know how many of you actually process? So I’m getting 4 billion bits of information. That’s how many I can process 2000. So then doesn’t it start to make a whole lot of sense of why you could see something totally different from somebody else, and even somebody else that you like, or somebody else that you love or care about, because you’re taking in different bits of information. So your brain has to adjust because it can’t take everything in. So it has to have this voting system to decide what to take in, what to believe what to give you back, and how to make other considerations. All right. I want you to take a look at this image. And I’m going to show you something and you might not like it. Do you see those two yellow dots? Oh, whoops, hang on. I might have to let me just do it this way. Cuz I think I might have to do it this way. Yeah. Okay. So now here’s I’m going to take a color picker, I want to show you that the gray square around those yellow dots is actually the same color. So you see that yellow dot, and there’s the colors for the gray square around it. And there’s the colors for the gray square around that. So I know you’re like, whoa, wait a minute, those aren’t the same color. Those are two different color Gray’s. So I know you’re like Betsy, you’re probably like playing a trick on us. So I’m going to go ahead and drag that up. So they’re right next to each other. Whoa, trippy. Right. Look at that the same color. But what’s happening here is that there’s a pillar there, that green pillar, and my brain understands different concepts and different ideas about light, and shadows. And so in it, so it creates this illusion, right? It wants to be able to make sense to me, right total matrix moment. It wants to be able to make sense. It wants to be able to put things in a way that I can stay alive. Because if there’s a shadow, and I need to understand that there’s a tiger there, then I need to really understand I need to be able to see things in a way that my brain thinks is going to protect me. Now, just because you we know that that’s wrong. Just because you know that the gray was the same, it didn’t change the way you saw it. Look at it again, you can’t even make yourself, can you make yourself see that those are the same exact color you can’t even do it doesn’t work. So what if I told you that we have cognitive illusions to

so you know, all those goals you have? And all those plans, all those things? those resolutions, those things you’ve been trying to do? Maybe you’re not able to do them? Or maybe you struggle with them not because you’re not trying hard enough? Not because you don’t want it bad enough. But maybe there’s an evolutionary process that was creating your experience. So fast thinking isn’t a judge. It’s not going, Oh, Betsy had a new resolution. And so you know, we got to all work together to make that happen. all it’s doing is taking in the information and it’s there to assist. So what could be the key? What could really help us with this? So how can you retrain that fast thinking brain? How can you use it so that it actually assists you, instead of holding you back? This, this, my friends is my favorite favorite work. This is what I love with my one on one clients because I can identify the thing and really dig into it. And it’s so fun. So I’m going to share with you some ways that you can shift and start to train that fast, that fast thinking brain. And then I’m going to show you how you could learn more if you want to learn some more. So here’s the good news. The good news is that programming your fast thinking brain is really easy. The bad news is you’ve already kind of screwed it up. You’ve already programmed it all sorts of ways that probably aren’t benefiting you. And you might be programming it right now without realizing it. And so when you can start to become aware of this is when you can really start to take much bigger leaps in your life and start to really carve out new things for yourself. Now, some things are not possible.

Being positive 24 seven is not possible. Always being on like I’m always working on myself like not possible. Contrast actually has a purpose. Now contrast is what I call problems when I have a purpose. problem, I think of it as contrast, and that has a purpose, its purpose is to help my brain identify what i do want. So when I have something crappy happen, I can go, you know what I don’t want that fast thinking brain. And it becomes even more important in my voting system, when there’s a high emotion attached to it, you know, what else makes it higher in my voting system, when there’s repetition, so if it’s something I’m always doing, always doing always doing, it’s going to rank higher and higher and higher and higher. I want to tell you a quick, a quick tip that isn’t in this but about building a habit. Because this, this ties into this. So you know, I had a tie, I always use the example of when I was trying to drink more water. And I use this example because it’s so solid in my life now that it’s interesting. So I really wanted to drink water before I drink my coffee in the morning. And so I have habits, we all have habits, what we do in the morning, I you know, I get up and I’d go to the bathroom, I pet my dog, I brush my teeth. And so what I did was I moved a water bottle right next to my toothbrush, so that as soon as I brush my teeth, I saw the water bottle and I went, Oh, I gotta walk, I got to drink my water. So every night I would fill up my water bottle, put it next to my toothbrush in the morning, I had a trigger, which was brushing my teeth, and I would see the water bottle. Now it didn’t take very long before that was so routine that was happened, the repetition happened so much that now if my water bottle is not there, I’m like, Oh, where’s my water bottle. So think about the things that you do all the time. Think about the things like you’re like, I ate the second cookie, I’m using that as an example. I don’t know, if you eat the second cookie, I made a really amazing cake for my husband for his birthday. And like I ate a piece on his birthday. And then yesterday I ate a piece and I was like, Oh my gosh, tonight I really wanted a piece but I was like I’m the emotion is high because it tastes really good. And now I’m adding repetition. And when the cakes gone, I’ll replace it with something else because it will become a habit. So I had to completely stop going, No, this is painful. But I’m just going to delay. When I delay, I’m moving down the voting system. So just a little thought, but it actually helps you define what you want. Right. So having that contrast helps you define what you want. So I’m not saying that you can do everything that’s going to be perfect. Or everything’s going to work out exactly the way that you want, once you know how to work with your fast thinking brain. But where you are right now, where you are right now can be an incredible starting point for all of this life change. So this can be huge, especially, you know, we were kind of talking before this started about the moon tonight. So you know, it is a huge opportunity for you to be able to make changes right now. So let’s start right here, right where you are. I’m going to give you two ways. Although I just told you how to break a habit and build a habit, but two ways you can retrain your brain. So let me ask you this, and right in the right in the chat, let me know if somebody asked you are you the creator of your life experience? What would you say? Like are you actually create your life experience? Or does it just sort of happen to you? Anybody have a thought on that? Yes. All right. Yeah. So you create your life experience. So absolutely,

yes. Okay.

Yes. So we all like to believe that we are actually creating our life experience that during the day, right, I’m trying to be more in the driver’s seat, I want to be in control, I want to, I want to actually be, I like to think of myself as a creator. Now, somebody asked me this not long ago, they said, Betsy, are you creator of your life? And I was like, Yes. And they were like, Well, how do you start your day? And I was like, I mean, like, so I told him my morning routine. And so I’ll ask you, and just think about it, like, how do you actually start your day? Right? Like, what do you do? Do you have a specific routine? So what if I, what if I told you that your fast thinking brain doesn’t know what to expect? When you wake up in the morning, you’re almost like a clean slate. You know, I talk a lot about vibration. And that’s really like your emotions and where you are on the emotional scale. If you’re like in a high place where you feel really good, and you’re like you’re out to go and greet the day. But your fast thinking brain needs to know what to expect. It needs to understand what you want to have out of your day. And so the number one thing that I would say is every morning, spend some time imagining. Now some people call this visualization and that’s different. So I’m not talking about like, visualizing your day, your dreams and all of that stuff I’m talking about actually imagining. So in the morning, you can, when you wake up, you can lay there for a couple minutes, if you want, you can do this while you get up and brush your teeth and do all of that. You can do this while you’re getting your pets fed or feeding your family or whatever you want to do, as long as you have time where nobody’s talking to you. And you can actually walk through your whole day. Now, I actually like to segment my day, this is abraham hicks thing, and I really love it. And I use it with my imagination. So in the morning, I think Okay, so what do I want to have this is what’s happening in the first part of my day. Now with a segment, what I think of as a segment is anytime that I’m doing something, and then when I transition to do something different, so I’m going to explain mine, but you can be thinking about yours. So in the morning, I have a time where I get everybody ready in the morning, like feed the pets, you know, I help my husband get off, I do all of those things with my kid getting her ready.

That’s my first segment. And so when I lay there in the morning, I imagine everyone’s in a really good mood, oh, everybody’s going to be so happy today. Because think about my fast thinking brain is going to be like, ooh, everybody’s happy, I have to search for happy moments, right? I have to, that’s what my brain is going to focus on. So I think everyone’s really happy, it goes really smoothly, it’s really easy for me to make good healthy choices in the morning, I feel energized, I feel really well rested. So I’m telling myself what I want, then I have a morning routine. And I’m going to describe this next part where I do something called scripting and I do a meditation and I do a few other things. So I imagine what that’s like how that goes perfect, right? If you’re in traffic, imagine like, the traffic just flows, I don’t have any issues. Or if I do have issues, I don’t even really notice because I feel so good. And I’m focused on other things. And you know, I get to work. So each time there’s a new segment, I imagine what I want to happen. And I just you can do this so fast. I mean, it can literally be five minutes, where I’m going through this segment, this segment, this segment this segment. And what that’s doing is training my fast thinking brain, so that it’s always looking for the thing I told it, it’s almost like if you plant a trellis in the garden, and then the IV grows up the trellis, your brain wants to know what to do. And if you don’t tell it, it’s gonna do what it knows from before. The next thing is secret scripting is my secret weapon. Now scripting is not journaling. I talked about this in a podcast last week, scripting is actually where I have a journal and I one thing that makes me really happy is really good pens. So I have a little box of pens, and I take my journal and my pens, and I write out what my future is as if I’m in the future now. So for example, this morning, I wrote out tomorrow morning, how happy I was at how fun this workshop was and how everything was so easy. And the technology worked. Like I write out what is happening. So I spend time every single morning, writing out your future. Now some mornings, I like to write out like if it’s four months from now, like what I’m doing or what I’m thinking about or, you know, being on a vacation or whatever that is like I actually will script out whatever I feel like. And so this is where we start to really think about like our intuition. And like, you know, you’ll feel like that gut feeling like, what do I feel like what makes me feel really good to write about. And that’s what I write about. It could be a page sometime it’s five pages, it depends. And you know, you’re scheduled to depend on what you have for time. But I think writing it is really powerful and having it in your own handwriting. Now, you know, I think that there’s times when we’re stuck in traffic that can be really useful. And so maybe it’s that you’re, you record it on your phone, and then you just listen to it as you finish your drive. So do what works for you. But I feel like this scripting can be really, really powerful in telling your brain what it is you really want to have. So here are the keys is that you have to write it as if it’s already happened. write it as if you are in the future. So I’m not writing like, I can’t wait until like I write like, gosh, I’m so grateful that was so simple. You see what I mean? So you write it as if it was exactly how you would want. Your brain does not know the difference between you actually having an experience and you thinking about an experience. I did a podcast a couple weeks ago on how the chemicals in your brain actually change when you have that vision, when you start to create that vision, it actually changes the chemicals in your brain. And that’s how thoughts become things because these things come to you because your chemistry is different. So you can listen to that if you want a little bit more about that. But the key is, right it like it already happens, right? it like you are in the future and exactly how you would walk, we have about 90,000 thoughts a day. But about 60,000 of them are the same as yesterday. So if you think about that, if I’m always thinking the same thing, like no wonder my life is pretty much the same every day, like year after year, does it really change that much? like think about your life? Does it really change that much? It’s because your reoccurring your thoughts. And your fast thinking brain only knows to do what it’s been trained to do. So we have to retrain it and you can retrain it by doing the imaginating and doing the scripting, give yourself some new thoughts. So here’s another thing is just start to become aware. Now, awareness, this, this can take a little bit of time, and this is an ongoing thing. But if you can start to become aware of the things that are happening, and the things that you’re thinking and the words that you’re saying, the thing is, is that we’re really lost in it as we go throughout our day. If we’re not actively trying to figure this out, then we’re lost, we don’t even notice. So what I want you to start doing is I want you to start noticing your words. And it’ll be words like when you say things like should or ought to, or must, can, it’s those kinds of words that will be like triggers that those are little clues into something that you believe. Now remember what you believe might not be real. It might just be what your brain has created as a cognitive illusion. So when you say like,

I, you know, I shouldn’t I should work out. I should, I should do that. That’s when I go Okay, well, why should I? What’s my, what’s my real belief system about that? Well, my belief system is that if I don’t do that, I’ll get fat. Do you know that my brain is constantly It is my body is biologically programmed to listen to my brain. So if my belief system is that if I don’t work out, or I skip a day, oh, my God, all I have to do is smell a doughnut and I gained weight. Have you ever heard anybody say that? Dangerous, my friends, listen to your words, because it sounds silly. And it sounds like a joke, I get it. But if that’s something you always say, that is something that’s actually changing the chemistry inside your body, because your body is programmed to listen to your brain. So start to notice those words. Now, here’s what I use, I use an app called chime.

chime is a

chime is a little it’s a little green app. It’s literally nothing. It’s like a little green. There’s no bells and whistles to it. But it chimes and you can just set it up so that it chimes. Like if I, when I do this, I set it up for every 15 minutes, but you can set it up for any interval that you want. It’s free. Okay, so chime. And I actually will have it ding every 15 minutes. And I’ll say what have I been thinking about? Like when I’m really trying to make a change? What am I thinking about? And that sounds really silly, like, oh my god every 15 minutes, you will be surprised how many thoughts you have and how many reoccurring thoughts you’ll only need to do this for like two days. And you will know what your repetition is. Get a note card, keep it in your purse. Every time you think of something that’s repetitive, you’re noticing it, write it down, so you can begin to keep track. Now I’m going to show you what I want you to do with all the stuff that you write down. So because when you become aware, this is when you can start to shift. If you’re not aware, you can’t shift it. So the first step is really becoming aware. So sometimes I’ll work with people and they’ll say I’ve only been trying to keep track. I haven’t shifted anything. Just understanding and becoming aware is huge. That’s huge in the leaps forward for you. That’s one of the hardest parts. So I want you to double check your fast thinking brain. So ask yourself like what is true? So Gosh, is that true? So if I don’t work out today, if I smell a doughnut, am I really going to gain weight? Like Is that true? And I want you to find what I call shine blockers. So we are built to shine. We are I believe we are bodies that contain a soul that is imperfection. And you are, you are so so worthy of all of the things that you want to have and see and be and experience in your life. But you’re blocking them yourself, you’re blocking your shine. And if you can start to notice these things and notice these words and write them down, this is what I want you to do. So at the end of two days, you’re going to have a list on this little note card of all the little things that you notice you say? And I’m going to say like people say things like,

here’s one on Facebook, have you ever come on now I know you’ve done this, because I’ve done it, I’ll see somebody that’s been to the beach, or been like on a vacation or they’ve been to Europe. And I’ll think to myself must be nice. Have you ever done that? So what is that really saying? I mean, those are just words. But what is it really saying? That’s good enough for them? But I’m not good enough for that. Right? That’s basically what it’s saying. So that’s what I would do is I would write the thing that I thought that’s holding me back. So what’s the thing I thought must be nice? What’s the evidence of the truth? So I just take a piece of paper and I put a big line down the middle, and I write down all the things that were on my note card, and then I say what’s true. But what’s true is, of course, I’m good enough to go on vacation. I could do that. I’m just making other choices right now. Right? So Oh, my gosh, I am so stupid. I can’t believe I did that. Right. So that’s what I would write. What’s the evidence of the truth? Well, no, of course, I’m not stupid. I’ve got a college education or a high school education. I mean, I have made it to the webinar. I have the course you’re not stupid, right. So all of these little things you’ll notice you say to yourself, I’m going to tell you one of mine from the other day I have these yetis that my mother in love has given me that I love and I drink from them all the time. I always have yetis all over here. And I drink I drink and I drink. This was like two weeks ago, I dripped some on my shirt. And you know what I immediately went, Oh my God, you’re so stupid. Like I actually said that out loud. Like, ah, so stupid. And I was like, Oh my gosh, if one of you all were in my house, and I dripped on myself, and you said I was stupid, I’d never invite you back. But I was talking to myself like that. And my fast thinking brain is thinking and noticing that. So I need to write down immediately. What’s the truth? What’s the truth. So begin to train your brain. So you have the option to be able to do this, you, you will notice just the small tips that I shared just today will start to make a huge impact on how you start to see things. So if you want to learn more, I have an opportunity for you to learn more, I have something called the infinite soul project. So this is a online course that I made. It’s so fun, but I’m doing something a little bit different. This really dives into all of this stuff in a whole lot more detail. And I feel give me a moment to share it with you. And then I have something else to share with you. So I’m running a special This time, I’m actually doing it as a live masterclass. So, you’ll still get the online course forever. But this time, I’m going to do it with a thing like this, but more like where I can see you too. And we can talk so that I can actually coach you through more things because there’s more I have to add and more things to share. So here’s what’s in it. I’m run through this really quick. So module one is really diving in even more to what we’ve talked about today with the fast brain slow Brain Stuff. And then I get into you know that Have you ever seen the secret with the guy that says thoughts become things he’s the bald guy, he’s actually who trained me with this Mike Dooley. And I really go into what you’re really thinking, I teach you how to become aware how to deal with negativity, and how to get beyond the vision you have right now for your life. And then the module three, I go into your belief systems. So why do you actually see the world this way? Like, is it true? And I show you how to see the past and how to start to shift that and discover new things with your words and your actions. And then I go into emotions, which is so fun. So really about what your emotions really mean? Is it tinted by your beliefs and how you see the world and how you can really adjust your perceptions and create a new reality. And then I go into action. So one of the things I think the secret really leaves out is action. But I really like inspired action. And that to me is totally different than just like making lists and doing stuff. So I really get into that. And then instincts and hunches. So, you know, I think we all have like a sixth sense. And I really get into that how you really can help and that’s one of the things I’d really like to do in the live class two is to dive more into that how to really know when to listen to your gut when to listen to your intuition and how to do that. And then I talk about faith in the magical universe. Like why you need Have faith and surrender and how to actually gain momentum towards things you want. And then the last part is the meaning to life, which doesn’t everybody want to know, the meaning to life? And I guess I tell you in this module, but what is it, I talked about it and I share some ways that you can start to know for yourself. So with the bonuses for the master class, there’s a resource library where I have tons of resources that you can get into, if you want to keep learning more afterwards. And then I want to do the zoom live coaching session. And that’ll be recorded if you can’t be there live. But I’m really excited about that and hope to have like a big group, I think it would be really fun to dive into stuff. You’ll have lots of questions after going through some of the modules. And so we’ll go through some of that.

So, okay, I’m interrupting, I’m interrupting this recording. So I really just finalized that whole workshop the other day by answering questions. So if you want to see the thing in its entirety, I have it on YouTube, and I’ll put a link inside the show notes. But here’s the thing if you want to join and you want to join the infinite soul project in the masterclass, please do. We’re going to be starting on February 5, but if you’re listening to this, and it’s well after some time off into the future, I I still want you to come and join us the course is always there and I am going to be running it as masterclasses you know at different times, so it’s really so fun. So there is a special if you’ll click on the link within the show notes, you can get this special for this masterclass. So I can’t guarantee that that price will be there if you’re hearing this in the future. But I’d still love to have you join us it is a ton of fun and it’s so it was such a such good fun to actually create the content and make it for y’all. So thank you so much for listening to this week’s episode of The Art of Living big. It was awesome to have you here today. Thanks so much for spending some time with me today. You can find me all over social media at Betsy Pake or on my website at Betsy Pake calm and as always, here’s the little message from my husband.

That’s it.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.